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UK prison postcodes


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good afternoon


i have had a lot of orders from prisons now to delivery parcels to the staff members etc


it seems the package has a lot of delays in getting there as you can imagine


i was wondering if someone could make me a module that i can input all the post codes of all the prisons in uk and isle british isles


so that when the customer puts in the prison post code it only offers them tracked services?



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Looking at the new version's code and am somewhat disappointed that, it seems all countries get loaded into the drop-down - not just enabled. (Enabled states are fixed.)

So, does United Kingdom even exist in admin, Countries/Zones? It would be very strange if it didn't.

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1 hour ago, bsmither said:

Looking at the new version's code and am somewhat disappointed that, it seems all countries get loaded into the drop-down - not just enabled. (Enabled states are fixed.)

So, does United Kingdom even exist in admin, Countries/Zones? It would be very strange if it didn't.

I'll look at that tomorrow. 

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Did you recently install AIOS v1.0.20?

I am running it now and have all countries listed when I select the "One or more postal codes" radio button.

If possible, edit the AIOS file /skin/admin/index.tpl. At the end of the file, add {debug}.

When you next ask the browser to show the Add new Shipping Zone page, there will be a popup.

The popup is Smarty's debug listing and will show what the variable $COUNTRIES contains. Please let us know if the array contents for $COUNTRIES is short (nine elements) or long (nearly 240 elements).


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when looking at the html source of the page i see


<div class="clear">
            <select id="zone_countries" data-placeholder="Choose each country by typing here..." name="zone_countries[]" multiple="multiple" class="chzn-select" style="width:350px;">
                        <option value="AR" >Argentina</option>
                        <option value="BR" >Brazil</option>
                        <option value="CA" >Canada</option>
                        <option value="CN" >China</option>
                        <option value="IN" >India</option>
                        <option value="ID" >Indonesia</option>
                        <option value="JP" >Japan</option>
                        <option value="MX" >Mexico</option>
                        <option value="TH" >Thailand</option>
                        <option value="US" >United States</option>
      <div id="div_states" class="nostripe">
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17 hours ago, bsmither said:

Did you recently install AIOS v1.0.20?

I am running it now and have all countries listed when I select the "One or more postal codes" radio button.

If possible, edit the AIOS file /skin/admin/index.tpl. At the end of the file, add {debug}.

When you next ask the browser to show the Add new Shipping Zone page, there will be a popup.

The popup is Smarty's debug listing and will show what the variable $COUNTRIES contains. Please let us know if the array contents for $COUNTRIES is short (nine elements) or long (nearly 240 elements).



Origin: "Smarty object"


Array (10)
0 => Array (7)
  id => "10"
  iso => "AR"
  name => "Argentina"
  iso3 => "ARG"
  numcode => "032"
  eu => "0"
  status => "1"
1 => Array (7)
  id => "30"
  iso => "BR"
  name => "Brazil"
  iso3 => "BRA"
  numcode => "076"
  eu => "0"
  status => "1"
2 => Array (7)
  id => "38"
  iso => "CA"
  name => "Canada"
  iso3 => "CAN"
  numcode => "124"
  eu => "0"
  status => "1"
3 => Array (7)
  id => "44"
  iso => "CN"
  name => "China"
  iso3 => "CHN"
  numcode => "156"
  eu => "0"
  status => "1"
4 => Array (7)
  id => "99"
  iso => "IN"
  name => "India"
  iso3 => "IND"
  numcode => "356"
  eu => "0"
  status => "1"
5 => Array (7)
  id => "100"
  iso => "ID"
  name => "Indonesia"
  iso3 => "IDN"
  numcode => "360"
  eu => "0"
  status => "1"
6 => Array (7)
  id => "107"
  iso => "JP"
  name => "Japan"
  iso3 => "JPN"
  numcode => "392"
  eu => "0"
  status => "1"
7 => Array (7)
  id => "138"
  iso => "MX"
  name => "Mexico"
  iso3 => "MEX"
  numcode => "484"
  eu => "0"
  status => "1"
8 => Array (7)
  id => "211"
  iso => "TH"
  name => "Thailand"
  iso3 => "THA"
  numcode => "764"
  eu => "0"
  status => "1"
9 => Array (7)
  id => "226"
  iso => "US"
  name => "United States"
  iso3 => "USA"
  numcode => "840"
  eu => "0"
  status => "1"
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4 minutes ago, bsmither said:

Did you recently install AIOS v1.0.20?


yes i did

if i reinstall it will i lose all my rates


as it takes so long putting them all in


and it would mean having to stop all orders coming in until i enter them all in again

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I am focusing on the resultset from the query at /admin/index.inc.php, near line 322. The query gets put into the Smarty template variable straight-away. No chance to change its contents - unless changed later. I'm looking for that possibility now.

I have little confidence that re-installing the module code will do anything different.

All the rates are databased. They will not get lost.

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In the AIOS file /admin/index.inc.php:

Near line 322, find:

$template_vars['COUNTRIES'] = $countries;

Change to:

$template_vars['COUNTRIES'] = $countries; $GLOBALS['debug']->debugMessage('The number of countries retrieved from the database is: '.count($countries));

In CubeCart's admin, Store Settings, Advanced tab, enable Cubecart's debug mode and enter your computer's public IP address in the next field (www.showmyip.com).

Returning to the AIOS module, Add New Shipping Zone tab, scroll to the bottom of the page where there is a grey debug area.

Below the list of SQL queries is a section called: Debug Messages.

There should be one entry that says:
[0] The number of countries retrieved from the database is: 241

Yours might say 10.

If so, then we need to look again at the list of Countries in admin, Countries/Zones to determine how many there are.

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1 Hack: 1615653839.43690 --- Duration: 633 µs [NOT CACHED]
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `ss_dbprefixCubeCart_sessions` WHERE ss_dbprefixCubeCart_sessions.session_id = 'df711d678d092481b97e775f6aedf074' LIMIT 1;
2 Hack: 1615653839.43710 --- Duration: 228 µs [NOT CACHED]
3 Hack: 1615653839.45730 --- Duration: 232 µs [NOT CACHED]
SELECT * FROM `ss_dbprefixCubeCart_lang_strings` WHERE ss_dbprefixCubeCart_lang_strings.language = 'en-GB' ;
4 Hack: 1615653839.45980 --- Duration: 845 µs [NOT CACHED]
SELECT * FROM `ss_dbprefixCubeCart_hooks` WHERE ss_dbprefixCubeCart_hooks.enabled = '1' ORDER BY priority ASC ;
5 Hack: 1615653839.46100 --- Duration: 528 µs [NOT CACHED]
SELECT * FROM `ss_dbprefixCubeCart_code_snippet` WHERE ss_dbprefixCubeCart_code_snippet.enabled = '1' ORDER BY `priority` ASC ;
6 Hack: 1615653839.46560 --- Duration: 235 µs [NOT CACHED]
SELECT `name` FROM `ss_dbprefixCubeCart_geo_country` WHERE ss_dbprefixCubeCart_geo_country.numcode = '826' ;
7 Hack: 1615653839.46800 --- Duration: 696 µs [NOT CACHED]
SELECT C.cat_id, C.cat_name, C.cat_parent_id, S.path FROM `ss_dbprefixCubeCart_category` as C LEFT JOIN `ss_dbprefixCubeCart_seo_urls` as S ON S.item_id=C.cat_id WHERE S.type='cat' AND S.redirect='0' ORDER BY C.cat_id DESC
8 Hack: 1615653839.46960 --- Duration: 613 µs [NOT CACHED]
SELECT `cat_id`, `cat_name` FROM `ss_dbprefixCubeCart_category_language` WHERE ss_dbprefixCubeCart_category_language.language = 'en-GB' ;
9 Hack: 1615653839.47420 --- Duration: 554 µs [NOT CACHED]
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS MIN(`live_from`) AS `next_time` FROM `ss_dbprefixCubeCart_inventory` WHERE `live_from` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() LIMIT 1;
10 Hack: 1615653839.47440 --- Duration: 231 µs [NOT CACHED]
11 Hack: 1615653839.47700 --- Duration: 430 µs [NOT CACHED]
SELECT * FROM `ss_dbprefixCubeCart_permissions` WHERE ss_dbprefixCubeCart_permissions.admin_id = '1' ;
12 Hack: 1615653839.48000 --- Duration: 313 µs [NOT CACHED]
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `array` FROM `ss_dbprefixCubeCart_config` WHERE ss_dbprefixCubeCart_config.name = 'All_In_One_Shipping' LIMIT 1;
13 Hack: 1615653839.48040 --- Duration: 429 µs [NOT CACHED]
14 Hack: 1615653839.48190 --- Duration: 587 µs [NOT CACHED]
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `status`, `countries` FROM `ss_dbprefixCubeCart_modules` WHERE ss_dbprefixCubeCart_modules.folder = 'All_In_One_Shipping' LIMIT 1;
15 Hack: 1615653839.48200 --- Duration: 128 µs [NOT CACHED]
16 Hack: 1615653839.48250 --- Duration: 353 µs [NOT CACHED]
SELECT * FROM `ss_dbprefixCubeCart_modules` WHERE ss_dbprefixCubeCart_modules.folder = 'All_In_One_Shipping' ;
17 Hack: 1615653839.48480 --- Duration: 586 µs [NOT CACHED]
SELECT `id`, `tax_name` FROM `ss_dbprefixCubeCart_tax_class` ORDER BY `tax_name` ASC ;
18 Hack: 1615653839.48590 --- Duration: 502 µs [NOT CACHED]
SELECT * FROM `ss_dbprefixCubeCart_geo_country` WHERE ss_dbprefixCubeCart_geo_country.status = '1' ORDER BY `name` ASC ;

All_In_One_Shipping: settings:

    [cc5_data] => 1
    [countries] => 
    [debug] => 0
    [default] => 0
    [disabled_countries] => 
    [folder] => All_In_One_Shipping
    [group_name] => 
    [module] => shipping
    [module_id] => 126
    [multiple_zones] => all
    [position] => 0
    [range_items] => 0
    [range_subtotal] => 1
    [range_weight] => 1
    [status] => 1
    [tax] => 3
    [tax_included] => 
    [use_flat] => 1
    [use_item] => 0
    [use_percent] => 0
    [use_weight] => 0
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Query #18 is interesting.

My AIOS v1.0.20 does not have a WHERE clause.

I wonder if this module got updated yet again.

Apparently so.

Still, the debug message should be there.

But now that the list of countries is being restricted to only enabled counties, please review in admin, Countries/Zones to determine if UK is 'enabled'.

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