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I all dear Cubecart Family.

 My store is located in Florida, USA. the issue is:  when Foreign country customers place an order and they usually use his billing addres and the shipping address FLORIDA,USA so, the cubecart must add 7% TAX by Federal Law but, it uses Billing address for ADD TAX or NOT. 
Please let me know how can I use Shipping address a Taxable option.

thanks for help

Best regards




Thanks for fast reply. let me try to explain how TAX works in USA. if your Shipping address is in the same State where Store is located, cubecart must add Tax, our store only ADD tax if the customer use Miami, Florida Billing Address. 

thanks in advance




I upload and example, If I use A foreing country billing address, and the shipping address is in the same "state" of the Store, it must Add 7% tax, it requirement by federal law. How can i configure the Cubecart for that result.

thanks for your patience




Posted (edited)

CubeCart will apply taxes if the taxable address has matching conditions.

In admin, Store Settings, General tab, find "Tax Customer By". Choose either 'Billing Address' or 'Delivery Address'. Generally, this will be 'Delivery Address'. (CubeCart uses the Billing Address as the Delivery Address if the customer does not supply a distinct Delivery Address for an order.)

In admin, Taxes, Tax Classes tab, add a "Standard Tax" and click Save if this tax class does not already exist.

In admin, Taxes, Tax Details tab, add a Tax Detail: Unique name (such as 'GST'), Display as (such as 'State Tax'), Status is Enabled. Click the Save button.

In admin, Taxes, Tax Rules tab, add a Tax Rule: Tax Class choice is "Standard Tax", Tax Detail choice is "GST", Country choice is "United States", State choice is "Florida", Tax Rate is 7.0, Apply To is checked as applicable, Status choice is "Enabled". Click the Save button.

CubeCart does not (yet) calculate taxes based on any tax region smaller than the State. (For example, Washington state has taxes for city, county, and other improvement zones, collectable from any delivery address in the state. I am working on a solution for that.)

Edited by bsmither

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