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  1. Greetings, I have a similar issue, right after updating the Admin web, the user and password were not recognized, I then tried to get an email, but the new error stated: Admin name or email error. My admin account is not working. I am only able to access the web without admin access. After reviewing the attached images, please help. Note: PHPmyadmin screenshoot thanks in advance Ernesto
  2. HI Forum, I have issue receiving payments thru PayPal commerce, customer not receive the confirmation as order complete but PayPal receive the payment and create the order., PayPal commerce 1.7.2 , cubecart 6.4.2 i look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards Ernesto
  3. It working again after called to Godady, they told me how re activate APC. After try to update de PHP from 5.4 to other the wab goes down again. Would you know how can get the tips for use newer PHP version or is not necesary ? thanks ALL- regards Ernesto
  4. Hi All, After I EDIT global.in.php the web are working again but now I receive a text saying: Notice: Use of undefined constant ‘file’ - assumed '‘file’' in /home/hdvparts/public_html/includes/global.inc.php on line 13 Please Help. Thanks so Much!! Regards Ernesto
  5. I upload and example, If I use A foreing country billing address, and the shipping address is in the same "state" of the Store, it must Add 7% tax, it requirement by federal law. How can i configure the Cubecart for that result. thanks for your patience regards Ernesto
  6. Thanks for fast reply. let me try to explain how TAX works in USA. if your Shipping address is in the same State where Store is located, cubecart must add Tax, our store only ADD tax if the customer use Miami, Florida Billing Address. thanks in advance regards Ernesto
  7. I all dear Cubecart Family. My store is located in Florida, USA. the issue is: when Foreign country customers place an order and they usually use his billing addres and the shipping address FLORIDA,USA so, the cubecart must add 7% TAX by Federal Law but, it uses Billing address for ADD TAX or NOT. Please let me know how can I use Shipping address a Taxable option. thanks for help Best regards Ernesto hdvparts.com
  8. dear forum, Just few days ago the cubercart start not processing orders and custemer advice me that after try to checkout, the web page says> This page isn’t working www.hdvparts.com is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500 I'm using FOUNDATION PHP Version 5.4.45 Please Help. hosted in GO DADDY
  9. Hi, please help. My cubecart after press Checkout. ver PHP Version 5.4.45 skin Foundation https://www.hdvparts.com/index.php?_a=basket please HELP.. regards Ernesto
  10. hi dear Value Cubecart support I´m trying to link user manual created in pdf and not sure where can upload, I´m trying usinf Download but when I try to use the link the navigator says: You don't have permission to access /files/p-32mx.pdf on this server. How can resolve this issue thanks Ernesto
  11. Dear Dirty Butter, thanks for help. I updated but not bookmark the new name after that, I rename admin.php name because I saw that it was changed sorry. now, I follow your advices en go toglobal.inc.php it says: <?php $glob['adminFile'] = 'xxx'i; $glob['adminFolder'] = 'yyy'; $glob['cache'] = 'file'; $glob['dbdatabase'] = 'zzz'; $glob['dbhost'] = 'localhost'; $glob['dbpassword'] = 'aaaa'; $glob['dbprefix'] = ''; $glob['dbusername'] = 'bbb'; $glob['installed'] = '1'; ?> what I need to replace now? sorry I´m Beringer in php. regards Ernesto
  12. Hi averyone, thanks for read this message, I upgrade to de new version and after that, I can not acces to the Login.php page, the web works but it is un accesible , can you help me in that, I check the admin.php but I do not know how can solve this. please see bellow <?php /** * CubeCart v6 * ======================================== * CubeCart is a registered trade mark of CubeCart Limited * Copyright CubeCart Limited 2015. All rights reserved. * UK Private Limited Company No. 5323904 * ======================================== * Web: http://www.cubecart.com * Email: [email protected] * License: GPL-3.0 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.html */ ## Don't let anything be cached header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Cache-Control: pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0'); header("Expires: -1"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header('X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN'); // Do NOT allow iframes ## Include the ini file (required) require 'ini.inc.php'; define('CC_IN_ADMIN', true); ## Include core functions require 'includes/functions.inc.php'; ## Include admin presession controller include CC_ROOT_DIR.CC_DS.'controllers'.CC_DS.'controller.admin.pre_session.inc.php'; $feed_access_key = $GLOBALS['config']->get('config','feed_access_key'); $feed_access_key = (!$feed_access_key) ? '' : $feed_access_key; if (Admin::getInstance()->is() || (isset($_GET['_g']) && $_GET['_g']=='products' && $_GET['node']=='export' && !empty($_GET['format']) && $_GET['access']==$feed_access_key && !empty($feed_access_key))) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4') >= 0) { error_reporting(E_ALL ^ (E_NOTICE | E_DEPRECATED | E_USER_DEPRECATED)); } else { $GLOBALS['main']->setACPWarning("WARNING: PHP ".PHP_VERSION." detected. Please upgrade to PHP 5.4 or above."); } include CC_ROOT_DIR.CC_DS.'controllers'.CC_DS.'controller.admin.session.true.inc.php'; } else { include CC_ROOT_DIR.CC_DS.'controllers'.CC_DS.'controller.admin.session.false.inc.php'; $GLOBALS['smarty']->display('templates/'.$global_template_file['session_false']); exit; } // Render the completed page if (!isset($suppress_output) || !$suppress_output) { $GLOBALS['gui']->displayCommon(); $GLOBALS['smarty']->display('templates/'.$global_template_file['session_true']);
  13. I trying to configure Amazon payments, after go to amazon and get the MWS The Amazon Payments button appears but, after Try to pay using it you´ll receive a popup page from amazon sayng: Important Message We're sorry. An error occurred when we tried to process your request. Rest assured, we're working to resolve the problem as soon as possible. Please try again in a few minutes. After that, I tryed to use all options from Amazon Seller account with MWS Also: production option or sandBox. Please help me. thanks
  14. I paid to this comany: cc3.biz/cubecart-version-4/mods-v4/product-mods-cc4/hide-show-price-text-cc4/prod_334.html and they upload an empty or corrupted file, be aware of that also, I create a ticket with they "No answered" I´m still looking, thanks
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