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Will upgrading to 5.2.2 change my modicfications?

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Copy the edited skin folder to a new name. In that folder, the file config.xml will need to have its name changed to match that of the folder.


Clear the cache.


Change the store settings to use the newly named skin. (That should work.)


Update CubeCart.


These are the skin changes between CC521 and CC522. The following is for Kurouto, but these changes apply to all skins (except mobile).

REPLACE lines 200-206:
#documents ul > li:after {
    padding-left: 2px;
    content: '|';
#documents ul > li:last-child:after {
    content: ' ';
#documents ul>li+li:before {
    content: '| ';

FIND at line 18:
  <meta name="keywords" content="{if isset($META_KEYWORDS)}{$META_KEYWORDS}{/if}" />
  <meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />
  <meta name="generator" content="cubecart" />
    {if $FBOG}
    <meta property="og:image" content="{$PRODUCT.thumbnail}">
    <meta property="og:url" content="{$VAL_SELF}">

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Copy the edited skin folder to a new name. In that folder, the file config.xml will need to have its name changed to match that of the folder.


Did you change the name of your skin in the config.xml file in your skin's folder ( in two places where it says CDATA)?

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  • 6 months later...

oh my, now I have royally messed something up. I tried renaming the items above to get the renamed version to show up in admin. That made my site go to a blank white page. So I renamed everything back and the skin showed up, just not all the images. The images stayed in the former named file.  I moved them back but somehow all my images got into the skin folder and before I destroy my site anymore I figured I would try to get a second opinion. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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OK, let's be sure your current situation is clear.


You are at this point using the stock skin again with all of your previous modifications to the skin in place?


(Please note - Images don't get moved or changed in any way in the directions given above for renaming your modified skin.)


SO - you somehow or another moved all your images into your stock skin folder you had previously modified?


Can you give a screenshot of your folder structure that includes your image folder(s) as it stands now (either from cpanel File Manager or from FTP client)?



Also, do you have a current backup of all your site's folders that you can fall back on, if necessary?

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Yes, I am using the stock skin with my mods again. I messed the image files up while I was trying to switch back to the skin. Even my logo image is gone. Some images are still there, and I see those in the files, but I do not see the images in any of the files that are not showing on my site. The logos I see in the www images file.I thought they were in the stock skin, but now I am not seeing them there. 

I had moved the skin file originally accidentally to the public_ftp file when I was trying to restore it back to what I had before I was trying to copy it. The skin copied back to the public html file except the images folder which stayed with the renamed name. I then messed the image file up when I tried to return it to the proper skin file.


I had created a different copy of the modified skin back when I tried to do all this months ago. I think it should have most of the mods I did. It is called mymodcrosshatch.

But I am assuming the images I am missing arent in the skin at all as they shouldnt have been and I accidentally moved the wrong image file from where it should be.


Hopefully that sheds some light, as I am ready to pull my hair out and wishing I had just not messed with updating it. :(

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I tried to paste screenshots or attach a file but it is not letting me

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You have go to the "more Reply Options" grayish button to the right of the POST button to get the choice to Browse and Upload something you want to attach.



I then messed the image file up when I tried to return it to the proper skin file.


That's what I find most troubling, as only the skin related buttons, arrows, stars, etc. images belong in the skin/images folder - not even your own logo would be in there.


Do you have an old backup of your whole site that you can use to get a new copy of the images folder copied back to your store's root? If so, you may need it, but let's don't do any more file moving until it's clear where your images landed, if at all possible.


I'll make a screencopy of MY folder structure so you can compare yours to it.

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I tried searching for some of the missing file names and cant find them. I wonder now if somehow they got deleted but Im not sure how. I have an automatic backup set up with my hosting service, hostmonster. It looks like I need to upgrade it to be able to restore the images file. Would restoring the images file from there work? Thanks

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Ok, I restored the image file from a back up. I now see what should be all the missing image files, in the html and www image-cache folders. The image cache folders in the home folder are empty, and in the ftp folder there is no image folder. I think that is the one I moved incorrectly. But I want to know where these images should be to show back up on my site before I touch anything. The images that stayed on my site seem to be in a folder within the html image cache folder called cache as well as a copy of them just in the images folder. They are showing up so I would think the restored images would as well, but they still are not.

Can you let me know which folder these should correctly be in? Thanks so much, Danee


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The location of your product images folder is NOT in any way dependent on the skin you are using at the moment. Your images should be in the images/source folder. The images/cache folder will take care of itself - you don't need to be concerned about what is there or what is missing from there.


Your images folder looks like it's in the right place to me. The cache images are temporary sized copies of the main image found in source.

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One more question. Attached is the screen shot of my images-source folder in www.

The jpgs in there are the images that I restored that are still not showing up on my site or in my admin images. Do you happen to know why if  they are in there that they are not on the site? I cant seem to figure it out, and other than re uploading all the images though admin one by one can't figure out how to fix my mess up.. Is there another folder they should be in? Thank you so much for your help.


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They SHOULD still be connected to your products, as long as they are still in the database and in the same source folder location they were in originally. This is puzzling.


If you have a large number of products, you should consider using a Support Ticket and see if CC can get things working for you without having to do it one product at a time.

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