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Everything posted by havenswift-hosting

  1. This is an unusual plugin in our range as it is only applicable if you are running one of our two skins - Retail Therapy or Nautical - without one of those two skins, the plugin is useless. A demo can provide insight into the capability that it can provide but the inclusion on the marketplace is more to advertise its functionality and also to allow our many current users to be able to upgrade using the thunderbolt process. A new version will be released in the next few days along with major upgrades to both our skins
  2. The developer will probably / should be releasing a new version of the skin to take account of all of the skin changes included in this recent version. However, if you are using a modified version, then that update will not automatically apply to your store and you should chat to the developer about this. If you dont make all the front end skin changes then you wont be able to take advantage of any fixes / new functionality that has been added - you may say that you dont need this functionality but it is always best to stay fully up to date because the situation simply gets worse and worse with each upgrade that is released - this is the problem with having custom changes
  3. If you want to be able to do that, then look at @Noodleman plugin https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/absolute-matrix-option-prices-price-list-hide-out-of-stock-matrix-options
  4. I would be quite careful for several reasons : 1) The plugin hasnt been updated in over two years - while this doesnt necessarily mean anything by itself, CubeCart has moved on a lot in 2 years 2) It isnt just the demo site that is suspended, the whole website is suspended - this again could be a temporary oversight and may be back online any time soon or may mean a lot more. 3) There have been numerous complaints over quite a long period of time from users and many posts on these forums about not hearing back from this developer both for paid development work and also support
  5. An extension developer doesn't get notified of updates in these forum posts so @Noodleman may not have seen this
  6. ionCube loaders are distributed freely so no need to pay for anything ! They are freely available and can usually be added as a PHP module from within your hosting control panel - 5 minute exercise. Absolutely no reason why it should be a mess and you would have to start again either - simply remove the encoded plugin and all will work as before
  7. Why would you not want to activate ionCube ? Does absolutely no harm and allows you to run a large number of plugins that are encoded with it That will get rid of the intial problem but will leave hooks enabled in the database that should be manually deleted
  8. The original developer hasnt been involved with CubeCart for a number of years - I believe that CubeCart have taken over the maintenance and "development" of this skin although as one of the original V5 skins, it rarely gets any updates and doesnt keep pace with new functionality being added. If you have a fix to a problem then suggest contacting @Al Brookbanks directly so he can update it at least for that
  9. A nice idea but how about building in some functionality that will flag and optionally delete image files that are no longer associated with any product / category. Care would need to be taken in case images are used for logos, slideshows or embedded in documents etc so hence the flag as " possibly unused" and do you want to delete
  10. There have been a lot of changes to functionality that is missing within these older skins Exactly right and Google now almost exclusively indexes based on a "mobile-first" basis for all websites Unfortunately this has been the case both with skins and plugins although a much smaller choice of supported skins for V6 - even the few V6 skins added are often not maintained or supported going forward - we have and always will support the two skins we have released with not only standard updates but we continue to develop and add more features
  11. We have already been in touch within an hour or so of you purchasing this plugin and supplied the licence code and I believe this message pre-dates that email but if you are still having any problems, please open up a support ticket and we will help you. In case it helps anyone else and to add to what it says on each of our plugin pages: After downloading any of our plugins, you can run it for 7 full days without changing anything (it installs with a "demo" licence"). However, we will always be in touch within an hour or two and supply your licence code which should then be entered.
  12. A neat and useful addition so thanks Al - would be great to have something similar for product options and also customer group prices as well
  13. This has been fixed in the latest release after I reported it - see https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/2394 If you come across an obvious issue like this, you will get a much faster response by creating a new github issue Ian
  14. This plugin works fine as long as the site ID is entered correctly - had many instances of customers entering it incorrectly, either partially or too many characters and even some entering the whole code instead of just extracting the site ID from the provided code. Carefully check the code against that provided Ian
  15. @Ferguson did you ever get to the bottom of the "invalid positive integer" issue - we have a client that is also reporting this for a number, but not all, order payments via Stripe. It is caused as you said by a payment amount of 0 being sent to Stripe but havent yet figured out how that is happening - did you get anywhere or did you revert back to 2.2.1 ?
  16. Thanks Claudia - tests by Al and also looking at "Smartlook" recordings for some of these clients do indicate multiple clicks by impatient users - Al has released a new version of the Stripe payment gateway and the two clients are testing this and so far havent reported any issues Ian
  17. After upgrading a couple of clients to use the new version, both of these were receiving many multiple, duplicated payments for order - probably about 50% of orders were having payments taken 2, 3 or even 4 times and so needed refunding - is anyone else using this latest version and seeing this behaviour ? See https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/2342
  18. I know very little about PayPal and even less about this plugin as it wouldnt work with most third party skins and only with Foundation. I also understand that it is being discontinued by PayPal but you should really check with @Al Brookbanks. I think the Braintree service is only available for merchants in those countries and that was a PayPal restriction and nothing to do with the extension. Use Stripe instead, MUCH better
  19. Thanks for the vote ! CubeCart only has only field which can be used for manufacturer or brand - our plugin allows you to choose which schema markup is used within your page - look at the General tab. The best way forward would be for CubeCart to have a separate brand and have added a request here : https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/2276 If / when that is added then we would adjust our plugin to include both if they are present
  20. Please register as a client on our website and open a support ticket - more than happy to further discuss your requirements but we should do it off of the CubeCart forum All our plugins have a free 7 day trial so you could download it yourself from the marketplace, however, we are just about to release a greatly enhanced version which isnt available on the marketplace, so once you have registered on our site, open a support ticket requesting a copy of this and I can send you one Having a left and a right column is extremely old fashioned design - Retail Therapy gives you the choice of left or right but not both. That information can easily be displayed in other ways in a much more modern way You will not get a responsive skin for V4 - I would very strongly suggest looking at an upgrade to the latest V6 and we can discuss this if you are interested.
  21. I moved this thread to the Retail Therapy thread A demo url for this skin is https://www.cubecart-demo.co.uk This site also includes many of our own plugins (list is here https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/developer/havenswift-hosting) but isn’t dependent on any new of them except our free skin configuration plugin. Both the plugin and this skin are being continually updated and extended and if there is any functionality anyone would like added, we are always happy to consider any suggestion.
  22. Have you looked at our Retail Therapy skin which comes with a free skin config plugin. We are just about to release new greatly enhanced versions of both of these and are always happy to listen / implement new changes to either or both of these for future releases
  23. While CubeCart definitely needs more quality skins, I would be very wary of a “CubeCart developer” that suddenly turns up out if the blue promoting a new skin, there are a few commited developers but also a lot of template shops that dont understand CubeCart and won’t be around in a few weeks / months for upgrades and support. Strange that it was released when it was and yet is already on sale - think that contravenes UK law ?
  24. The admin.php file (or however it has been renamed) needs to be from the same version as the files in the admin directory
  25. Agreed - failed upgrades have been very common in the past when done via the built in upgrade option and often result in a mix of files from different versions - this will cause this type of problem. It has been covered in quite a few threads on here before and a manual upgrade would definitely solve it. Ian
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