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I have to say we are very impressed with cubecart at first glance it seems very friendly & so far is running stable so far. I have a few small issues we noticed during testing, I know I can address these but just need to get more familiar with the code structure.

Question 1.
With respect to "coupons" during final checkout instead of displaying the "coupon code" how can we change it to display the Coupon Description (or both) instead of the only the coupon code?

Question 2:
The External News & Announcements feed is causing insecure warning (when viewing dashboard via SSL) Where do we configure/disable that?

Question 3:
When setting up the PayPal Pro Plugin there is an option for "transaction password"  under "3Dsecure" (just below merchant ID)  can you clarify which password this is & is it required if I have the API setup & configured? Is there any security risk populating the 'transaction password'

Can anyone elaborate on how this option effects transactions (if 3dSecure is disabled) or enabled with the merchant ID but without a transaction password?

thanks in advance, 


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Welcome kinchi! Glad to see you made it to the forums.

#1. The code that adds a valid coupon into the 'basket' needs to be edited slightly.

In /classes/cart.class.php:
public function discountAdd()
Near the end of the function, about line 552, find:
$this->basket['coupons'][strtoupper($coupon['code'])] = array(
	'voucher' => $coupon['code'],
	'gc'  => (!empty($coupon['cart_order_id'])) ? true : false,
	'type'  => $type,
	'value'  => $value,
	'available' => ($coupon['allowed_uses'] > 0) ? $coupon['allowed_uses']-$coupon['count'] : 0,
	'product' => $coupon['product_id'],
	'shipping' => (bool)$coupon['shipping'],
	'subtotal' => (bool)$coupon['subtotal'],

On a new line just above the closing parentheses, add:
    'description' => htmlentities($coupon['description']),


In the skin template content.checkout.medium-up.php, find:
 {foreach from=$COUPONS item=coupon}
    <td colspan="4"></td>
    <td><a href="{$VAL_SELF}&remove_code={$coupon.remove_code}" title="{$LANG.common.remove}">{$coupon.voucher}</a></td>
    <td class="text-right">{$coupon.value}</td>

Edit the HTML to use the template variable:

#2. The RSS Feed URL should be under https already. In admin, Store Settings, Layout tab, check the value for "Default RSS URL for Admin Dashboard" is:


#3. I have no experience with PayPal, so I hope you get a knowledgeable answer for that.

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