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Found 4 results

  1. Disclaimer: I despise Paypal, so I really don't care. I have a question about the Gateway->call() function. When the IPN comes in, all the stuff in POST is used to make a $request, and the answer to that $request is tested to be either 'INVALID' or 'VERIFIED'. Assuming 'VERIFIED', the code then looks at $_POST['payment_status']. If $_POST['payment_status'] is 'Pending', the code calls $order->paymentStatus(Order::PAYMENT_PENDING, $cart_order_id), then calls $order->orderStatus(Order::ORDER_PROCESS, $cart_order_id). The question is: Assuming PayPal's 'payment_status' as "Pending" means exactly that, why is CubeCart setting the status of the order to Processing?
  2. I have been searching for a solution that would automatically set "Processing" orders to status "Order Complete" after an order has been placed. Right now, when an order goes through, the status gets set to "Processing" by default. Then someone has to login and manually change the status to complete before the customer gets their final receipt and the PayPal payment is captured. I found an old post that solves this, but its for an old version of CubeCart. '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> So the solution for the 5.2.8 is done by locating the file order.class.php in the classes folder. Around line 250 locate the following code: $this->assignOrderDetails(); $mailer->sendEmail($this->_order_summary['email'], $content); unset($content); Then add this snippet right above it: $this->_digitalDelivery($order_id, $this->_order_summary['email']); Hope it helps. Al
  3. If you are having the occasional difficulty with a shipping or payment processor refusing to accept data submitted to it, the cause may be due to that data having other than the official two-letter USA state abbreviation. For example, the data submitted may have Illinois, but the processor requires IL. To find the proper abbreviation from the database Geo Zones table, the Addressbook must have the state ID number. Having updated the database from CubeCart3/4's Customer table, which held whatever the customer entered for a state name, the CC5 Addressbook now has those phrases. Also, due to a bug, CC5 may have recorded into the Addressbook, the full state name, or allowed the customer to manually enter something that looked like a state name, from a form during checkout. Instructions are provided on how to repair the contents of the Addressbook table at: http://www.cubecartforums.org/index.php?showtopic=18320
  4. We're having issues with admins receiving Pending Order status'es - the Cart Admin shows there is an Order, but there is no corresponding Transaction Log order. The site processes both Print and Authorize credit card orders - they've had 2 Authorize orders with no Transaction log in the past 3 days, one with CC 5.1.5 and one after upgrading to 5.2.1. Due to this issue and the ongoing "empty cart" bug issue I disabled Caching last night prior to upgrading to 5.1.5 and left it off. Any other possible tips, configuration, hosting variables or other issue that would help?
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