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Store Logos

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By "nothing is showing up", do you mean there is nothing to see or do on this page, or there are no images to choose from, or what?


Create an image that is approximately 560x130px.

On this page, admin.php?_g=settings#Logos, browse to the file on your computer and upload that image.

That image will now show in the Current Logos box.

Use the drop-down selector on the right to choose Kurouto Green and click Save.

View your storefront using the Kurouto Green skin.


You should now see your logo.

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Please tell us if you have manually edited the template file.


In the file /skins/kurouto/templates/main.php, at about line 45, find:

<div id="header">
  <p class="logo"><a href="{$STORE_URL}"><img src="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" alt="{$META_TITLE}" /></a></p>

Instead of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, what is it in your copy of this file?

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 <p class="logo"><a href="{$STORE_URL}"><img src="{$STORE_LOGO}" alt="{$META_TITLE}" /></a></p>
<div id="breadcrumb">
<li><a href="{$STORE_URL}">{$LANG.common.home}</a></li>
{foreach from=$CRUMBS item=crumb}
<li><a href="{$crumb.url}">{$crumb.title}</a></li>
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* Set logo
  private function _setLogo($type ''{
      $this->_logo $GLOBALS['config']->get('logos',$type);
    else {
      $this->_logo $GLOBALS['config']->get('logos',$this->_skin.$this->_style);  


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found this information on source of web page This based on my cubecart 4 website


</div>   <p class="logo"><a href="http://www.northwalesinks.com/store"><img src="/store/images/logos/agent_based_on_kitablue.jpg" alt="North Wales Inks - Printer Ink Cartridges - Remanufactured Ink Cartridges & Compatible Ink Cartridges" /></a></p>   </div>   <div id="breadcrumb">  





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Looking at the source of the HTML - as delivered to the web browser - is a good thing. But the final HTML does not tell us what we need to know.


We need to discover what PHP code CubeCart is using to decide to use the "agent_based_on_kitablue.jpg" image.


To review: CubeCart is being told to use "agent_based_on_kitablue.jpg" as the store logo, but we don't why. The admin Store Settings, Logos tab, should confirm that "agent_based_on_kitablue.jpg" is the image file to use for Kurouto|Green, but it is not.

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By looking at the likely places in the codebase where a statement would exist that says to use "agent_based_on_kitablue.jpg" as the store logo.


I have asked you to look at three or four places, and the information in your valuable replies has not revealed where that statement actually is.


(A programmer would have a "search" tool that can scan hundreds of code files quickly looking for something specific.)

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