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Everything posted by Claudia

  1. I just noticed that when someone purchases and item with paypal it does not update the stock level on the store front until I go into admin and clear the cache. It does update it in admin, just not in the store front. What to do? Thanks Running CC 6.4.7
  2. I don't know if this is a big deal or not - just thought I'd put it out there. Before when I sold something thru paypal commerce the phone field would show disabled I sold something yesterday thru paypal commerce and the phone field showed <a href='https://
  3. You lead me on the right path Brian. I found the problem. Thank you!
  4. I keep getting this in my admin error log. excel_name is something for the databases I created a long time ago and have never had a problem. I've looked thru all my coding and can't find the problem. I don't know where to go from here. Any ideas? Thanks in advance File: [admin.dashboard.unsettled_orders.php] Line: [2] "SELECT `cart_order_id`,`excel_name`,`quantity` FROM `CubeCart_order_inventory` WHERE `cart_order_id` IN ('220904-220832-3028') ;" - Unknown column 'excel_name' in 'field list'
  5. Thanks Brian. The code change instead of the radio buttons worked great!
  6. I use radio buttons on the checkout page for medium and large displays to show the shipping cost options. How can I do this for the small display? Thanks for any and all help!
  7. I seems to have quit doing it on it's own. Now that I say that it will probably start back up. We'll see
  8. I had the code changed for this in earlier versions of CC but now i am using CC647 and PHP 8.1 I am the only one that uses my computer and I am in admin for some reason or other a lot. With this new version I am constantly being logged out. Any way to stay logged in? Thanks
  9. That did it!! Once again Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Brian! I quess that's trice again LOL
  10. in the admin/skin/order.index Line 18 <thead> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td nowrap="nowrap">{$THEAD.cart_order_id}</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>{$THEAD.customer}</td> <td>{$THEAD.sold_site}</td> <td>{$THEAD.site_full_address}</td> <td nowrap="nowrap">{$THEAD.status}</td> <td>{$THEAD.date}</td> <td>{$THEAD.total}</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </thead> Line 50: <td><span class="editable" name="sold_site[{$order.order_id}]">{$order.sold_site}</span></td>
  11. "Do you have any code to process that new column?" In looking closer I don't think I did for this sold_site column "Has there been any prior discussion on the forum about customizing your admin skin to do this?" Yes for my stuff shown above - but nothing for the Orders tab where there is no save button And the info won't be coming from the "product" like the other code. It will all stay in the order summary. I had this in the source customer before I removed it if (isset($_POST['sold_site']) && is_array($_POST['sold_site']) && Admin::getInstance()->permissions('customers', CC_PERM_EDIT)) { foreach ($_POST['sold_site'] as $customer_id => $sold_site) { $result = $result || $GLOBALS['db']->update('CubeCart_customer', array('sold_site' => $sold_site), array('customer_id' => (int)$customer_id)); } if ($result) { $GLOBALS['main']->successMessage("Some or all Sold Sites updated."); } $send_redirect = true; }
  12. I don't have anything for sold_site at line 720. What whould my full code be? I had my code for other stuff around line 327" example: $filemanager = new FileManager(FileManager::FM_FILETYPE_DL); foreach ($inventory as $product) { if ( empty($product['excel_name']) ) { $product_excel_name_record = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_inventory','excel_name',array('product_id' => $product['product_id'])); $product['excel_name'] = $product_excel_name_record[0]['excel_name']; }
  13. I think this is what you want: POST https://www.claudiasbargains.com/admin_xxxxxxx.php?_g=orders&sold_site[0]=cb-store&multi-status=&multi-action=&go=Go&search[order_number]=&search[search_customer_id]=&search[statu This is Request Payload: -----------------------------7665031632393229901537355182 The cb-store is my editible column I had that column ajax from my admin/customer but could never get it to save to the order when I updated the customer so I removed coding from customer and removed the ajax_sold_site from the order - just have it as sold_site. I can change the sold_site "inside" the order and it will change on the main orders tab and in the special data tab I have in the order. I just can't change and save from the main "orders" tab where it shows all the orders.
  14. I see that there is no save/ save reload button on the main Orders page in admin where it shows a list of orders. I have an editible column on this page and no way to save it. How can I add the button. Thanks for any and all help
  15. Kinda obvious now that you show it. Thanks again Brian
  16. I create a lot of orders from my etsy and ebay sales and of course I have to add the customers first. Want to make sure they aren't registered. Still want customers from the actual webstore to be able to register if they want
  17. On the customer admin page under "type" it automatically shows registered. Anyway to change that to unregistered?
  18. Yeah! The checkmark disappeared as you said it would. Thank you One more thing I can't get to work in CC646. On the customer admin page under "type" it automatically shows registered. Anyway to change that to unregistered?
  19. When I try to add a product the Automatically generate product code checkbox still has a checkmark in it
  20. This isn't working in cc6.4.6 Any ideas?
  21. I used Microsoft Expression Web 3. They don't even support it anymore but I'm use to it
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