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Google Analytics ID question


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Running behind with this, my bad....

Can I ask, does the new GA4 ID simply replace the UA-xxxxxxxx code in Settings > Features ?

Not logged in to google analytics for a long time and I see I should be using a new tag.

If not how do I add this please?

CCV 6.2.5 - Custom Foundation 5 Skin v 3.3.0

Thanks in advance


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The SFWS products are not available anymore.

Without a copy, the best I can do is create a difference report, specific to what affected the GA code, for Foundation from the version that matches CC625 to the version that matches CC653, then we work on trying to apply those changes to the SFWS skin.

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Hi Brian


I would love to upgrade my small CubeCart store but I have 4 x SemperFIWebServices addons installed, not sure how far I can upgrade without breaking these and causing massive head ache for myself, main reason for wanting to upgrade CC is the PHP version:

Custom Foundation 5 Skin Configuration 

Homepage Featured Products

Site Messages

Special Content Boxes 

finally found my old login details :)



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This is what I want you to try. Go to CubeCart's Marketplace and download the Google Analytics plugin. You may prefer to use a Thunderbolt Icon token.

In CubeCart's admin, Store Settings, Features tab, blank the Google Analytics ID text field, Save.

In Manage Extensions, enter the Thunderbolt token value to fetch and install the plugin. Once installed, click the Edit icon to access the plugin's Settings page.

Hopefully, you have a GA code suitable for your purposes. Enter that code, click the Enable checkbox, and Save. Click the flashing orange button in the top-right corner to clear CubeCart's cache.

Test (as best you can).



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Hi Brian 

Thanks for your time replying, I have done as instructed, however the debug tag assistant 


Does not seem to find the tag, fails with:

There are currently no debuggable Google tags at that address. Please verify that:

There is a Google tag on the page.

The Google tag is not a legacy tag. Learn more

The Google tag is not being blocked, e.g. by a browser extension or a consent dialog.

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Let's look at a couple of the skin's templates.

Look at the template main.php. Probably within the first 50 lines of HTML, there will be:


{foreach from=$HEAD_JS item=js}{$js}{/foreach}

or this:

{include file='templates/element.js_head.php'}

If the template has the {include} statement, look for a template named element.js_head.php, or whatever the include file is.

In the GA plugin settings panel, there should be a checkbox that says "Collect Stats Regardless of Cookie Permission". This is necessary if, in admin, Store Settings, Extra tab, 'Cookie Compliance Dialog' setting, is not checked, then 'Collect Stats' must be checked.

Please give us a web address where we can look for the GA code.


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On line 22 I have 

{include file='templates/element.js_head.php'}


In element.js_head.php

{assign var=js_head value=[ 'skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/js/vendor/modernizr.js',
{combine input=$js_head output='cache/js_head.{$SKIN_FOLDER}.js' age='604800' debug=$CONFIG.debug||!$CONFIG.cache}
{foreach from=$HEAD_JS item=js}{$js}{/foreach}


Thanks Brian

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