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[Resolved] Cubecart 6.0.6 permissions


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I put a post up last week because I was adding new products and images to a new web site and the images were not being displayed on the web site.

Somebody suggested there was a problem with the permissions and to get our hosting company to reset them. We did this and the images were then visible.They said they tried doing a permissions reset through File Manager and that did not work so they had to run a maintenance script that reset our whole account permissions.

However, we are now finding every day we add new products and new images, the permissions are getting reset so the images do not display again. The hosting company is now running the maintenance script every day for us until this issue is resolved.

I am adding new images when I add a new product...does this make any difference or should I add all images through the images file manager?

Is there anything else I could be doing wrong?

Any suggestions would be welcome.


Thank you

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Somebody suggested there was a problem with the permissions and to get our hosting company to reset them. We did this and the images were then visible.They said they tried doing a permissions reset through File Manager and that did not work so they had to run a maintenance script that reset our whole account permissions.

However, we are now finding every day we add new products and new images, the permissions are getting reset so the images do not display again. The hosting company is now running the maintenance script every day for us until this issue is resolved.

I am adding new images when I add a new product...does this make any difference or should I add all images through the images file manager?

Is there anything else I could be doing wrong?

A possible cause of this is could be that the php handler that your hosting company uses on this server is not running processes using your account name but rather the user "nobody".  As well as being very insecure (any account that is hacked on the whole server opens up your website along with every other website to being accessed) it also has the problem that files need to be uploaded with world read access.

If this isnt the case and file permissions are being randomly changed then that might be an even bigger problem and would suggest that you need to be getting answers from your hosting company or looking to move to a new hosting company


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I would be interested in a report of what the file permissions are for the preponderance of image file and the folder, including "owner id" and other Linux permission attributes, and what those permissions are for a newly uploaded image that won't show.

"tried doing a permissions reset through File Manager"

CubeCart has a "File Manager", but I think you are referring to something else. I would be interested in learning why that approach did not work, as I would think the hosting provider should not be hosting accounts where necessary changes can't be made by the customer's control panel, and a script such as CubeCart could be blamed for the kirfuffle (which it can't).

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They will probably be talking about cPanel File Manager and a list of some of the files after they are uploaded showing user and group ownership as well as file permissions would be useful.

Changing ownership and / or permissions may not work through File manager if the account doesnt own them which is the problem in the first place but trying to blame an application for the hosting companies poor configuration of the server is pretty poor

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Just as an update...these problems have now been resolved but I can't report as to what was the cause or the solution.

Hosting company tried a number of things re settings etc with no difference. Today the web sites in question have been moved on to another server at the same hosting company and everything is now working fine but nobody seems to know how or why.

Again...thank you for the suggestions

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