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Why does my website look different on Chrome to Internet Explorer?

On IE you can see "Featured Products",Best Sellers" and "On Sale "items but on CHRome you can see only "Latest Products"

Any way to  change this to look the same on all browsers?


Thanks in advance

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The Foundation skin is "responsive". That is, depending on the width of the browser window (it's 'viewport'), depends on how much of the overall structure gets displayed and how it is laid out.

At the viewport being 1025 pixels wide or wider, the sidebar is shown. At 940 to 1024 pixels wide, the top navigation bar is still uncompressed. At 939 pixels wide or less, the top bar collapses to a drop-down menu. At 639 pixels and less, the top area gets replaced by three small icons.

These numbers get complicated because these pixel values are actually based on the browser's built-in default font size being shown. For example, change the browser setting default font size from 16 to 18, then the 640 changes to 722.

So, we need to ask what is the respective width of the two browser's viewports and the respective internal settings font size.


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1 hour ago, bsmither said:

The Foundation skin is "responsive". That is, depending on the width of the browser window (it's 'viewport'), depends on how much of the overall structure gets displayed and how it is laid out.

At the viewport being 1025 pixels wide or wider, the sidebar is shown. At 940 to 1024 pixels wide, the top navigation bar is still uncompressed. At 939 pixels wide or less, the top bar collapses to a drop-down menu. At 639 pixels and less, the top area gets replaced by three small icons.

These numbers get complicated because these pixel values are actually based on the browser's built-in default font size being shown. For example, change the browser setting default font size from 16 to 18, then the 640 changes to 722.

So, we need to ask what is the respective width of the two browser's viewports and the respective internal settings font size.


So does this mean that there is nothing I can or need do to the site specs to rectify this?

It's just that when I view at home (chrome) the site looks to different to when I view it at work (IE)


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