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registration to be approved


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Hi All,

        I have a client that would like all of his customers to have to submit a application for registration which would need to be approved by the admin of this site. The approval would reply with a login (could be email address) and password and this would then be used to login. Login would be required before any purchasing could be done. Does anybody know whether there is and extension or plugin that would accomplish this.

Any Help would be very much appreciated

Best Regards,


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I find that a collection of plugins and code snippets might be a solution.

This plugin:


In concept, prevents access to the whole store unless the test passes. This plugin becomes far less useful if it cannot be customized -- the explanatory text, test question(s), and the acceptable answers.

Following that, there is a simple plugin I wrote, "Register Customers as Disabled", which keeps newly registered customers to remain as "not logged in" but able to view the store. CubeCart can be configured to not show prices unless logged in, meaning no ability to purchase anything. The admin must manually 'enable' the customer.

Additionally, this code snippet:


sends an email to the customer (may be able to customize the message) and, possibly, to the admin.

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Hi There,

Unfortunately this is not so much of an issue its rather a need by the client. I'm still searching for a solution and at this point it is fast looking like that I might have to code it myself which could be interesting as I do not know that much about PHP, SMARTY or html, we will have to wait as see.

Best Regards,


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Hi All,

        Is there a way to modify the customer table to have a column that just simply is either ticked or not ticked when the customer tries to register. This ticked column would indicate approval and would be tested at login stage. If at login the approval column was ticked then it would require to be approved by the administrator, if it has been approved then this approval column would be reset to unticked and the new approved customer could login and place an order. When the potential customer fills out the registration form as standard then the approval column would be set to a tick requiring approval, if the unapproved customer tries to login then a message would display stating that shop will be displayed with no prices and approval is required no orders will be taken.

The administrator would have to have a email sent to them via the registration process alerting them to the need to use the customer listing selection in the admin section to approve the new customer, this would show up on the customer list display as approved or unapproved. Maybe an email could be sent to the new customer when they had been approved and therefore could make purchases through the store.

I guess what I'm inquiring about, is that is this a feasible solution to having approved customers only ordering from the store but not restricting unregistered customers from browsing the store.

Any other suggestions would be helpful and also where would have to change the code to get something like this to work.

Any help will be appreciated.

Best Regards,


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There is an existing column in the CubeCart_customer table named 'status'. If 'status' is zero, the customer cannot log in.

To prevent a particular visitor from registering an account, CubeCart would already need to know about that visitor.

The 'status' of any customer account can be enable/disabled in the admin Customers listing.

Visitors (including not logged-in, but registered customers) can still browse the store, but cannot see prices and cannot put items in a shopping basket.

I invite you to try a plugin "Register Customers as Disabled". Currently, it does not email the admin, but that can be easily implemented. If interested, send a PM.


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