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Everything posted by harrisorganic

  1. Yes, the shipping price is zero. No, there is no "Shipping Cost" it is blank, which equals zero. Yes there are other shipping costs available as per the ("admin, Store Settings, Features tab, Misc section, "Default Shipping Selection") for 'Cheapest, Cheapest but not free, or Most Expensive rate found. It is set as cheapest but not free. If the customer scrolls through the shipping cost options, they will see the normal shipping cost and find a zero cost. Seems that the Price Module is very simple. So to get around the issue of zero shipping cost being available all the time, I set the shipping cost to $1000 which is more that any other shipping price. When the price limit is triggered the shipping cost of zero then appears. Issue solved.
  2. OK, understood that each module is separate. I found the "Disable Shipping Groups" checked. Thats OK. How to assess why shipping is zero while turning on the "By Price" module (with price less than the defined amount) with no Promotional Code used ?
  3. Yes, any subtotal amount over the break-over point should be 'free' or equal to the handling cost. However I have orders less than the subtotal break point offering "free" shipping. Could the AIOS or the "Free shipping" modules interfere with the calculation in the "By Price" module? or vice versa.
  4. I am using AIOS and 'free shipping" plugins. The free shipping I offer on two products by using a very small weight assigned to them. Less than the weight assigned to all other products. However, when I applied the plugin "By Price" to offer free shipping on large $ orders, expecting it to over ride the AIOS option or offer a Free shipping option, all orders under the price limit were given a free shipping option. Has any one seen this occur?
  5. Hi, I have tried to generate a token, but all I get is a grey screen and no token. I downloaded the files and got it going that way. For the tracking ID do you enter the g-tag number for the new Analytics? ie G-0K5RYTYZ11 or this app for the old UA number ie, UA-26600668-1 regards
  6. Aha, I looked over the forum for a "Google Category" item, but did not review the Github files. Debug now turned off. No system errors. Looking forward to the next update.
  7. Google Category in all products, after update to 6.4.7, have disappeared. I mean that all the google category product entries are not showing and once entered are not retained. I have attached an error log. I am getting an enormous amount of system errors too. 85K per day. Any suggestions? google category-cubecart.docx
  8. Hi Brian, I made the changes to the javascript file and reverted the changes to /classes/cubecart.class.php. The email test from the contact page did not go through as you suspected. re: that compares the Validator rule for the phone being required, but the core code in cubecart.class does not. I assume the phone number is required for the order side of CC. Duncan
  9. This is from the system error https://www.harrisorganicwine.com.au/shop/index.php?_a=contact Today, 08:48 [<strong>Notice</strong>] /var/www/vhosts/harrisorganicwine.com.au/httpdocs/shop/cache/skin/9eca190828e3efc84c0add0bc635532128059db2_0.file.box.language.php.php:24 - Trying to get property 'value' of non-object Other lines of error are attached. I also note that there are a lot of system errors with urls of php.php Cubecart.class.php.Date Message.docx
  10. I can remove the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] and check the error log. Is the error log the "Admin Error log, System Error log or the error using ini-custom.inc.php?
  11. I assume you are refering to classes/mailer.class.php. I can not find any difference between CC647 and CC645 code in classes/mailer.class.php. Could there be some other change to require $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']?
  12. I bet when you upgraded CC to the latest version, the upgrade over wrote some of your Admin files. I use "beyond compare" to see which files have changed. Once found I can upload the old version of the file to get the email to work. /classes/cubecart.class.php version CC645 has at about line 1551 $mailer->Body = sprintf($GLOBALS['language']->contact['email_content'], $_POST['contact']['name'], $_POST['contact']['email'], $department, $enquiry, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); CC647 does not have $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] I found that without $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] my contact page stiopped working.
  13. I found the same error after an upgrade. Even though the SMTP Test function was OK. To solve this I used "Beyond compare" to find the different files. Then copied the previous classes/cubecart.class.php over the new version. Emails from the contact now work.
  14. From BSMITHERS October 2021. "At the check out the packaging shipping weight is not shown in the total weight." I can concur. I can raise a GitHub request for this issue.
  15. CUSTOMER PAYS TWICE using the Square plugin version 1.1.6. I have had a couple of instances where the customer has paid twice for the same order. In my Square account the time stamp, $ value and order number are the same. Has any one else seen this?
  16. Hi Cubicsquare, Yes I use a weight based AIOS so the box is ticked. For me the resultant weigh at the checkout did not increase. I did not check if the price versus weight changed, but did check the total weight at the checkout using the settings/layout tab. As I have the " FREE shipping" extension set for under 0.4 kg a 0.2kg package weight reset the shipping value to more than zero. (Even though the option for free shipping was in the drop down box) This needs to be sorted before I use it. All part of a new version.
  17. AllInOneShipping-1.0.22 is the latest version. I have found the update with the default packaging weight, needs some tweaking before being used. I assume that the default packaging weight is in kilogrammes, my default shipping mass. At the check out the packaging shipping weight is not shown in the total weight. ie a 1.0 kg packaging weight is not shown as an addition to the total weight. I await the next version before using default packaging weight.
  18. Hi Brian, Happy New Year and all the best for 2018. Your snippet of code has saved me once again. Thanks to Jen29 for asking too. regards Duncan
  19. DB, Seems you have taken the video down, as I can not see it. I am wanting to embed a video in the document file instead of the three pictures using bxslider. I used: <div class="flex-video"> <iframe width="500" height="213" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/tioF5sFBBJg" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> it works but it does not autoplay.
  20. I had the same issue when I updated from 6.0.9 to 6.0.10.
  21. I find the same, once refreshed it seems to repeat for me. However I am going through different pages and get different scores , mainly due the images requiring refinement. Will try seositecheckup.com
  22. A couple of questions: Are you using AIOS? Do you have a country or region set up in AIOS for the countries you ship too? Are you running the following CC6.1.8 with Skin Foundation and AIOS. + various plugins. ie Card capture+paypal express I may not be able to help for here on, but the answers will help others more knowledgeable.
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