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Stock Levels for Product Options aka SLPO upgrade from CC4 to CC6


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Howdy campers!

I installed CC 4.3.4 way back in 2009, got all enthused with PHP and enhanced it to Mars and back, and I have been putting off upgrading it ever since because it was very easy to convince myself I didn’t have the time, and everything else looked shinier and way more fun.

However, Paypal is starting to act up ornery, and the Australia Post integration is threatening to close down, so I am being half-Nelsoned into it.

Plus also, after taking 6.5 for a test drive, I am rather amazed at all the new stuff it does!  Did you know it lets you print a whole bunch of orders at once instead of opening each one and printing them one at at time?  Whoa - talk about modern!

Anyhow, one of the first things I did was install Estelle Winterflood’s excellent Stock Levels for Product Options mod, since 200 of my 260 products have a choice of colour.

One of the as-yet undetermined parts of the upgrade is migrating the SLPO colour stock levels to the CC6 equivalent.

I can work this out myself with a bit of time and effort, but if someone has a documented procedure for it, it would give me half a chance of getting the upgrade done this year.


So, eventually, we get to the question:

Does anyone have (a probably ancient, yellowing, written-in-pencil) procedure for migrating Estelle’s SLPO tables to CC’s native product options data structures?

Thanks (in anticipation!)


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Thanks for the snappy response.  This problem is a blessing and a curse. The curse is that it involves a lot of thinking and the blessing is that it probably has one of those really nifty multi-level UPDATE-WHERE-SELECT solutions that make the solver feel like such a smug bastard when it finally works.

Could it be that I am running the oldest version of CubeCart in circulation?


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