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  3. It will require a plugin - which I am working on now.
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  5. Probably you mean separate tables in the database? If so, then that will be the approach to take.
  6. I made databases for them if that's what you mean. One is feedback another is all_delivery_date I have others
  7. I answered this question just a few days ago. But I cannot find that conversation. In admin, Product Options, Add a new group using the type "Textbox (Single Line)". Give an appropriate description (optional - only the admin will see this) and a Name. Save. In admin, Products, bring a product up for editing. On the Options tab, Add New Option, select the name of the textbox from the drop-down. Here, you can also specify a price differential. CubeCart does not yet have the code to dynamically add/display follow-on options based on some other option or option combination.
  8. CC654 added the hooks necessary to add custom items to the "With Selected:" drop-down (and probably the "then" drop-down). It depends on where the edited data items are stored that makes this easy or just a bit more difficult.
  9. I have no real experience with SpamAssassin, but I would consider Support's assertion as being likely. From what I found: Multiple instances of word[s] + hexadecimal hash And the actual regex that defines that, I suppose, depends on the version of Spam Assassin in use. So, one can try rephrasing the message such that the order number is at the end of the sentence with punctuation on either side: <p>The following order has been cancelled: {$DATA.cart_order_id}.</p>
  10. I have editable columns I created for the main order page in admin. Problem is when I change their content and hit go my changes aren't saved. Is there any way to remove the checkboxes and the "when selected" "do nothing" and just put a save button so my changes will be saved? Or in the "do nothing" drop down add "Update File" or something like that. Thanks for any and all help
  11. From early this month I noticed some outbound emails (from my cubecart store) were being rejected by my host, so not reaching customers. Fortunately, only the Order Cancelled emails are the ones that were tripping SpamAssassin. The three issues (and comments from host support) were: HEXHASH_WORD=2.996 - this will relate to the order number format HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_16=1.048 - I can't see from the logs if there are HTML images included or not PHP_SCRIPT=2.499 - this is the method the email has been sent I changed the store email setting from PHP mail() function to SMTP with SSL (couldn't do this originally due to other limitations), so that fixed the PHP_SCRIPT part. The spam score is now low enough to pass through, but I'd like to reduce it further to avoid future issues. I'm expecting the HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_16 might be the store logo included in the emails? (img src etc.) I don't understand and can not find any explanation of what HEXHASH_WORD means in the context of the Order Cancelled email. Based on the comments from support, I assumed that was the # at the start of the order number eg. #240611-192745-7425; however, the cancelled emails only use the order number without the # at all, eg. 240611-192745-7425. Was support right about the order number format being the trigger? What should I look for and change to reduce the HEXHASH_WORD score assigned by SpamAssassin?
  12. I'm using cubecart 6.5.5. I sell gift baskets. Some of my baskets can be personalized by adding a persons name to a mug, t-shirt, water bottle etc... (Example of a Basket for sale) Choose one basket - $40 *Male (they selected male) Female Neutral Choose optional upgrade I don't want to upgrade $0 I want to add a small size T-shirt no name $10 *I want to add a small size T-shirt w/name $17 (they selected to add a name to a T-shirt) Total price is = $57 What I need help with is where does the customer type in the name they want on the T-shirt? After they choose the option to add a name to a t-shirt, how can I auto populate a name field specific to that option? Thank you for your help.
  13. Last week
  14. When images display correctly in one location but not in another, troubleshooting the issue requires a methodical approach. First, verify if there are any network connectivity issues affecting the second location's ability to load images. Slow internet speeds or network restrictions can hinder image retrieval. Next, check for browser-specific problems by clearing the cache and cookies or testing with an alternative browser. Sometimes, browser extensions or settings such as ad blockers can also interfere with image loading. Adjusting these settings or temporarily disabling extensions can often resolve the issue. Just as seeking https://assignmenthelps.org/Essay-Help can provide valuable insights and guidance for academic success, addressing these image display discrepancies systematically ensures a seamless browsing experience across different locations and devices.
  15. Checking out the Spotify monthly listeners mpressive numbers! Curious to explore the diverse tastes and recommendations from this community. What's your go-to track right now? Let's share the music love!
  16. This is a known issue. Please see: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/3596
  17. Hello! I have been using CubeCart for various catalogs for years. A couple years back suddenly one of them stopped working. I had zero success getting it corrected, tried reinstalling, no luck. Couldn't log into admin nor did the catalog show up. So I gave up and tried Gumroad, which worked but now they've alerted me to bogus "NSFW" from the payment processor, Stripe, so out of desperation I tried to get my old catalog to work. Still no joy, I get this: Deprecated: auto_detect_line_endings is deprecated in /home3/cosmicsp/public_html/theater/shopping/ini.inc.php on line 107 Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function set_magic_quotes_runtime() in /home3/cosmicsp/public_html/theater/shopping/ini.inc.php:111 Stack trace: #0 /home3/cosmicsp/public_html/theater/shopping/index.php(86): require_once() #1 {main} thrown in /home3/cosmicsp/public_html/theater/shopping/ini.inc.php on line 111 So I looked through my cpanel and saw CubeCart was once available as an install. I tried it, everything went fine, and I thought I was back in luck, well except for having to add a few hundred items again. Then the glitch: I can't upload digital products. When I click on the UPLOAD tab, there are buttons to upload. Same thing with the CREATE FOLDER tab. Nothing appears. Any ideas? I'm using PHP 8.1, CubeCart version 6.5.5
  18. Why Horizon Care Services Home Care Services in Palm Beach County? At Horizon Care, we understand that each individual has unique needs and preferences. Our personalized care plans are tailored to meet the specific requirements of each client, ensuring they receive the best possible care. Our caregivers are compassionate, empathetic, and dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of our clients. Experienced and Professional Team Our team of highly trained caregivers is experienced in providing a wide range of home care services. From personal care assistance to specialized care for conditions like Alzheimer’s and dementia, our professionals are equipped to handle diverse care needs with expertise and compassion. Comprehensive Range of Services Horizon Care offers an extensive range of home care services, including personal care, companionship, medication management, light housekeeping, transportation, and specialized care. Whether you need short-term assistance or long-term support, we have the services to meet your needs. Commitment to Quality Quality care is our top priority at Horizon Care. We adhere to the highest standards of service to ensure the well-being and satisfaction of our clients. Our caregivers undergo rigorous training and continuous education to stay updated with the latest best practices in home care. Local Expertise and Community Focus Serving the Greater Palm Beach County area, including West Palm, Palm Beach Gardens, Miami Beach, Fort Lauderdale, and Pompano, we have a deep understanding of the local community and its needs. Our local presence allows us to provide timely and efficient care, with a focus on building strong relationships with our clients and their families. Flexible and Reliable Care We know that care needs can change, and we offer flexible scheduling to accommodate your lifestyle and preferences. Whether you need care for a few hours a day or round-the-clock support, our reliable caregivers are here to provide the assistance you need when you need it. Peace of Mind for Families Choosing Horizon Care means peace of mind for families. Knowing that your loved ones are in the hands of skilled and compassionate caregivers allows you to focus on spending quality time with them rather than worrying about their daily care needs. Client-Centered Approach Our client-centered approach ensures that our services are always aligned with our clients’ wishes and needs. We work closely with families and healthcare professionals to create care plans that promote independence, dignity, and a high quality of life. Contact Us Today Experience the Horizon Care difference in Palm Beach County. Contact us today to discuss how we can support you and your loved ones with our exceptional home care services. Palm Beach County Office 784 US Highway One Suite 15 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Phone: 561-776-7757 Fax: 561-776-7404 NR#: 302112 HHA#:299994406
  19. Earlier
  20. Clear the cookies. If it still doesn't work it's a server session config issue.
  21. Hey everyone, I'm encountering a strange problem with the admin login on the store. After entering the username and password, when I hit login, it resets without logging in or displaying any errors. I've attempted to reset the password multiple times in the database, but to no avail. It was working fine a few hours ago and then suddenly stopped without any apparent cause. The logs don't show any relevant information either. Any assistance would be highly appreciated.
  22. For later versions of CubeCart, in admin, Customer List, GDPR Tools tab, there is a red button that will irretrievably (unless backed up) delete customers with having zero orders.
  23. Some CC users may find this little code hack handy. I found a solution after it was flagged as an accessibility issue by Google. It allows you to add a title and/or description to an svg icon , in this instance the svg home icon seen in the mobile skin or on small screens, improving the user experience for people with accessibility issues. Find this original code in template element.breadcrumb.php <a itemprop="item" href="{$STORE_URL}"> <span class="show-for-small-only"> <svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-home"></use></svg> </span> <span class="show-for-medium-up" itemprop="name">{$LANG.common.home}</span> </a> Edit to include the information for aria-describedby mark up: <a itemprop="item" href="{$STORE_URL}"> <span class="show-for-small-only"> <svg class="icon" aria-describedby="svg-titlehome1 svg-deschome1" role="img"><title id="svg-titlehome1">home</title><desc id="svg-deschome1">home</desc><use xlink:href="#icon-home"></use></svg> </span> <span class="show-for-medium-up" itemprop="name">{$LANG.common.home}</span> </a> The result of the additional code is the word 'home' appearing on hover over the home SVG icon in the mobile skin. I've also made the same code addition to the home svg icon in box.navigation.php however you will need to change the aria-describedby title and desc to unique / different ID names in a second instance for it to work with both templates.
  24. HI, On several stores I have maybe 30,000 unregistered customer with 'zero' orders, I would prefer not to do it manually, and would like to remove them all, is it simply a matter of running a query like - delete from `CubeCart_customer` [& `CubeCart_newsletter_subscriber`] where type=2 and orders=0 - or are there other implications ?? Thanks In Advance. ChrisColeman.
  25. I've tried searching but can't find any information on this. After the updates, even after reinstalling the USPS API, I only get Priority Mail as an option. I've selected the First Class option, and my package weights are only around 0.3 lbs. Did I miss something? Please help, and thank you for your time in advance.
  26. The "cannot be decoded" message is authentic. The version of the ionCube loader needs to be compatible with the version of PHP, and the encoded script needs to have been encoded using that same version. So, the publisher of the extension needs to do their thing. The "session_start" issue is when PHP wants to also do some garbage collection when starting a session. But PHP (or whatever user:group PHP runs under) is not recognized as an authorized user to delete some session files. (But can PHP write new session files???) This should be a problem the tech support people can fix. The session issue is a "Notice" which means that CubeCart won't stop working. Being able to do garbage collecting is important, as the number of stale session files could increase into the millions (on a very busy site) and cause problems for the operating system's file management system as a whole (running out of 'nodes' or something like that).
  27. It worked and produced an error log ... modules/shipping/UPS_Delivery/shipping.class.php encoded as type [1/74] cannot be decoded by this version of the ionCube Loader. and then in following lines .... [03-Jun-2024 19:48:29 America/New_York] PHP Notice: session_start() [<a href='http://docs.php.net/manual/en/function.session-start.php'>function.session-start.php</a>]: ps_files_cleanup_dir: opendir(/var/lib/php/session) failed: Permission denied (13) The webserver uses the latest version of ioncube loader 13.x for php 8.2
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