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Everything posted by keat

  1. I guess it's safe to assume that provided my 3 live files have not been modified over the original 6.10 files, then I could just drop these 3 x 6.11 files in thier place (after backup of course)
  2. Guys. I don't have the liberty just yet to upgrade to 6.11, however, I would be keen to perform the security fixes. Is it possible to install just these, maybe with manual ftp, and if so, which files would be required. I could probably upgrade to 6.11 in a week or so.
  3. I'm now convinced that it is the 'PayPal Pro & Express Checkout' module. The module was enabled on Thursday evening, the first reported incident was on Friday afternoon. I finally disabled this module yesterday morning and havn't seen a single instance of incorrect order confirmations since.
  4. I did consider switching around the shipping and subtotal around, but considered that subtoal + shipping would be more appropriate. Having said that, I assume that this would require a whole new $variable and then it becomes complicated
  5. If it's meant to be there and not a code bug or worse..... anything untoward, then that's fine.
  6. Much the same as mine to be honest. Thinking about it logically, the databse order_sumarry has shipping and subtotal as two seperate entries, so it makes sense that the order confirmation would also list them seperately. I just wondered if there was any sort of equasion to make it look correct on the confirmation email. I guess it probably looks the same on the customer copy.
  7. This is one of the issues I have also, I'm guessing when a customer uses the payment gateway and then closes his browser, althought i've been told that this shouldn't happen, it has happened to me 3 times today. Generally, we would rely on the email from the gateway to tell us if a customer paid before we go out and start checking.
  8. The order will appear in the cart when the customer clicks the button 'Secure Checkout' at which point the order is marked as 'Pending'. When the customer has paid, the order should be marked as 'Processing' On the admin side, go to Store Setting, Features Tab. Towards the bottom you can change the Order Status for Admin Email to 'Processing'. It won't stop an aborted sale from being marked 'Pending' but it will mean that you won't recieve the notification until it's paid
  9. On the admin order confirmation email, the subtotal is incorrect. It doesn't include the shipping. Could I use something along the lines {$DATA.subtotal}+{$DATA.shipping}
  10. On the admin side, if I look at an order, and then view the billing or delivery address, I see a customer search box on the billing address.
  11. Absolutely pulling my hair out here trying to figure this out. One thing I have noticed is some discrepancy with a few zones. For instance one guy has typo'd so the county isn't recognised and defaulted to the first county in the list. (Aberdeenshire). But when I look on PayPoint, his county must have not been passed over, as it's blank Similarly, one customer must be an old customer, where he's previously abreviated his county, CubeCart doesn't recognise this, so agian it's defaulted to (Aberdeenshire), yet on the PayPal screen it clearly shows the abreviated county. I have another customer, whilst he looks OK, the cart is showing him as having 2 x Billing addresses. But then I have 3 other customers where I can see nothing wrong. Could the cart be getting confused around the zones, in the respect that it's calculating tax twice because it doesn't know where he is ? Although just to re-iterate, it only appears to affect the admin order confirmation email.
  12. actually, I had issues with the editor on our V3 when using chrome, it wouldn't add links, it would always add some sort of java code. I always had to use IE for editing links. I now rarely use chrome anyway, so not sure i've tried this on our V6 site... just a thought, did you try a different browser.
  13. Not that it's any help, but I just spoke to the PayPoint customer, and he did initially try to pay with PayPal Express and had difficulties so made his payment through PayPoint. So I guess at this stage, it could still be related to something that PP Exress is trying to do. He also told me that he hasn't received his store confirmation.
  14. Probably not to be honest. The boss was suggesting that a customer should be able to search partial part numbers, as well as everything else. But the fact that the edit broke it, proves that it's one or the other but not both.
  15. Here's another one, and it seems that it's not limited to PayPal Express, as this one was Paypoint. Image 1 is taken from order_summary Image 2 is taken from the cart orders Image 3 is taken from the email confirmation. Image 4 is the payment from PayPoint. I'm struggling to find a pattern
  16. I knew the URL of the file, so just typed it in manually.
  17. I've just upgraded from V3.18 to V6.10. I have the benefit of our own server and a number of spare URL's that I could use for testing. I too was heavily tweaked and modified, so a straight upgrade was out of the question for us. It took me about 4 weeks to get the V6 to a state that I felt I could hand over to the business without causing too many disruptions. 10 days ago I fully migrated, I do still have a few minor issues to resolve. I guess because of my position with the URL's and server it made things a little less urgent. I would suggest doing something similar.
  18. What I don't understand is I can input a specific part number like GRN1, and GRN1 turns up, along with a kit which contains a GRN1 (as it's in the description) So I'm guessing the search somewhere must be doing 'where product_code=', so wouldn't 'where product_code Like%' fix this.
  19. We have nothing in seo_meta_keywords. I really don't want to start editing 4500 products, if i'm being honest The boss has conceded that it was broken, and i've rolled it back to how it was. If I can use a wildcard on product_code somewhere and it allows us to search on products codes then great, but if not then I'm happy to leave it the way it is for now. If we start getting customer complaints, then I'll re-address it.
  20. There used to be something similar on our V3 whereby a customer could change his basket after he'd chosen his gateway option. At this point the order was marked pending with email notification sent to store, but the customer could use his back button and change his cart contents. I've tried to recreate this on V6 but not been able to do so, so might be irrelevent.
  21. I don't profess to understand PHP, reading it, is like reading another language. I can sort of half make out what it's trying to say, then try to fill in the blanks. Hence the reason I assumed $rlike = " AND (I.name RLIKE '".$regexp."' OR I.description RLIKE '".$regexp."' OR I.product_code RLIKE '".$regexp."')"; was doing some sort of lookup. If the name is like something, descriptioin is like something, and product code is like something. Therefore concluded I could use like%, but only on the product_code part. I guess not.
  22. I do this https://www.beal.org.uk/order-form.html Basically, in the product description I put something along the lines 'Download PDF Here', then turn it in to a hyperlink using the little globe and chain icon in the editor. I suppose you could use pdf icon inside the text and hyperlink this also using img src
  23. It seems to be related to PayPal Express checkout, but any ideas why ? I assume the way the customer leaves my site, logs in with PayPal and then comes back to my site to complete the order, is doing something with the email confirmation. (i'm configured to notify at the pending stage) The totals in the database and on Paypal are correct. In the short term, I've disabled PP Express
  24. I've just been shown this order today where the subtotal is incorrect on the email confirmation. If you look at this, the subtotal and tax is correct, but the order total is wrong. Order total should be £98.40. The customer has paid £98.40, the order in the cart side shows £98.40, but the emailed order confirmation shows £114.80, which incidentally is the tax portion twice. Odd thing is, this appears to be random, orders either side of this appears to be correct. I'm still trying to determine when this started, I suspect, I has something to do with the email templates.
  25. It's a catch 22, On the old V3, we had such a fuzzy search that customers would complain that search results were not relevent, as can be seen above, and found it difficult to find anything. The argument this weekend was: 'A customer who knows grease nipples are GRN part numbers would search GRN but the results come back null' My reply was, 'But if he's half an ounce of intelligence, he'd search 'grease' 'nipple' or 'grease nipple and new customers wouldn't know GRN anyway' Now after the code change, we can search GRN, but the results come back so diluted. (maybe not with GRN, but with lots of others it does) it's ruined the search facility. I have left the code change in situ so the powers that be can see for themsleves. Personally, i feel there was nothing wrong, but i don't make those descisions. In the meantime, I assume this line has something to do with the search. $rlike = " AND (I.name RLIKE '".$regexp."' OR I.description RLIKE '".$regexp."' OR I.product_code RLIKE '".$regexp."')"; Would it be possible to change i.product_code to something along the lines like%%
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