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Everything posted by keat

  1. I think I'd be OK if those little price break prices just showed 3 decimal places. I guess most customers would understand the rounding up/down of the subtotal. It's when they come to spend hundreds and all those pennies start to round up, someone will no doubt make a fuss over 20p
  2. Yes you're right, it did indeed create some unintetional consequence, in the respect that the basket total is now to three decimal places. Not quite sure how i'll get around this one.
  3. I've modified the database table 'pricing_quantity' to accept a few more decimal places on product pricing. However, from the customer side, the pricing quantity rounds up/down to two decimal places. eg buy one item for £1.00 or buy 12 for £10.50. 12 for £10.50 would make the single unit price £0.875, but this is rounded to £0.88. Is it possible to have this show to three decimal places.
  4. Please someone correct me if i'm wrong. I'm of the underatanding that with the express checkout, your site takes the customers card details and passes these to PayPal. Whilst this no doubt works for a lot of people, I'm personally not comfortable about having this sort of responsibility, so I've opted to use the gateway. With the gateway option, the cart passes only the customers address and basket totals.
  5. It does have a dedicated IP, however, I've no idea how its connected at the data centre. Interesting that you mentioned proxies though. The server has mod security installed which has been rejecting proxy connections from the states over the last few days. Noticing that the connection in question was 2 seconds, I wondered if mod security dropped it. I checked the server logs, but connot see anything obvious.
  6. If I add '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=10,IE=9,IE=8" />' to the top of skin/template/main.php then the site displays correctly, and the compatibility button dissapears. I tried on both Foundation and Mican.
  7. I've just tested at home with IE11 and Mican is fine. I manged to remote in. With compatibility switched off, this is what Foundation looks like.
  8. I'm using Mican, but I did switch to Foundation and formatting was still wonky. Incidentally, it was IE10
  9. I ditched IE years ago in favour of Chrome, and then ditched Chrome in favour of Firefox. So I rarely use IE, however today I found myself browing the V6 site with IE and noticed that the page formatting was all over the place (even after switching skins). IE was complaining about compatibility mode and older web sites not dispalying correctly. Whilst I rarely use IE, I guess there are lots of folks out there who still do, and some not so tech savvy. Is V6 missing something somewhere, or is it just IE up to it's usualy rubbishy tricks.
  10. I wasn't sure if there was another repository.
  11. It's a WHM CentOS dedicated server, sitting in a DataCentre. The subdomain has been password protected up until about 5 hours ago. I guess it's something I'll keep a sharp eye on.
  12. I opened up my V6 web site today, for customers just to look at and gain feedback. I found this entry in the statistics log. Can anyone explain why it's picked up a 192.168 address ????
  13. We signed up to an Anylitics program recently, on our V3 I inserted a small piece of code in skins>templates>global cart.tpl and index.tpl Where would I do this on V6 please.
  14. Is it not possible to disable the friendly SEO in Store Settings/Search Engines
  15. The upgraded site is a snapshot of what the V3 looked like about 8 weeks ago, so some live tables have changed.
  16. I'll take that as a NO then
  17. keat

    reduce clicks

    Folks I've spent a few days testing this mod (which was customised by Ian and his team to suit the Mican Skin), and I'm happy to report that my intitial testings have proven successful. We have discussed a very minor tweak, and i'm confident that this will be in place shortly.
  18. Monsieur Smither, this has made searching for customers so much easier already. The suggestive search in its actions is (i find) untidy, but far superior to what was availalable to me 10 minutes ago. The sheer fact that I can now search on a few extra variables, makes this a much easier experience. However, I am strugglimg to understand how something so fundamental slipped through the net. Yet again I am indeed indebted
  19. Where the hell did the name Dirty Butter come from ???

  20. So am I correct in thinking that when searching a customer, we can only search on first name, last name and email address. $where = isset($_GET['q']) && !empty($_GET['q']) ? array('~'.(string)trim($_GET['q']) => array('email', "CONCAT(first_name ,' ',last_name)", "CONCAT(last_name ,' ',first_name)")) : false; And then only from the customer table. ( i did try changing to the addressbook table, but recieved no results) As i've already proven, I know just about nothing with regards to PHP, but is it not just a matter of writing a script that goes along the lines 'check this table, check that table, combine the two and output the results' I know thats probably far far easier said than done, but surely a fundamental part of any cart would be customer management. We can search many customer fields on V3 and this is a dinosaur compared to V6
  21. I assume at the moment, the only way I have to search a customer based on his address or postcode is via an SQL query on the database. Searching by name or company name isn't always fruitful, especially if say the customer calls himself ABC Company, but inputs it as A.B.C Company.
  22. I did find myslef in the blocker table and removed it.
  23. I've copied my V3 site many times over. At the end of the year, I create a mirror image and work on the mirror for the new year change over. To be fair, I've done this so many times, I could have a mirror up and running withing 20-30 minutes. I've already upgraded a mirror V3 to V6 and am working on this prior to go live. My next stumbling block will be upgrading the live v3 to V6 and then trying to determine which tables I'll need to copy between the 2 sites. As the Dummy V6 and Live V3 are simetrical as far as stock goes, and my V6 test site is almost ready to go, the only data at this stage I think I'll need from the V3 is any live data which constantly changes, probably Customers, Address Book, Order summary, order inventory and anything else anyone could think of. I'm sort of planning doing this late one Friday evening which should give me lots of free time uninterupted.
  24. I did have many windows open. There was a point where I couldn't log in, even after changing the password. I deleted the user account and couldnt recreate it it, due to the email address already existing. After searching the database, I found another two instances of my email, so I'm guessing this may laso have had something to do with it.
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