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No longer able to save cart settings because a 404 page not found is being shown


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I have been using CubeCart for several years and I have never had any trouble. I love the way CubeCart works and the design. I shut my store off almost a year ago due to a move. I went into the store last week because I am finally ready to put my store back online. Being away for so long there were several updates. I didn’t even think about turning the store back on before doing any updates.

After the updates, I am no longer able to save sections of the cart. For instance, the store settings. When I go to the store setting and try to change the address and click save it returns a 404 - page can not be found. I have been beating my head against the wall since last week and I am unable to figure out what in the world went wrong. I did try to install CubeCart into another directory but that too is having the same issue. I do not know what would be causing this or who I would ask.

I am using WordPress for the main site and CubeCart for my eCommerce.

When looking at the cart it does show the red banner WARNING: This store is closed. Only staff members logged in can view the store whilst it is offline. To view the offline message please log out of the admin control panel.


Also, I do have a system error that reads:

File: [maintenance.sql.inc.php] Line: [25] "### Rewrite rules for SEO functionality ### RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /cubecart/ " - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /cubecart/' at line 3

I have tried to delete the .htaccess file and reinstall without success.

Please, if anyone could help, I would really appreciate it. I really do not want to go with another cart. For as long as it has taken me to try and figure out the issues, I could have had another cart done, but that is not the point. I want to keep my CubeCart.

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You say that WordPress is in the main directory for your domain name, which means CubeCart should be in a sub-directory (/cubecart/).

Please critically examine any .htaccess file that belongs to WordPress. (This assumes your web server can use .htaccess files. Some web servers do not, such as nginx.) The thinking is that there is a directive in the .htaccess file in the main directory that is inadvertently causing problems for later-parsed .htaccess files.

The system errors are bizarre. It is as if someone is entering something that is in no way a legit SQL query in the Query Box seen at admin, Maintenance, Query Database (Advanced).


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have no way in knowing is the .htaccess is correct. I did end up with a 403 error earlier but now I am back to the 404.

If I am trying to save any changes made in CubeCart (for example- store settings) and I click the save button it returns to a page not found. I have been dealing with this for a few weeks and I am really ready to scream. Any help is greatly appreciated. 


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Nothing wrong with the .htaccess file, provided that CubeCart is installed in a subfolder named /store/.

The system error is bizarre. It is as if someone is sending to the database something that is in no way a legit SQL query in the Query Box seen at admin, Maintenance, Query Database (Advanced).


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none of this makes sense. When we are in the CubeCart admin area and I am trying to click the save settings button because I had changed items in the store settings it returns me to the front page of the cart but shows 

404 - Page Not Found

Sorry but the page you are looking for could not be found.

Where would pushing the save button take us once the page is saved? it does not seem to be pointing to the correct page. I have deleted my entire site, I have uninstalled WordPress several times and then I had even done a Dreamweaver template to see if it could actually be something  I would find. NO I still get the same error. 

I know you all are busy and I am truly sorry to bother you but I am at a complete loss. I do not know what could have happened when I tried to turn back on my store. The only thing I did was shut the store down because I was away for a year, I come back and of course, there was an update to CubeCart and WP did those updates, and now this issue.. I am unable to figure anything out. 



I have seen instances in prior forum postings about similar issues.. but I can not find the answer

Screenshot 2022-07-28 151751.jpg

Screenshot 2022-07-28 151731.jpg

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The browser you use will likely have a Developer's Tools feature. For Firefox, that is brought up by pressing the F12 key. These tools will have a 'Network' screen.

Have the Network screen showing. Then, in CubeCart's administration, click the Save button on the Store Settings screen. (According to your situation, you should get the 404 screen.)

Examine the tool's Network screen. It will show a list of page requests, including the POST that is not returning the proper page. Click once on that POST log entry to show details about that request.

What is the actual Request URL of the POST?

Also, view the contents of the file /includes/global.inc.php. There will be a variable referencing the adminFolder and a variable referencing the adminFile. Do the values of these variables match the actual admin filename and admin folder?

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ok here is the information that it had returned. I am sorry... I am not a professional developer and I wish I could assist you more. I can not thank you enough for your help. I deleted everything only to end up with the same issue.. 




Cookie “CC_2E937DAB28” does not have a proper “SameSite” attribute value. Soon, cookies without the “SameSite” attribute or with an invalid value admin_%^%will be treated as “Lax”. This means that the cookie will no longer be sent in third-party contexts. If your application depends on this cookie being available in such contexts, please add the “SameSite=None“ attribute to it. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite

The other one was...

Layout was forced before the page was fully loaded. If stylesheets are not yet loaded this may cause a flash of (( unstyled content.


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Please view the contents of the file /includes/global.inc.php. There will be a variable referencing the adminFolder and a variable referencing the adminFile. Do the values of these variables match the actual admin filename and admin folder?

Is there a file having the name admin_nvniHf.php? Are there any other files with a name that begins with admin?

A page request for this file succeeds, so I conclude there is this file present.

Is this the file you are actually using to log into admin -- "admin_nvniHf.php"?

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I have deleted the file .htaccess from the directory and that will actually come back page not found but without any cart. 

screenshot 2 is with the .htaccess file and screenshot 1 is without.

This is really crazy.. I can not figure this out. 

screenshot 1.jpg

screenshot 2.jpg

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Yes, I did delete it from my directory.

I had WP in my main directory...not in a new folder but rather directly under public_html.

If I delete the .htaccess file from the main public_html directory I then get left with a 404 without any cubecart showing as in the screenshot above. 

Even if I go into my directory where CubeCart is (/store) and delete that same file I still get the same error. 

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I am out of ideas -- where suggestions are limited to what can be done with simply looking at files.

You can certainly request assistance from the hosting company, who can look at things deep in the guts of it all: web access logs, .htaccess activity, etc, places where subscriber customers cannot go.


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