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  1. Thank you Bsmither for your time and effort looking into this error for me, I have now updated to the latest version available of the eBay sales module and hopefully this latest version will solve a lot of errors or problems that have been happening.
  2. Thank you, I have done the above, will send you a message and big file!
  3. We have a tooltip now appearing showing: __call() (smarty_internal_extension_handler.php:133) _callExternalMethod() (smarty_internal_data.php:270)
  4. Error message has now come back but exactly same format as before, no tooltip pop up link either afraid to say. [<strong>Exception</strong>] /home/********/public_html/includes/lib/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_undefined.php:62 - undefined extension class 'Smarty_Internal_Method_MuteExpectedErrors' https://
  5. I have copied the lines of code in but have now lost the error message, it is blank except except for the https:// which just leads to about:blank#blocked. As time is getting late in UK, I shall look into this later, Thanks very much for taking the time and effort to help solve this error. You are very helpful to so many on the cubecart forums. I have just seen your last post and will paste the new code in as requested and get back to you another time, thanks
  6. No tooltip popups occur on the page, as just all text apart from debug mode link and clear error logs link System Error Log Notice Error - These are unlikely to cause operatinal problems and can be thought of as best practice recommendations. Action is not required. Warning Error - These are unlikely to cause operational problems now but there is a problem, one that is likely to cause bigger issues in the future. Action is recommended. Parse Error - These are caused by misused or missing symbols in a syntax. Action is required. Fatal Error - These are are classified as critical errors. Action is required. Exception Error - These are are classified as critical errors. Action is required. Note: Your store should only log notice and warning errors if it is in debug mode. [Clear error logs] Date Message Today, 21:30 [<strong>Exception</strong>] /home/******/public_html/includes/lib/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_undefined.php:62 - undefined extension class 'Smarty_Internal_Method_MuteExpectedErrors' https:// Today, 21:30 [<strong>Exception</strong>] /home/******/public_html/includes/lib/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_undefined.php:62 - undefined extension class 'Smarty_Internal_Method_MuteExpectedErrors' https:// Today, 21:00 [<strong>Exception</strong>] /home/******/public_html/includes/lib/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_undefined.php:62 - undefined extension class 'Smarty_
  7. Hello and thanks for the reply, I just took a guess that the extension may have been a problem as no one else mentioned this "exception error" problem on the forum as websites are upgraded to latest versions on regular occasions. I have checked the files you have mentioned in /controllers/controller.admin.pre_session.inc.php (line 38) /controllers/controller.index.inc.php (line 44) and both line numbers show the same code $GLOBALS['smarty']->muteUndefinedOrNullWarnings(); so assume Smarty v4. is installed correctly. This error is the only one I receive and is constant at around 96 times every 24 hours, I have limited the error log to one day. So no idea what may be causing this.
  8. I have had this recurring "exception error" since a previous update a while back, cannot remember which one though, I believe it may be an extension error, possibly an ebay one and will have to contact noodleman the developer if so as I only use paypal, Amzin by nitefox template and by price shipping module, nothing else, Just though I would mention this error on the forums to see if any one else recognises this error with smarty or is this a template error? Today, 14:30 [<strong>Exception</strong>] /home/***********/public_html/includes/lib/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_undefined.php:62 - undefined extension class 'Smarty_Internal_Method_MuteExpectedErrors' https:// Today, 14:00 [<strong>Exception</strong>] /home/*********/public_html/includes/lib/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_undefined.php:62 - undefined extension class 'Smarty_Internal_Method_MuteExpectedErrors' https:// Any help, or advice, always appreciated. Version 6.5.1 PHP 7.4.3
  9. For a product with no colour options, when this is zero stock a banner across the image appears to say "Out of Stock" and with products with various colour options, any option then showing zero, the customer gets an error warning saying " Sorry but the chosen product option combination is out of stock or the last of the stock is already in your basket " when they attempt to add that item to the basket. Hopefully everything is now working correctly.
  10. Ahh, to be honest I did not know what the system clipboard was, I have now deleted the three original lines above, etc as requested in your previous reply and all is now working as it should be with regards to the categories linking to the correct links. Thank you
  11. The edit as requested now looks like if($GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'hide_out_of_stock')=='1') { $search_data['inStock'] = true; } // Presence of a join is similar to presence of a search keyword if (!empty($joins) || is_array($search_data)) { if($GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'hide_out_of_stock')=='1') { $search_data['inStock'] = true; } if (!empty($search_data['priceVary'])) { // Allow for a 5% variance in prices I believe this to be correct, But still the same problem.
  12. I am logged out and have cleared cache, I have sent an email to you.
  13. Yes this is new to me, as never used this hide function before, may have been a problem that existed in the previous versions of my CC, I had just come across this thread and decided to test this hide out of stock function myself to see what would happen.
  14. I have just used or ticked this hide out of stock feature myself to see what happens, as I have a few listings with different colours and have the odd colour option that is now out of stock and it seems to break my shop category's. All 7 shop categories are displayed correctly but they only link to category ID No.1 and only show ID no.1 category even when you click on category no 3, 4 or 5. All 7 categories link and display correctly when I untick this hide out of stock feature and I will just leave the shop like this as I usually have it 100% stocked. I am using CC 6.4.9
  15. Ok, will try and restore a backup file. Thanks
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