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  1. seems in CC6 customer get too many emails from us Seems that customer gets 7 emails from us with every order a confirmation of ordera confirmation that their order is booked inconfirmation of order processedconfirmation of payment receivedconfirmation that order is now completeand this is on top of any email they get from paypal if paying paypaland the email they get from courier companyI understand last 2 are out of our hand but can someone suggest how at least first 2 can be combined and stop "order processed" email?
  2. we was recently hacked. someone placed code in controllers folder file to redirect google traffic also a suspicious hook added Can someone help me with some specific questions: 1)is there a security patch released since 6.0.0 version 2)is it possible to secure "admin" folder using htaccess and htpwd method? 3)is there a way to allow only few Fixed static IPs to access admin panel Many Thanks, Ash
  3. We've had a couple of people saying that the quantity doesn't update if you try to update the quantity at checkout, that it just reverts back - I think this is because people are not noticing the update basket button at the bottom. They just enter more quantity and click on checkout Is there some way we can make it so that it automatically updates basket when they change figure? OR add a update button on side of each of quantity input type? OR track someway which say you edited quantity but does not click "Update Basket" we are OK to do custom coding,but looking for a shortcut or get start help
  4. we are using plugin https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/payment-gateways/sagepay-form#fndtn-documentation version 1.0.0 (I see 2 new versions available but nothing major was changed) My question is : which version of Sagepay protocol this plugin uses as sagepay people says we need to upgrade to 3.0 before 31st July ,see https://www.sagepay.co.uk/support/find-integration-document/migrate-to-v3 any help will be really appreciated,can we contact Plugin/Module author?
  5. We noticed, Agree to TOS is available to only new users when they place first order or guest checkouts (see attachment) we need this option must be checked for any orders (Like old users login and placing order) is there a setting or shortcut to do this without custom code?
  6. 1 of reason is problem in CC6 ,so management is worried we are loosing customers (see address issue thread https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/49493-address-cannot-be-saved/?page=2#comment-209071) Another is we have loyal wholesale customers (not retail users) ,so all of them should buy if they are coming to website and adding to cart. so abandoned cart stats can give us more info
  7. is there a Module exists (Paid or free) for abandoned carts in CC6 ?
  8. my error_log file has this [27-May-2015 14:40:29 UTC] PHP Warning: Stored session data did not match DB record. Session aborted as possible session hijack. Old IP Address: '' New IP Address: '' Old User Agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.152 Safari/537.36' New User Agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.81 Safari/537.36' in /home/subliprinting/public_html/shop/classes/session.class.php on line 650 is this related to above? How I Fix this? (we have lot of error like this) Problem seems to be users who has saved login since we had CC3 as cookie and now website is CC6 ? is there a way to log out these old users automatically now (making cookies invalid by changing name of cookie etc.) any help will really help
  9. Related question. Now we need an extra Field at time of checkout we need to ask weather they want to include invoice Slip in delivery or not (Checkbox YES/NO etc) any way to make that happen?
  10. Finally our CC6 site go live yesterday after 4 years of living in old times of CC3 and hesitation in upgrading! Everyone likes it! Here is 1 small problem : Old Cubecart 3 used to have an option to give free shipping with a coupon (without giving any other discount),but seems to be missing in CC6 any idea how we can solve this? any third party module or some idea on custom code will help a lot
  11. We need to add a new order status called "Booked In" (which admin set order to after it comes in) and this should be when stock should be changed. I was able to create new order status by giving it code 7 in const PAYMENT_BOOKED = 7; etc, but I need to find file in admin which execute the code which change stocks on admin action any help!
  12. Thanks,issue resolved using http://www.cubecartforums.org/index.php?showtopic=18555
  13. Thanks I was able to fix finally..
  14. I see default order is set to name (ASC) , we are looking to add a "default order" in which products will be shown as decided by admin is it possible someway in CC6?
  15. we are looking for a Module to set "Volume discount by quantity" I know in CC6,I can go and edit each product and set but problem is we have 330 products and no one in office is willing to edit 1 by 1! is there a module or method to edit all of them quickly like a mass edit screen? alternate ,can we give volume discounts by category ?
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