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CubeCart 6.1.8 - County not applicable in my country, how to remove?


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Hi People,

I have been running a small CubeCart store for a number of years and performed a truck load of mods when I originally did the setup.

After upgrading PHP version, it broke the store so I've done a fresh install of V6.1.8 using the standard Foundation skin.

One of the immediate things I'd like to do is remove the County field from the registration address fields as they are not applicable in NZ.

Any info I can find online or my old notes from previous CC versions refer to /includes/content/reg.inc.php which no longer appears to be the case.

Can someone please advise how it would be possible to remove reference to County from my CC installation.



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It isnt a simple 5 second change as there are multiple core files and areas within CubeCart that need to be changed.  There is a call for this though and a feature request for it : https://features.cubecart.com/topic/uk-counties-no-longer-used-by-royal-mail_8 and also another feature request to make the address layout dynamic based on the country of the customer - see https://features.cubecart.com/topic/dynamically-adjust-address-layout-to-suit-country-format_9

Voting on one or both of those would help to get it closer to the top of the list of items that will get done


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Thanks for the response, I've voted for the feature requests you linked to. 

I am guessing it could be months or not at all until such a fix is implemented.  In the meantime it makes CC a non-viable option for me.

Any advice/direction on what files need manual editing.  Happy to spend a couple of hours on it.



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Commenting out the line with state verifying language in it would be a logical place to start.

For instance, in your skin's content.addressbook.php

      <div class="row">
         <div class="small-12 large-8 columns"><label for="state-list">{$LANG.address.select_state}</label><input type="text" name="state" id="state-list" required value="{$DATA.state}" placeholder="{$LANG.address.state} {$LANG.form.required}"></div>

There would be similar lines on registration and possibly in the checkout pages.

You would also need to find the places in the admin source and skin files - THAT's where the real problem will come.

orders.index.php has this line which relates to required. Taking the required verbage out might be enough. If you attempt this be sure to keep safe copies of any changed files!!

               <select name="customer[country]" id="sum_country" class="textbox billing country-list required" rel="sum_state">


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Using PHP MyAdmin, make a backup copy of CubeCart_geo_zone, and then truncate all entries in the original table.

If I remember correctly, this will at least make the county field free text.

if this doesn't work for you, maybe you could populate the table with a single entry along the lines "N/A"

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