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Sub Categories not showing in Responsive for Foundation Template


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Perhaps this is fixed in a newer template but my Foundation template has been edited.  Anyone know why the sub categories aren't showing in responsive view? The user clicks on the category and the sub category files aren't there.  

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Layout in store settings to expand Category Navigation Tree is Checked.  Sub categories show fine on medium and large.  Just not small.  I grabbed an earlier version of the foundation template before they had updates.  I'm thinking this had to be an issue on the older versions of this template.  I'll check in the coding a bit later when I get some more time.  

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I cannot say if this is a design decision by Foundation (Zurb) or by the CubeCart programmers. Nor can I say if this behavior has changed between versions of CC6.

There is a trade-off in the Small layout. If "Expand Categories" is enabled, the Navigation stack will include the slide-by to the sub-categories, it is via the menu slide-by that the customer gets to the sub-cats, and the sub-cat panels will not show. If disabled, the Navigation stack will not include the slide-by to the sub-categories, the sub-cat panels will show, and it is via the panels that the customer gets to the sub-cats.

I can only guess as to the reasoning: don't duplicate data or methods on small devices.

In content.category.php, line 24:

Line broken to multiple lines for readability
<ul class="
{if $CONFIG.catalogue_expand_tree == 1}
" data-equalizer>

So, if expanding is false, then we have a 3-by grid to be shown on Small. If true, then we only get something shown for Medium on up.

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Even Disabling Expand Categories doesn't fix it.  Any ideas? 

I just changed line 24 to show-for-large-down.  Hope that doesn't cause any other problems.  Seems to work.  


<ul class="medium-block-grid-6 text-center show-for-medium-up" data-equalizer>


<ul class="medium-block-grid-6 text-center show-for-large-down" data-equalizer>


Edited by Atechstl
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