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Everything posted by peterp

  1. Hi Ian, That is totally correct no changes and the SMTP works fine on 5.2.5 whereas when the same configuration is used in 5.2.7 it fails, the next thing is change the email settings and guess what works fine but doesn't suit the environment that we use. As far as trying on a linux environment the remote server is just that and that is why we have this issue, it does not work using ver5.2.7. I spent all last weekend implementing custom changes to a live site only to find at the end it failed, I then spent the next day and half checking every change and upgrade to find that all was ok. I have checked the php versions and they are the same the only change I have done locally is reinstalled the ioncube. The version we are using of PHP is 5.4 What I'm saying is that cubecart ver 5.2.7 is no taking into consideration SMTP irrespective of the environment it is run in. Regards, Peterp
  2. Hi Ian, Thanks for you input it is always appreciated, we have had no problems in the past with the configuration we had. We use the same configuration in the live sites and have had no problems sending or receiving emails and all of the sites we look after are using the same setup and its only when we do the upgrade from ver 5.2.5 to ver 5.2.7 that we have this issue. The setup for SMTP has been proven as this is used in our email provider with no issues. All of the necessary parameters have been setup and it still fails and as you can see from the error log it cannot find the appropriate CLASS. I don't think any of the SMTP parameters would change this. thanks Peterp
  3. hi convict, I am having this problem and I downloaded your classes.zip file and restored them to their original path but I still have the same problem occurring, so what have I missed. Below is my recent testing: This has got very confusing however interesting, I have done some extensive testing between versions 5.2.5, 5.2.6 and 5.2.7 and have found that in the store settings on the admin page for the advance tab and email setting for the sending method is set to 'SMTP' then it seems to fail. Below is php_error_log C:xampphtdocswerevr4x4accessoriesShopclassesrequest.class.php on line 255 [04-Feb-2014 06:12:14 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Class 'SMTP' not found in C:xampphtdocswerevr4x4accessoriesShopclassesphpMailerclass.phpmailer.php on line 1142 When I change this setting (Store Settings>Advance Settings>Email Sending Method) to be PHP Mail() Function and change nothing else and then test the shop front it all works as expected. In Australia we use 'SMTP' as a sending method so therefore we need to have this fixed has anybody got any clues as I do not know where to go next. Is this the same bug? How do I use your fix any help will be helpful regards, peterp
  4. Hi Al, I am having a few problems with the new version 5.2.7 and this is just one of them, I have changed the code as you have suggested and the same message is displaying the PHP I am using allows for mycrpt. Do you have any suggestions as this is on a live site and it may be causing my other problems of not getting a payment gateway screen after the last checkout has been selected. Best Regards, Peterp
  5. Hi all, Thankyou for all of your comments, I was not looking for any free software from anybody I was under the impression wrongly or rightly not sure, that it is one licence 1 user, from everybodies comments I can setup a localhost ( for each client using my individual licence key. That is I could have 1 client with a address = http://localhost/company1/shop and a 2nd client with the address = http://localhost/company2/shop etc using the same licence key all on the same PC (we use windows) is this correct or do I have it wrong again? The individual clients will have their own licence keys and will have live sites using their individual servers. I do not want to have a hosting capability myself as there are specialised companies that I can use that have the necessary expertise and are better at it than I would be. Once again thanks for the feedback very much appreciated Best Regards, Peterp
  6. Hi all, I have a web designing and eCopmerce company that recommends Cubecart as one of its products to our customers, however it is becoming more and more frustrating that when we are asked to modify the Cubecart product there are certain applications we cannot access unless we have a license. We don't want to use the customers site for research and development of their site as this is live and their customers don't want to be bothered with half working online stores. So is there a way that we can have a full localhost site that is registered to us without having to buy a new license for ourselves everthing time we get a new client. We have a localhost for every new client and at the moment we use the demo version this is OK for some but we are finding increasing differcult to work this way when we have go to applications that can only be seen if you have a full license. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Regards Peterp
  7. Hi Everybody, I have a client that has a requirement that is similar to the wish list cart in Amazon, basically my client's customers will be notified that a product is due for release in the future and they are encouraged to place a pre-order for this item, no money changes hands when they order it but eventually they will be required to pay for it. I don't won't to use the 'pending' status but this will get confused with orders that are 'pending' for normal reasons. Is there any way that we can have a 'pre-ordered' status capability? I see this would help my client in 2 areas. 1. My clients stock ordering process will be simplified as he will know is pre-ordered commitment. 2. My clients customers will order as normal but the order will have a status of 'Pre-Ordered' attached automatically because they have ordered the product from a 'Coming Soon' Category. Has anybody had a similar problem and is there a solution. Best Regards, Peterp
  8. Hi Everybody, Is there any way of turning off the upgrade error that occurs in the dash board. I'm not saying not to upgrade I just want the option to leave well alone on a working site until it is necessary Best Regards Peterp
  9. Hi Cicki, Sorry about the delay on replying to you I have had some other issues that need my immediate attention. Anyhow if you go to this website ( Regards, Peterp
  10. Hi Brian, Yes you are right the demo version exhibits the same problem when we try to run it on the XP windows machines. The version IE that I'm using is version 8. The latest version of IE is version 10 I think I might give this a try and see what happens. Interesting enough I have tried google chrome and the graph appears so it seems that it might be an IE issue, what do you think. Best Regards Peterp
  11. Hi Brian, Some more interesting information, I decided that I would try another computer which is running windows 7 and you guessed it the chart appeared, so I then tried an apple ipad and the chart appeared, I then tried on the computer that was not displaying the chart using IE browser I used Mozilla and the chart appeared this computer was also running windows XP service pack 3. So I then tried another site on the XP computer using IE and the chart didn't display. So are you confused now, I am. So it seems that the chart is not displaying on computers that are running windows XP using IE but will display the chart when mozilla is used as the browser. So are there some settings in IE and/or XP that have to be set so as to get the chart to display????? Thankyou for your patience and best regards, Peterp
  12. Hi Brian, I'm now totally confused, when I run cubecart ver5.2.4 using the internet explorer browser I don't get the graph, however when I run it using the mozilla browser the graph now appears what is happening. I have even tried using the compatability switch for IE and that doesn't help
  13. Hi Brian, All the calls that you detailed are being made except for the last one that is not be called is this and issue. Also this particular site is new and there is no sales as yet, however nothing is displaying not even a red or blue line or any axises. Thanks for yopur help and best regards Peterp
  14. hi Brian, With reference to your question in reply 2 the client has gone from ver 5.2.2 to ver 5.2.4 and now they don't even see a blank graph they see nothing. The upgrade went well and there was no errors so have I forgotten something or should I have to setup something up to get the google graph apps to work Rgards
  15. Hi All, I have just upgraded a client to the new ver 5.2.4 and now when they log in the Sales graph on the dasboard does not appear, have I failed to do something or is this new functionality. Hope somebody can advise and hankyou in anticipation
  16. Hi cicki, I'm in Australia and we use MebourneIt for hosting multiple clients and have been able to install cubecart from ver 5.2 through to ver 5.2.4 without any problems. As far as support is concerned I have found that you need to get onto australian support if you can as it seems that all the other support centres don't know much technically. hope tis helps peterp
  17. well Brian, This is not such a silly question, when I checked I found that the program had not been transferred to the remote site as you suggested, once again you have come through thankyou. And by the way I do feel like an idoit.
  18. Hi all, I have just started trying to install cubecart for a client and when I try to run setup I'm presented with this error message : Warning: require_once(/home/wwwpremi/public_html/shop/ini.inc.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/wwwpremi/public_html/shop/setup/index.php on line 2 Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/wwwpremi/public_html/shop/ini.inc.php' (include_path='.:/opt/php53/lib/php') in /home/wwwpremi/public_html/shop/setup/index.php on line 2 I have looked on the internet for a solution and one solution was that the wrong ver of php was in use i have checked the ver of the php we are using and have found it is ver 5.3 so not sure where to go next. This has stopped the installation in its tracks and as you can image the client is anxious about their install Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
  19. for those interested, The answer to my issue was that I had go through the postcodes and make sure each range or individual code was on a separate line. I know the documentation says that you can have them separated by commas but in my case this seemed to cause my issue. It could be that the postcodes were copy and pasted from an excel spreadsheet. It seems to be working as expected now.
  20. Hi all, This is what I'm trying to do using all in one shipping. My client has a courier which has a matrix of different charges for different weights for different postcode ranges. I have setup in the All In One Shipping Module a zone name and then country and then setup various ranges of postcode and then within this zone the shipping rates are setup for the various weights (see Below) Zone Name/Description Countries States/provinces Shipping Rates Postal codes Vic Melbourne Overnight Australia 3000-3048 3050-3058 Shipping Rates 3090-3207 NSW Sydney Overnight Australia 2000-2048 2052-3058 Shipping Rates 2077-2200 The shipping Rates for the above matrix looks like below Method name/description Shipping Price Order Weight Limits Actions Melbourne Overnight 20.00 0,000 - 20.000 Melbourne Overnight 25.00 20.1 - 30,000 Melbourne Overnight 30.00 30.1 - 50.000 Melbourne Overnight 35.00 50.1 - 100.00 Sydney Overnight 20.00 0,000 - 20.000 Sydney Overnight 24.00 20.1 - 30.000 Sydney Overnight 35.00 30.1 - 50.000 Sydney Over Night 40.00 50.1 - 100.00 What then happens is that when I create a customers order whose postcode is 3195 the select shipping part of the checkout list all zones irrespective of the postcode but it does seem to select the correct range for each zone. the postcode 3195 should only fit into one zone and the weight which was 4 kg should have been $20.00. The expect result was Melbourne Overnight $20.00 because the post code fell between 3090-3207 of the zone name "Vic Melbourne overnight" My question is have I setup this All In One Shipping incorrectly or have I completely missed the point as to the functionality of this module. Any help with this will be appreciated as the client wants to go live within the next couple of days and this is now critical.
  21. this issue has been corrected, it turned out to be the hosting company doing maintenance on the version of php. reverted back to previous php and alls fine now.
  22. Hi all, I have changed the permissions to 775 of the folder called files on my remote server and ever since I have been unable to get anything from Cubecart in either the admin page or the shopfront, they just show a blank screen no logon at all. I even changed the folders permissions back to 755 but that didn't help. This is very urgent as the client is expecting to see a demo soon so please can somebody help me. Does this mean a complete reinstall of cubecart
  23. Hi Bsmithers Sorry it has taken a long time to respond but I decided revisit your suggestion and when I entered the suggested code correctly it seemed to solve to issue I also believe that the coupon should not skip to a new page is there any way we can prevent this happenning. Your suggestions will be appreciated and thanks for the continued help.
  24. Hi Bsmither, I made the changes you have suggested but unfortunately this caused a completely no display at all. Was I supposed to remove the '{if !empty($order.notes)} or was I just to add the new line. The other thing I tried after resetting the coding to the original was to enter multiple product lines and a discount coupon to see what the result was. The result was that there was a legitamate 2 pages, but there was also a extra page break and that I think was caused by the discount coupon as that was on the 3rd page. Maybe we should be looking at the discount coupon is the one causing the problem. Otherwise is there a way of increasing the page size in length. This is causing some grief as you can imagine, thanks for the help happy to experiment some more
  25. Hi Bsmithers, I checked the print preview as you suggested and yes it shows 2 pages and it only prints the order receipt number on page 2. Therefore I tried another order to print and this time it the order had a coupon on it and this caused the order invoice number to be printed at the top of page 2 then the company logo and the return address and then the discount code that was used. I have checked the shrink to fit and still have the same problem. It just thinks the page is shorter than it really is so if we can lengthen the page this should solve the problem and only print the 2nd pages when it absolutely needs to, that is lots of items on the order/invoice. Hope you can help me.
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