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Posts posted by havenswift-hosting

  1. I have tested the plugin on a stock 6.1.7 install against both our Retail Therapy skin (which needs no edits) and also against the Foundation skin.  The Foundation skin does need a few minor edits to remove the limited microdata that is already installed so that it doesnt confuse the more expanded microdata that our plugin dynamically adds.  It is working perfectly for me and am happy that our plugin works 100% against 6.1.7


  2. 2 hours ago, bsmither said:

    So, better get the SSL working before switching it on?

    You should always install an SSL and validate it is working correctly before enabling it in any application.  We enable HSTS on all our servers anyway which negates this issue - if an account has SSL installed, then it is only possible to connect via a secure connection


  3. There are several other threads plus a discussion under the github issues about this - the suggested solution is to fully clear browser cache and then when you are able to login into admin, go into Store Settings and save.  However, 6.1.7 is about to be released which should fix these issues so you could just wait until then and upgrade


  4. 2 minutes ago, foz1234 said:

    All sorted Ian thank you, i had updated to php 7.1 but seems as yet ioncube is not supported, so i ended up on php 7.0

    OK great - 7.0 is supported by ionCube encoder V9 and you are correct that php 7.1 isnt yet supported but is supposed to be when V10 comes out but no timescale from ionCube yet

  5. Well that will depend on what version of php / ionCube encoder you are currently running. If going to php 7 (good choice btw as it is much quicker !) then best to download the 5.6_and_above version from the marketplace and simply upload over the top of what you have now, once you have switched to php 7.  

  6. 15 minutes ago, IanOffers said:

    I did the upgrade by running the various version update scripts from the CubeCart site.

    Is there a way to do a fresh install of the files, but keep the products, options and Customer/Order history ?

    Upgrades from V3 and V4 require all files (except a few specific ones listed) to be deleted before uploading V6 files and before running the update scripts (which mostly deal with the database changes.  Even V5 to V6 upgrades should have all modules deleted.

    You probably have a weird mixture of V6 files with lots of left over V3 / V4 files.  You can still do the same by deleting all files (except those specific ones) and then re-upload V6 files.  Make sure you do a FULL backup first and bear in mind that you will need to do the upgrade manually rather than use the built in admin upgrade


  7. That is a shame if the developer isn't responding quickly (or at all) to support any longer. Galaxy was one of the very few good looking and well written / maintained skins available for CubeCart .  I do know that the developer was busy with other non-CubeCart related jobs at one point so sounds like he has other priorities at the moment.  There isn't much else that can be done except maybe try and get a refund if you paid via PayPal


  8. 10 hours ago, IanOffers said:

    Deleted all subfolders from the modules\shipping folder and all now works.
    About to go find a new shipping module to use now :-)

    Who did the upgrade for you as there should not have been any left over files (except images and the global.inc.php config file). If you still had shipping modules left then there is a good chance that there are other modules as well.

    The Royal Mail module is not required as the All in One Shipping can do everything that it used to be able to do and a lot more !


  9. Hi Niall

    I have updated the Microdata plugin so two versions are available (for PHP 5.6 and above and another for PHP 5.5 and below) but unfortunately due to some caching issues with the Marketplace (which I have reported to Al), these are not showing.

    If you would like to register as a client at our site and open a ticket, I can let you have the correct version that way


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  10. On 4/11/2017 at 8:35 AM, bzfvggigaietjghnkzdfaewrkv said:

    So I purchased support credit to have this fixed and everything was good. Now upgraded to 6.1.5 and the problem is back again.

    Is there any possibility of having this fixed permanently or do I need to buy cubecart support every time an upgrade is installed?

    If you purchased support credit recently, then that will be valid for one month so check if that is still running and if so ask for details of the change or as DB says, use file comparison software to see the differences


  11. CubeCart works very well on PHP 7 and will run faster than on most PHP 5.X hosting - we have seen no issues at all although if you are running any extensions that are encoded with ionCube, then you will need to get a new version from the developer as that will not be compatible - developers like us are having to provide and maintain two versions of every extension !


  12. All modules are managed through the Manage Extensions admin option.  There are many free and commercial extensions available through the Extensions Marketplace https://www.cubecart.com/extensions where you can either download the zip file (so you can manually upload via FTP) or better still, you can use the thunderbolt code which auto installs into the correct location.  All of the old gateways, shipping and other modules are available separately along with many third party extensions and you can search by developer as well for example see ours here https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/developer/havenswift-hosting


  13. I completely disagree with ayz's statements on this !

    Google and other search engines will always see all possible urls and if you have duplicates that lead to the same page (ie the url is shown in the browser and isnt redirected) then this can cause you problems.  I have never said you would automatically get a duplicate content penalty but I know from personal experience with a client's site that this can and has been done by Google so for something so straight forward to fix, why not just sort it.

    There is another good reason for eliminating duplicate url's which is also related to SEO - link juice for that page can and almost ceratinly will be split between each of the url variations - again, why would you ever want to take the chance of that happening when it will seriously hurt your SERPS


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