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Al Brookbanks

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Everything posted by Al Brookbanks

  1. What do they charge and isn't there a monthly fee from your business bank account?
  2. But what are you comparing to? All card processors have fees. Stripe: 1.4% + 20p PayPal: 1.2% + 30p Square: 1.9%
  3. Isn't it 1.2% + 30p per transaction?
  4. Are PayPal's fees not competitive these days? I was under the impression they were pretty reasonable looking at the overall market.
  5. What changs in the PP commerce extension would make it work for you? Just default option and position? Using commerce will increase conversions as opposed to the old fashioned standard paypal integration.
  6. OK thanks for the feedback. I suppose the huge barrier with bank transfer is the huge upheaval of the customer actually doing it. Lost sales could make this a false cost saving.
  7. Hi Steve, PayPal Commerce combines Express Checkout, Card Payments, Alternative Payments and credit options. Really it covers everything so in most cases it makes sense to use as the only payment system in CubeCart. Saying this you can have PayPal Commerce with other payment options but it still will show as default. To stop it showing as default you can edit the file modules\plugins\paypal_commerce\hooks\class.cubecart.display_gateways.php and simply change the line below to false. What is the particular situation here that required a different default payment solution if you don't mind me asking? 'default' => true I don't see why we can't add a setting for this to be default or not from the extension settings page to be honest.
  8. Sure. If you choose the bank transfer or print order form extensions you can complete the order without taking payment. It would be easy to add a note to explain the process to the customer. We could do this for you on our managed support plan. https://www.cubecart.com/technical-support
  9. I wonder if a specific browser plugin could be to blame... messing with the DOM.
  10. So there must be another cache. A content delivery network proxy or something typically used by cheap hosting providers. Does the basket reliably hold its contents between page loads?
  11. Did you click the clear cache button? Top right in orange.
  12. It's not. This is a genuine ePay integration developed by the staff at ePay Hong Kong.
  13. Suggested cron to be something like; cd /path/to/public_html/modules/plugins/back_in_stock_notifications/cron/; /usr/local/bin/php -q back_in_stock_notifications_cron.php
  14. @Noodleman Do you think we can update the extension to remove the .htaccess deny from all in the cron folder? Reason being is that it allows for not only cron jobs like; wget -q -O - https://www.example.com/modules/plugins/back_in_stock_notifications/cron/back_in_stock_notifications_cron.php >/dev/null 2>&1 Edit but also a web service like Easy Cron.
  15. Thanks for this. Confirmed working. 1.0.4 released. I can't find a way to do that and anything in the documentation that looks like it can do that seems to break the request to build the iframe URL. Frustrating. Saying this. The silent post url should be triggered before the button is clicked anyway? Maybe I'm wrong.
  16. Thanks for this. Please let me know if the order status is updating to Processing once the silent post url has been set. When I built the extension it worked well but we have a merchant which it isn't working for. I'm currently cloning their store to test....
  17. Thank you. I haven't been able to get around to looking at this. If you can share the code I'd be grateful. Auth.net won't return to the default return URL which has parameters in it. For this reason we have to work around it with a custom return URL. This is breaking the path detection in CubeCart for the URL. I'd suggest editing the email template to hard code the logo URL.
  18. Yes I saw that then couldn't find the page. I'll try it tomorrow.
  19. The documentation is poor. I saw somewhere that an order object can be added with invoice number. I have a feeling that it was rejected but we will need to look into it again.
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