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Everything posted by djcaseanova

  1. Cancel this thread.... Turns out there was a time out error when updating the file list in the file manager. Can't tell if it's my host or my connection! Got it to work
  2. I have a lot of images to upload. So, I have FTP'd a group to the images>source folder. They were all uploaded and all the permissions are 755 as the rest of the images are. When I go into my admin and add/edit the product, the newly uploaded images are NOT present. They are jpg files just like the others. If I upload them through the file manager, the images work just fine.... I have cleared all my admin cache, and still nothing is showing up. I am not sure what else to do? CC5
  3. So I am using CC5 with the en-US language pack. ??
  4. I recently noticed that when I go to my store settings>general and look at the address section, it has a text box for your address. However, below it has text boxes for the zip code and "County". So here in the US, we have zip codes, we have states, and we have under those states, counties. CC uses the term "County" to represent the state if you're in the US. This is no problem, however, I notice that this messes with the formatting of the print forms. At the bottom of the print forms it shows the zip code and the "county" which would duplicate the actual address formatting. For example In my store settings the address box reads: 12345 Address Dr. City, On the print forms the zipcode and state are inputed automatically because of the additional text boxes. My question is, where does this address get used outside of the print forms in the admin area? Does this show on the invoices? Does this show somewhere else? I want to check the formatting is correct. I do not want there to be missing attributes to the address anywhere, but at the same time I do not want it to duplicate the state and zipcode as I originally had it formatted. If this doesn't make sense, I can upload screenshots.
  5. No matter what YouTube video you use, the video will almost always (I haven't seen a YouTube hosted video without one yet) have a "Watch on YouTube" button the video. This will pull customers away from your store and to YT. This does not separate you from youtube associations well.
  6. That would work if it's possible. I attempted to find more about doing this. Side note: Interestingly, in the config.xml I saw that this is actually someone elses mod? I didn't realize CubeCart utilized mods from others in their commercial products.
  7. This did not work. Shipping Method in store and admin still shows as "All in One Shipping" Only noticable change with the above was the breadcrumb in the shipping module admin page. No other changes seen in the store OR in the admin area.
  8. I think I was able to figure it out. So far it's testing okay. Just went live with it and no errors just yet being reported. Is this something that will be wiped out with upgrades? I don't plan on upgrading from 5.2.1 unless it's critical.
  9. Is there a way or a mod that anyone knows about that will allow me to update stock without having to go into each product individually to insert new stock? When I buy in bulk, it would be much easier to enter it from the main product page vs clicking into individual product pages and saving. Anyone??? Thanks
  10. Yes, I read the other threads, but this is a NEW problem, and was functioning without issue up until several days ago. Something had changed. Quick question havenswift... I am looking at your website, do you have comparison charts available comparing your hosting with other top hosts?
  11. Does the store send the notificaitions to the email in the store admin settings or the administrators email? I just noticed they're both the same, but they worked fine since the stores creation. EDIT: You just answered this question. Testing........ This worked... Thanks! Is it normal for this all the sudden to start happening? Never had this issue since the creation of the store. And it's not like an influx of emails would have caused the server to block them. I don't have too many sales or anything like that. So it's strange that this would have just become a problem. bsmither ... you need a donation (virtual tip jar) button on here... just saying
  12. Emails being sent to anything that is not at my domain are being received. If I place an order with a test account, the order goes through like normal. If I change a pending order to processing or other, the email is dispatched and received by the test account email (gmail) from mydomain.com. Emails from the store to the [email protected] are NOT being received. Emails from the Contact Us form are also not being received to [email protected]
  13. UPDATE: I now believe this is because something must have switched on the server level. Anything originating from mydomain.com is now not being received by my email server because it's on the same domain. I definitely need to find a work around. No store emails are being sent. The only way I know if I am getting orders now is because the payment processor tells me via email I have received payments. This is not good.
  14. This problem has seemed to reappear. This time it is specifically NEW order emails. All other emails from the store are sent out and forwarded properly. Let me explain better. I use dreamhost and their webmail system is squirrelmail. New Orders arrive to this server, but the server no longer forwards the NEW ORDER emails for some reason. Dreamhost is of no help. All other test emails do get forwarded to the gmail account I use primarily without any issue. So, my question is, is there a way to change the store email to gmail? For some reason I vaguely remember that the store email settings required the email to be that of the domain that the store is located at. Is there a way to bypass this so I can get my new order emails and avoid the domain mail server all together??
  15. Perfecto! That did the job and looks nice. BUT.... It's not working on the orders.print.ph, it's showing $0.30
  16. I attached a pic just in case it helps.... It's a screenshot of the display. I don't know enough about programming equations and functions to help much.
  17. Didn't work. This time, the display says 0.3 for the total. Which is incorrect. The fee for this total I am working with should read $2.19
  18. I want to change the language for the all in one shipping. I want it to display just "Shipping" or something of that nature. I can not find it in the language file for some reason, and the All in One Shipping specific language file under modules has no settings to change. I don't care what it displays in the admin module, just what it shows in the cart and on the print outs/invoices. Help?
  19. It's a good first attempt. The math equation did not work. It's showing the total and the math equation, not the actual calculation.
  20. Basically I need it to display a math function. paypal takes .30 per transaction plus 2.5% of total. So I need to figure out how to get the math done and displayed so when I print out the packing slips in the admin order thing for my records its there. I'll get exact figures tomorrow.
  21. Is there a way I can add a calculated formula so that it would show the PayPal fee deduction on the order summary page? I keep track of my items in quickbooks and it's a hassle having to go back and forth between cubecart and paypal to gather everything I need to insert into my bookkeeping. Anyone?? Much appreciated!
  22. Does anyone know where I can find nicely created Newsletter templates that will work with CubeCart? I am not a designer or good at making things look pretty to attract people, and I am looking for a simple attractive newsletter design to start pushing the site and new products, etc. Can anyone point me in the right direction??? Surprised these templates aren't something that go around more.
  23. I was finally able to get my taxes setup and I am now charging tax in the store. The problems I am having are quite important to fix as it could potentially cause problems for sales. I get a lot of 1st time customers. When they go to check out they see a state tax as part of their total even though they may not be in the taxable state. When they fill out the information for their address, the tax will NOT disappear unless they click update cart. I believe if they were to check out without updating the cart, they'd be charge the tax. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?? Or is there a way to circumvent this and make customers sign up for an account before being able to check out??
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