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Newsletter not working


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I am trying to send a test Newsletter, however I have tried so many times but have not been successful. It does says the Newsletter has been sent though. I have tried several times on my personal email to send a test Newsletter but did not get any of them.  Not sure if I have configured it correctly. Please advise!!!


CubeCart Verson 5.2.13.




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Can you verify if any emails are getting sent? (from orders being placed)


My initial tests suggest that creating a new newsletter, and then when clicking Save & Send, the new newsletter is saved, but not sent. Only when bringing an existing newsletter back up for editing, then click Save & Send, will the test send actually happen.


This is indicated by the blue Notice header bar saying only that the newsletter was saved versus saved and also sent.

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Further testing shows that CC5213 will have success with a test send of a previously saved newsletter (opened for editing).


To have the admin Newsletters function test send a brand new newsletter, please make this edit in /admin/sources/customers.email.inc.php, near line 73:

if (isset($_POST['newsletter']) && !empty($_POST['newsletter'])) {
    $redirect = false;
    if ($newsletter->saveNewsletter($_POST['newsletter'])) {
        $redirect = true;
if (isset($_POST['newsletter']) && !empty($_POST['newsletter'])) {
    $redirect = false;
    if ($newsletter->saveNewsletter($_POST['newsletter'])) {
        $redirect = true; /***/ $_POST['newsletter']['newsletter_id'] = (!empty($_POST['newsletter']['newsletter_id'])) ? $_POST['newsletter']['newsletter_id'] : $newsletter->_newsletter_id;

Line 82 is where the test send action starts. The function call needs the ID number of the newsletter to send. But, a brand new newsletter does not have an ID number POSTed back to the script. The new code above will test for the POSTed ID number (such as when editing), and if one is not there (such as when adding), will ask the Newsletter class for the newsletter_id of the record that had just been inserted into the database.


Then, the Newsletter class can make the test send.

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Many thanks for your reply. The customers are getting emails for the order confirmation. I did changed the code as well as you said but still no luck. After clicking Save and Send I do get a message saying 'Newsletter saved' 'News letter Sent'. However, I havent received test newsletter on my email. It seems like I am missing something. Is there any thing I need to configure in the emails?



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"and 'News letter Sent'. However, I haven't received test newsletter on my email."


Do you have a friend's email you can make a test send to?


If customers are receiving emails, there is nothing wrong with CubeCart's ability to send emails. As for the email address you are making the test sends to, that email address may have some sort of spam filter.

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I did test on my friends email with no luck. As it is a new store I just realised that the customers are getting only the email from the Payment Gateway which at the moment Paypal for me. So I just found out that the customers are getting only the email from paypal but not from orders being placed. 



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Ah! So we need to learn why CubeCart is not sending emails.


In Store Settings, Advanced tab, what is:

Sending Method? SMTP, SMTP w/SSL, or PHP mail()


If SMTP or SMTP w/SSL, is there an Outgoing SMTP Host you are permitted to use? (Even GMail is a valid host if you have a GMail account. But you need to set up GMail with a certain permission setting.) SMTP User/Pass correct?


If using PHP's mail() function, you need to make sure your CubeCart hosting provider has set your hosting account to do this.


We may need to enable the Mailer's debug mode. I will explain how to do that, if necessary, when you answer the above questions.

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