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Manual Upgrade clarification - global.inc.php-dist file

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Okay, so I have never had success doing an upgrade as many of you are aware. I have done it by the book each time. I have not yet upgraded to the latest version this time around, but will do so after getting some clarification.

So I went to the knowledge base: https://support.cubecart.com/Knowledgebase/Article/View/228/43/how-do-i-upgrade-from-cubecart-v6-to-latest-v6

These instructions say:

IMPORTANT: If your admin folder or admin.php file has been renamed please reflect these changes in the extracted package prior to uploading. These must correspond to the values specified in the includes/global.inc.php file. 


Okay... my admin file and folder have been renamed previously. It says to reflect these changes and correspond to the values in the includes/global.inc.php file. BUT, there is no such file in the extracted content. Instead there is a global.inc.php-dist file. Is this the file I need to copy my info to? And what info do I copy, just the location information or everything in the file?

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When uploading the new CubeCart package, you will be 'overwriting' all existing files. The existing file /includes/global.inc.php contains info specific to your installation - thus this file cannot exist in a CubeCart downloaded package. It won't have the right info, and you wouldn't want an empty file overwriting the existing file. Existing files not found in the downloaded package will not be overwritten (images, other skins, languages, plugins, etc).

Look in the existing global.inc.php file and rename the extracted admin.php and admin folder from the downloaded package to those names. Then, the upload will correctly overwrite the existing admin file and folder with the accurately-named admin file and folder from the package.

For most scenarios, you may ignore the file /includes/global.inc.php-dist. This is included for those who want to study what information is required should they wish to fool about with the installation.

An upgrade (or same-version reload) uses the existing global.inc.php, and a fresh installation creates a new global.inc.php, renaming any existing global.inc.php to have a dated backup filename.

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