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Extra images not showing in admin products since 6.4.6 upgrade


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I upgraded to 6.4.6 and everything seems ok except the extra images aren't showing in admin/products

Oh, and the word location is mispelled in the dropdown


Nevermind it has something to do with my custom admin skin.  I'll figure it out

Thanks anyway

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Found the problem.  Part of my code looked like this for some reason.  Any ideas why?

<ul>{foreach $GALLERY_ARRAY as $gallery_image}
                  {if $gallery_image@index > 0}
                  <li id="gallery_imageset_{$gallery_image.file_id}">
                     <img src="../../AAA%20CC%206.4.6/CC%206.4.6%20Download/Original%20Do%20Not%20Edit/admin/skins/default/templates/images/source/{$gallery_image.filepath}{$gallery_image.filename}" title="{$gallery_image.filepath}{$gallery_image.filename}" />

Just saw I had similair in translations

   <input type="hidden" name="" id="">
            <a href="{$translation.edit}" title="{$translation.name}">
             <img src="../../AAA%20CC%206.4.6/CC%206.4.6%20Download/Original%20Do%20Not%20Edit/admin/skins/default/templates/language/flags/{$translation.language}.png" alt="{$translation.name}"></a>
            &nbsp; <a href="{$translation.edit}" title="{$translation.name}">{$translation.name}</a>


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What did you use to apply the code changes found in CC646 vs CC645?

If you used something more sophisticated that a programmer's text editor, such as Dreamweaver, an Integrated Development Environment, or other web page builder, I can see that the builder saw the <img> tags and applied a full path address based on where the page was being built.



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If you are used to using it, then it should not have gotten out of hand like I am theorizing it did -- if it did!

You can always try a sandboxed effort of applying the CC646 edits of the new code to a copy of that file from CC645 and see if it happens again. If you have a mind to.

Good reviews about Notepad++. (I don't use it because it doesn't do a few things I find very useful.)


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