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  2. As Liberty asked: will Cburst be updated to be comaptible with PHP8 ? I'm still stuck on PHP7.4 but no doubt this will become depreciated in time.
  3. For the Amzin skin, find the template element.css.php and view the code. Please note that the last lines of code will cause the final HTML sent to the browser to have a reference to the CSS file having specific sub-style styling. The sub-styles are 'default' and three others. The 'default' file (cubecart.default.css) has nothing in it. The body rule will need to be added. For each of the sub-style CSS files, the first CSS rule is for the body tag. For this rule, one can make this change: body{ color:#525252; } To: body{ color:#525252; background-image: url("/path/to/image.jpg"); } For each of the sub-styles, a different image can be used for the background.
  4. Yesterday
  5. Hi. I have Amzin and Basix skins which Nitefox kindly donated to the Cubecart site. Both of these are working with the latest version of Cubecart, albeit with a few modifications to the code to suit my own particular needs. I also have the CBurst skin also provided by Nitefox and wondered if there are any plans to enable this to run in PHP 8? It is a great looking template and would be a shame let this fall into disuse after it was donated to be used free of charge. Failing this, is there a straightforward way to introduce a background image to the Amzin or Basix skins. If there is, am hoping someone will be able to offer detailed instructions into how to achieve this, as sure it will allow people to have better visual impact when building their sites. Thanks
  6. Last week
  7. Access: Ensuring everyone can obtain affordable healthcare services. Quality: Providing effective, safe, and patient-centered care. Cost: Managing expenses while maintaining quality and accessibility. Technology: Leveraging advancements for diagnosis, treatment, and management. Prevention: Promoting healthy lifestyles to reduce illness and disease. Equity: Addressing disparities in healthcare access and outcomes. Policy: Developing regulations to guide healthcare delivery and financing. Collaboration: Fostering cooperation among healthcare providers and stakeholders. Innovation: Encouraging new approaches to improve healthcare delivery. Patient Empowerment: Engaging individuals in their own healthcare decisions and management. For More Info https://mibridges.info/
  8. Numerous social media marketing services catered to regional requirements are available from SMM Pak Panel. Businesses aiming to effectively improve their web presence will benefit greatly from it due to its reasonably priced and dependable performance.
  9. These {$var} entities are for Smarty, the template rendering engine, and are evaluated before the finished HTML is sent out of the web server. Using the More button causes javascript (at the browser) to request, receive, and use only a specific portion of the next page, which gets appended to the end of the scrollable products area. This specific portion of the incoming HTML may have the page number somewhere in it, but it will not be tied to {$page}. That is, having added {$page} to a different template, or a new place in the content template, when Smarty replaces it with a actual number (at the server), that new number won't show if it is outside of the portion of the finished HTML that the javascript uses.
  10. I have a found alternative solution using JS to directly update innerHTML of the div during ("#ccScroll") onclick event. But I would still like to know why this happens or if I am doing something wrong.
  11. I have added a div to show the current page in cuebcart search <div class="currentPage text-center"> <div>Page {$page} of {$total}</div> </div> $page and $total are already values present in the current cubecart search which is used for displaying and hiding the load more button which is working perfectly fine. But my page value does not change at stays constant even after loading more items (pages by clicking load more). Why is the it behaving like this , I have tried inspecting the network and html content returned has the updated page value in the html. Any help appreciated
  12. ^ Looks like a spam link has been inserted. DO NOT CLICK
  13. Earlier
  14. Thanks Brian, it didn't quite work on mine, got some in caps and bold but so glad you showed me where to look to change it, I'd have been looking through my standard skin templates not the admin one. I found some of the existing lines of code already had this |upper which already made some of the address uppercase, so I've just copied that onto the parts that weren't, now all are upper. {$OVERVIEW_SUMMARY.name_d} changed to {$OVERVIEW_SUMMARY.name_d|upper}, same for {$OVERVIEW_SUMMARY.line1_d } changed to {$OVERVIEW_SUMMARY.line1_d|upper} This is going to save me soooooooooo much time thank you
  15. Here is the code snippet: In admin, Manage Hooks, Code Snippets tab, click the Add Snippet link. A form will appear at the bottom of the list of snippets. Fill it out as follows: Enabled: checked Unique ID: upperdeladdr@cc640+ Execution Order: 99 Description: Uppercases the Delivery Address sent to Smarty Trigger: admin.order.index.display Version: 1.0 Author: forums.cubecart.com/topic/59118-how-to-make-delivery-addresses-all-caps/ Note that at the first line in the PHP Code, I use the names of the first two characters to type. Type the actual characters, no spaces, for that line. (These forums have a security feature that often blocks submissions that look like executable code.) less-than question-mark php $uda_array = array('title_d','name_d','first_name_d','last_name_d','company_name_d','line1_d','line2_d','town_d','state_d','country_d'); $uda_overview_summary = $GLOBALS['smarty']->getTemplateVars('OVERVIEW_SUMMARY'); foreach($uda_array as $uda_field) $uda_overview_summary[$uda_field] = strtoupper($uda_overview_summary[$uda_field]); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('OVERVIEW_SUMMARY', $uda_overview_summary);
  16. A quick edit to this admin skin template file should work -- until CubeCart gets updated. In the admin skin template file orders.index.php, find: <legend>{$LANG.address.delivery_address}</legend> {$OVERVIEW_SUMMARY.name_d}<br> {if !empty($OVERVIEW_SUMMARY.company_name_d)}{$OVERVIEW_SUMMARY.company_name_d}<br>{/if} <span class="capitalize">{$OVERVIEW_SUMMARY.line1_d}<br> {if !empty($OVERVIEW_SUMMARY.line2_d)}{$OVERVIEW_SUMMARY.line2_d}<br>{/if}</span> Change to: <legend>{$LANG.address.delivery_address}</legend> <span class="uppercase">{$OVERVIEW_SUMMARY.name_d}</span><br> {if !empty($OVERVIEW_SUMMARY.company_name_d)}<span class="uppercase">{$OVERVIEW_SUMMARY.company_name_d}</span><br>{/if} <span class="uppercase">{$OVERVIEW_SUMMARY.line1_d}<br> {if !empty($OVERVIEW_SUMMARY.line2_d)}{$OVERVIEW_SUMMARY.line2_d}<br>{/if}</span> Soon, I will write a code snippet that will do this in a manner that will survive an upgrade.
  17. we copy it from the delivery address that is shown on the order summary page, at the moment it shows as below, but we then spend ages correcting it all, got 80 international orders to do tonight and just so not looking forward to editing all the names and addresses As an example: Billng Address Delivery Address jackie brown jackie brown 1a the Avenue 1a the Avenue MYCITY MYCITY YORKSHIRE, XX20 2KK YORKSHIRE, XX20 2KK UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM
  18. This would be the printed shipping receipt? Or would you be using a third-party solution that prints your shipping labels?
  19. Is there any way I can get the full delivery addresses to be in CAPITALS, that is: name, surname, address line 1, line 2, town, county/state not bothered about billing address but when I come to export for the shipping some customers use all lower case, some all caps and some a mix. Would help too for my international shipments as the printed address on the labels (set size by Royal Mail) isn't that big. I know I can amend the counties and zones in dashboard but going to take me forever. Thanks in advance
  20. I don't tweak the look of the payment form very much. Just a little bit of stuff to make it blend with the store, but I don't mind the basic formatting that gets sent from Authorize.net. It would be nice to be able to easily blend it so it was visually seamless, but to be honest, I simply don't have the time to do any deep diving into it. Besides, I think you are probably right that it is part of the formatting coming within the iframe from Authorize.net. Have you tried using the developer tools in Chrome to look at the live css when the window is open? If you can identify the classes that are formatting things you want to change inside of the iframe, you might be able to do an override of those classes with your own values using those class names if they load AFTER the payment window.
  21. Just tried it. Its very stubborn with everything. Its seems to be inheriting it from the Accept Hosted results within the iframe. Do you also see the same in your installations?
  22. I believe frameborder html attribute is not valid HTML5 and is obsolete. If you try validating your css, you will get a message "The frameborder attribute is not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead." Try using pure css: style="border:none;" That tells it to remove the border. Or you can make the border width 0: style="border:0;" And also try adding the !important marker if it doesn't work in case there is upstream CSS creating it: style="border: none !important;" style="border: 0 !important;" Don't know if this will work, but it is worth a try! Good luck.
  23. My first busy season is in June, which will stress-test this issue. Hopefully, there can be some workaround in place by then.
  24. Hello Kirk, This extension works well for us too. In our case we turned off the settingValue to off for Addresses and PaymentOrderOptions. This made the iframe very clean. If the PaymentOrderOptions is On, then you see the orderid etc which is in a smaller font. Just the card number, exp date, cvv and captcha is very clean. Whats stubborn is the iframe border in grey. The frameborder=0 is somehow ignored. Do you have this same issue? Have you managed to create a CSS for this iframe? Thanks.
  25. Since April I've only had one on the 14th May. Stock is set to reduce on processing, customer purchased 4 items, one of which was the last, she went and paid but on return to my store was informed one of the items was no out of stock so she went and purchased the other 3 items again. I can cope with one offs like that, just not the quantity we were having.
  26. Introduction In the realm of luxury automobiles, the Volvo S60 stands out as a pinnacle of Scandinavian engineering and design. However, even the most meticulously crafted machines can encounter issues over time. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the top 5 common problems that Volvo S60 owners may face, providing insights and solutions to ensure a seamless driving experience. 1. Volvo S60 Electrical System Glitches Electrical system glitches often plague modern vehicles, and the Volvo S60 is no exception. Owners may encounter issues such as malfunctioning infotainment systems, erratic dashboard displays, or faulty sensors. These problems can stem from various sources, including wiring issues, software bugs, or component failures. To address electrical gremlins, it’s crucial to conduct thorough diagnostics using specialized equipment. Certified technicians can pinpoint the root cause of the issue and implement targeted repairs or software updates to restore functionality. Regular maintenance checks and software updates can also help prevent future electrical woes. 2. Volvo S60 Transmission Concerns The transmission is a vital component of any vehicle, responsible for transferring power from the engine to the wheels. In some Volvo S60 models, owners may experience transmission-related issues such as rough shifting, delayed engagement, or transmission fluid leaks. Proper maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity of the transmission. Regular fluid checks and replacements, along with adherence to recommended service intervals, can mitigate the risk of transmission problems. Additionally, addressing any warning signs promptly can prevent minor issues from escalating into costly repairs. 3. Volvo S60 Suspension Challenges A smooth and stable ride is synonymous with the Volvo S60 experience. However, suspension challenges can disrupt this harmony, leading to issues such as excessive bouncing, uneven tire wear, or a noticeable decline in ride quality. Suspension components undergo constant wear and tear, especially on vehicles traversing uneven terrain or experiencing harsh driving conditions. Routine inspections by qualified mechanics can detect worn-out bushings, damaged shocks, or misaligned suspension geometry. Timely replacements and alignments can restore the S60’s handling prowess and ride comfort. 4. Volvo S60 Engine Performance Issues The heart of any vehicle, the engine, powers the Volvo S60 with robust performance and efficiency. Nevertheless, owners may encounter engine-related issues such as rough idling, decreased power output, or illuminated warning lights indicating potential faults. Regular maintenance, including oil changes, filter replacements, and spark plug inspections, is crucial to preserving engine health. Additionally, addressing any abnormal symptoms promptly can prevent minor issues from escalating into major repairs. Advanced diagnostic tools enable technicians to diagnose engine problems accurately and implement effective solutions. 5. Volvo S60 Brake System Malfunctions The brake system is paramount to vehicle safety, providing reliable stopping power in various driving conditions. However, Volvo S60 owners may encounter brake-related issues such as squealing brakes, pulsating pedal feedback, or decreased stopping performance. Routine brake inspections are essential to detect worn brake pads, warped rotors, or fluid leaks. Timely replacements and maintenance of brake components ensure optimal braking performance and enhance overall safety on the road. How Service My Car Assist You? Struggling with a weak AC in your car? Is it time for a car ac gas refilling? Trust Service My Car to replenish your AC's gas and restore its cooling efficiency. Our expert technicians ensure a thorough refill, so you stay cool and comfortable on the road. Don't let the heat ruin your drive, book your AC gas refilling with Service My Car today! Conclusion While the Volvo S60 epitomizes luxury, performance, and safety, it’s not immune to common automotive woes. By addressing the top 5 common problems outlined in this guide with proactive maintenance and timely repairs, owners can uphold the integrity and reliability of their beloved vehicles for years to come.
  27. I completely understand your frustration with those quirky SEO URL problems after the upgrade. It's like navigating a maze blindfolded! Have you thought about upgrading to PHP 7 or higher? That might just be the ticket to untangling this mystery and getting those URLs back in line. Plus, delving into CTR boosting and manipulation could give your site the edge it needs in search rankings. For more tips and insights, be sure to check out www.searchseo.io. They have plenty of helpful info there. Anyway, hang in there, and keep pushing forward.
  28. We are offering a 14 day free trial on all web hosting plans including free migration from your existing web host. We'll even upgrade your store to the latest version at no extra cost! Our hosting is specially optimised for CubeCart stores which include; lightening fast dedicated memory caching. elasticsearch for search as you type functionality. the best CubeCart technical support direct from our developers. No more hosting middle man! Come and give us a try. Sign up now at https://hosted.cubecart.com
  29. Stock on hand is updated on processing. The duplicate orders are for items where we have more than one available, so the customer can return and immediately buy another. Otherwise, the customer would not be able to buy because no stock remaining - we have had customers say that they tried though. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just put a workaround in place to stop people from placing a second duplicate order. This is only an issue with PayPal Commerce. (swearing removed)
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