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Dirty Butter

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Posts posted by Dirty Butter

  1. Sorry, I wasn't on the computer and couldn't look at the code. In maintenance.index.inc.php about line 933

    	foreach ($sorted_files as $file) {
    		$filename = basename($file);
    		$type = preg_match('/^database/', $filename) ? 'database' : 'files';
    		$restore = preg_match('/^database_full|files/', $filename) ? '?_g=maintenance&node=index&restore='.$filename.'#backup' : false;
    		$compress = (preg_match('/.zip$/', $filename) || file_exists($file.'.zip')) ? false : '?_g=maintenance&node=index&compress='.$filename.'#backup';
    		$existing_backups[] = array('filename' => $filename,
    			'delete_link' => '?_g=maintenance&node=index&delete='.$filename.'#backup',
    			'download_link' => '?_g=maintenance&node=index&download='.$filename.'#backup',
    			'restore_link' => $restore,
    			'compress' =>  $compress,
    			'type' => $type,
    			'warning' => ($type=='database') ? $lang['maintain']['restore_db_confirm'] : $lang['maintain']['restore_files_confirm'],
    			'size' => formatBytes(filesize($file), true)

    The delete link and the download link each have an #. I'm GUESSING that needs to be changed to commas somehow.

  2. This is what I have in content.receipt.php in my foundation based skin on 6.1.8:

    {if $DELIVERY}
    {if !empty($DELIVERY.date)}
    <div class="row">
      <div class="small-6 medium-3 columns">{$LANG.orders.shipping_date}:</div>
      <div class="small-6 medium-9 columns">{$DELIVERY.date}</div>
    {if !empty($DELIVERY.url)}
    <div class="row">
      <div class="small-6 medium-3 columns">{$LANG.orders.shipping_tracking}:</div>
      <div class="small-6 medium-9 columns"><a href="{$DELIVERY.url}" target="_blank">{$DELIVERY.method}{if !empty($DELIVERY.product)} ({$DELIVERY.product}){/if}</a></div>
    {elseif !empty($DELIVERY.tracking)}
    <div class="row">
      <div class="small-6 medium-3 columns">{$LANG.catalogue.delivery_method}:</div>
      <div class="small-6 medium-9 columns">{$DELIVERY.method}{if !empty($DELIVERY.product)} ({$DELIVERY.product}){/if}</div>
    <div class="row">
      <div class="small-6 medium-3 columns">{$LANG.orders.shipping_tracking}:</div>
      <div class="small-6 medium-9 columns"><a href="https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tLabels={$DELIVERY.tracking}"  target="_blank">{$DELIVERY.tracking}</a></div>


  3. I checked mine, and when I use the Login as Customer tab it takes me to the homepage, but I AM logged in as the customer. Please create the error_log and go through the process of logging in as a customer. Then report the results of the error log (be sure to mask your admin_XXX naming if it shows up in your error log results.).



  4. Thank you for that information - the directions for putting it in you Signature are in MY signature.

    Knowing it's a new install rules out quite a few possibilities. It also raises the possibility that there is some server setting that is the issue.

    Also, please take a look in your includes/global.inc.php file to see what the naming is for the admin folder and the admin file. DO NOT SHARE THOSE NAMES HERE.

    Then check to be sure your actual file/folder names match that.

    Also, unlike previous versions, the admin url is now your_store_url/admin_XXX/php. If you are on SSL you also have to use the https:// .

  5. IF you are on fairly current CC (not sure when this was added) - You could add it as a note to customer. It would then show up if they checked their Order History. And that can be added to the email to the customer at the Order Complete stage.

  6. Until you get to version 6.1.8 you will have to upgrade manually. We're seeing a lot of posters here on the forum who have some newest files and some older files in their install. Sounds like you are one of them.

    The bug that crept in that is causing the upgrade issues is supposed to be fixed in 6.1.8, so upgrading to 6.19 should work with the admin link to upgrade automatically.

    For all our sanity's sake I sure hope that turns out to be true!

  7. Which Shipping Module are you using? What skin are you using - the stock Foundation?

    There is a place for a static handling charge on the USPS module, and I assume there would be something similar on other modules. I'm not the one who could tell you how to do it, but it seems reasonable that this could be broken out to show separately on the Order, rather than being included in the Shipping, as it normally does.

  8. Welcome to the forums, @kimvalterhansen!

    Please create your Signature so people who might be able to help you will know what CC version you are on, what skin you're using, and whether it's an upgrade (what from) or a fresh install.

    So is this a static handling charge that would be the same on every order, regardless of how many items they purchase?

  9. Before you basically "give up", it costs $40 I think for one month's tech support from CubeCart. They should be able to go in to your files and database and fix your issues. If you roll back and stay at that level you are leaving yourself open to possible security issues from now on.

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