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  1. Today
  2. Hi there, I am quite new to CubeCart using the Dillion template. I have managed to add the option of TikTok into the back end admin system on the social account section. This is the code I used to add it to the back end: I added at the bottom in bold, it shows in the admin system and saves when used. How do I go about having it be added onto the front end when present like the others? I found this code: However the tiktok one isn't showing. Even in the html after a chache clear, which suprises me given how it seems to be saving it. Any help is greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Nevermind, i found it within the gui.class.php file. Thanks anyway.
  3. Yesterday
  4. It's not the customer declining it, it's the card company declining the payment as it hasn't passed their security checks. This can be due to several reasons outside the scope of Cubecart - the main reason is where security settings on certain phones/browser combinations don't allow the security APi's through. Sometimes customers email me and ask why they can't progress past the make payment section or that the payment isn't completing (after entering their card details) - I explain that it's to do with their devices security settings and to try a different device or browser. The declined order will still show up in my orders list as Pending, but no stock is removed as I use the 'Reduce Stock when Payment has been made' status. If the customer doesn't get back in touch after 24hrs then I cancel the order but place a note referring to the above in the notes section so when they get the 'Order cancelled' email (edited with a list of possible reasons for cancellation) they can see the reason for it being cancelled and also the notes I added to the order. 9 times out of 10 they come back and successfully place complete payment for a new order.
  5. I can't figure what's wrong with the plug in. It does work, because somehow, whoever manages to do things right will validate the checkout, yet others, the majority, seem to do things wrong and yet the orders go through, not the payment, but the order itself makes it into Cube Cart. So as a result, I end up with a bunch o pending orders that have to be cancelled. For instance, in this case, the customer decided to declined the 3D validation process but the order goes through. If the customer declined the process then that's it, end of the conversation, it shouldn't go through at system level. The settings are ok, I just don't know where else I can force this behavior, no validation, no order at all.
  6. Of course you are entitled to your opinion but at least get your facts straight. 1) If you buy a plugin from us and use CubeCart - how are we supposed to know if you dont tell us or very simply mark the products / services as no longer required. This takes 5 seconds but of course you would prefer us to have mind reading abilities and work out that you dont want them any longer. 2) You would have had an invoice from us 30 days before and then would have received 3 reminders once that invoice becomes overdue - where you get 20 + messages from is simply impossible unless of course you have setup multiple contacts to reeive these reminders in which case, our system is simply doing exactly what you requested. 3) If you had still been using CubeCart and our plugins and we hadnt sent an invoice or the reminders and simply terminated the plugins then quite rightly that could have been something you complained about 4) We quite clearly say that in order to contact us and guarantee an answer that you log a support ticket - this is no different from EVERY other hosting / services company but of course in your mind, this makes us idiots. We rceive a massive number of emails and also receive huge amounts of spam email on a daily basis so the only way to guarantee that we know who we are receiving email from is via a ticket- however the 30 seconds for you to login is obviously far too complicated for somebody like you As I said, you are entitled to your opinion but also so are we - our hundreds of very satisified customers will also have a very different opinion to yours
  7. DONT buy any add on from Havenswift Hosting unless you want to be spammed by their accounts department. I used to use cubecart, but dont anymore. When I did, i purchased an addon from these idiots. I did not know that to use it I had to pay EVERY YEAR. Not only that but so far I have had over 20 messages that keep reminding me to pay up again, (2-3 messages reminding me, is not a problem, but over x20 in 2 weeks is total out of order! You cannot reply to their messages as they do not read email replies, and why should I spend all my spare time trying to contact a company who doesn't want to be contacted ! These guys are total idiots! This is just spamming at its best ! DONT buy from these guys unless you want to be annoyed every year !!!!
  8. Last week
  9. Apple Pay and G Pay both tested and working well Thank you again for your very quick response to this, much appreciated
  10. Hello fellow Geeks. At our website people can play games and win prizes. So, I an create an email template to let the customer know he had won, but how do I attach it to the order? thanks, AJ
  11. Specifically, for the default currency, try this: $code = $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'default_currency'); $result = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_currency', '*', array('code' => $code) $default_currency_symbol_left = $result[0]['symbol_left']; $default_currency_symbol_right = $result[0]['symbol_right'];
  12. Please let us know where the pagination fails: "More" or [1][2]-style in search results and category listings, somewhere in admin, ???. This report in the Github may be of interest: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/3273
  13. I would like to display the symbol of the default currency in a plugin. Many Thank Yous. Chris.
  14. I've encountered a problem where pagination isn't functioning correctly. Although the page links appear as they should, clicking on them doesn't update or change the products displayed as expected. I'm currently on version 6.5.1 and wondering if this might be a known bug, or possibly a mistake on my end due to some custom modifications I've made.
  15. As mentioned earlier, following is a code snippet that will strip out the HTML statement that is the link to the Google APIs to fetch the font. In admin, Manage Hooks, Code Snippets tab, click the Add Snippet link. On the page that follows, enter the following in the form: Enabled: checked Unique ID: deleteGoogleFontsLink@cc600+ Execution Order: 99 Description: Removes Google Fonts link just prior to delivering the compiled template code. Trigger: controller.index Version: 1.0 Author: https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/59060-any-guidance/ PHP Code: Argh! I tried to use the code edit window to enter the Code Snippet code, but Cloudflare is blocking me! So, until @Al Brookbanks gives advice on how to contribute PHP code, this will have to wait.
  16. Also, with respect to the web page, as delivered to the visitor, containing a link to 'Gravatar' to fetch the gravatar image of each of the product reviewers, the skin has a 'config.xml' file with this statement (in context): <gravatar_ajax>true</gravatar_ajax> </info> If the <gravatar_ajax> node is not present, add it where shown. Change the true to false. Have CubeCart clear its internal cache. OR... In admin Store Settings, Features tab, Reviews section, for "Enable Product Reviews/Comments", choose "Enabled (Gravatar Disabled)".
  17. I just uploaded a new PF to my site. Pretty straight forward, I set file permissions to 755 as it was on the old file I replaced. Now, with the same link, file name, and location, I get 404 errors. Where am I going wrong?
  18. What could be done, to survive upgrades, is to write a code snippet that will register a Smarty output filter (changes the rendered template output prior to actually releasing the output) that preg_replaces any string that has: googleapis.* type='text/css' with a blank line.
  19. If interested, please read: No joke: Cloudflare takes aim at Google Fonts with ROFL https://www.theregister.com/2023/09/26/cloudflare_fnnts/ Website fined by German court for leaking visitor's IP address via Google Fonts https://www.theregister.com/2022/01/31/website_fine_google_fonts_gdpr/ Personally, I have evaluated the "Open Sans" font from Google as being completely unnecessary at this time. Perhaps, in the distant past, some browsers did not have a complete set of symbols for the entire UTF codepoints (which, if so, will show as black diamonds or upside down question marks). Perhaps, at that time, CubeCart's decision to pull in a font from a third-party was to solve that issue. In the Foundation skin template 'element.css.php', delete line 1 - the <link> statement.
  20. The best way to secure your site is to upgrade it to the latest version. If you delete everything apart from the files and folders in the upgrade instructions and malicious content should be removed. Sorry that you've been having to deal with this.
  21. Recently, a local attorney has been issuing warnings about 'unlawful use of personal data,' specifically targeting the transfer of visitor IP addresses to Google USA, and demanding 190 Euros for each case. While disputable, it's become an issue. For my own sites, I've managed to host Google fonts locally to avoid this, but a client's site using CC is still directly linking to Google, leading to a warning. Does anyone know a straightforward method to switch all font calls to a locally hosted solution via a single CSS file? My aim is to avoid manually editing numerous files. Any guidance or solutions would be greatly appreciated.
  22. So, I will recommend that these text entries be 'trimmed' before getting databased, and trimmed again when populating the template for display.
  23. They persist? Again, did you have CubeCart clear its internal cache? (The Clear Cache button in admin's upper-right corner.) Yes, it's become second nature at this point. Under Maintenance I also tried clearing Admin activity logs and All session data and even Rebuild site map but the pesky little social media buggers just won't go away.... PERSISTENT SOCIAL MEDIA ICON PROBLEM SOLVED!!! Apparently when I deleted the data fields for the default social media icons I only highlighted and deleted the link text. When I took another look at the Facebook link by clicking on it I noticed that the cursor wasn't all the way on the left in the info box. Pressing backspace until it was and then pressing delete several times cleared the box and the icons went away. Lesson learned- Make sure there is NO whitespace in any of the info boxes or Cube Cart will think you want to use it! You will tear your hair out trying to figure out what's going on.
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