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fabriceunko last won the day on March 21 2020

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  1. Thanks Nitfox. I offer you a beer for sharing .. thank you again ..
  2. Interesting, but I do not see where to put your code .. you should know that I am very new in this manipulation, I use the foundation skin
  3. I confirm this should be interesting, and could be an option in cubecart. Hopefully someone good looking posts a hack.
  4. Hello, I am translating into French all the sentences that are not translated. What is the file to recover then to send it to you And upgraded to version 1.0.3
  5. hello, anyone to test? Because it doesn't seem to work for me or the process seems very long
  6. the same thing it does not appear anywhere on the site
  7. Hello, I updated my signature for the forum but it does not appear. there is always the old? how to do? I just found, there is a difference in the profile and the signature. thank you
  8. hello, I am interested in this skin but do you have a site where I could see the difference with a standard foundation?
  9. hello, actually there was an error message, which referred to my email template. my fault I did not think to go see. I corrected my model and it returned to normal. thank you for being our thought to us small user without much knowledge.
  10. Hello, I am under cubecart 6.2.0 and I have just seen a problem on my site. When I do forget password in order to reset my password. nothing happens, I have a blank page that appears and I do not even receive the mail. What does it take to have a track for repair?
  11. Hello, will you have the address of the site to see the result? I use a lot of semperfi plugin. but I hesitate with that one. thank you
  12. here today the captcha is toggle off to see capture While normally it is set to invisible and suddenly I end up with messages in Russian on my guestbook
  13. Hello, for the moment he has not returned to off. I have the keys 'site key' and 'secret key'. I wait to see if I have ink Russian spam that arrives. in fact I have users who write in Russian on my guestbook and gives links, their ip addresses indicates Russia. I put their ip address in security suite tab ip address banned and I wait to see if it's back. Thank you for your help I do not yet change the code you specify .. I wait
  14. Hello, no I do not allow the change of skin, and I use the skin foundation
  15. Hello, on my side I am in 6.2.0 and I have the same problem, if I rule in invisible recaptcha and I save, I empty the cache, 24h / 48h after the setting this automatically turns OFF and suddenly I have my guestbook filled with comment of Russian spam.
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