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  1. I tried what you mentioned above and also cleared the cache in maintenance with the invisible recaptcha but it still reverted to 'off'. I have since changed to V2 of recaptcha with new keys and done as you mentioned above plus also clearing the cache and it has stuck for 24 hours so far. Seems odd that CC62 might remember old settings - could become rather annoying. Thanks for the help bsmither I will update again if anything changes.
  2. For the last 3 months I have been using invisible reCAPTCHA without any issues at all and over the weekend it has turned it self off. I am referring to the setting in Store Settings>Features then under Bot Protection the field ' Enable Google reCAPTCHA' automatically changes to 'Off (Not Recommended)'. I then change it back to 'Invisible reCAPTCHA * (Recommended)' Roughly 20 minutes later I refresh the page and the setting is changed to Off again. I have put a new site and secrete key in but it is still happening. I am using retail therapy skin on version 6.2.0-b1
  3. I have tried changing to SMTP details and immediately there is a log of the following error: Request Sent - mailto:[email protected] Subject: Testing CubeCart Error: Mailer Failed Response received SERVER -&gt; CLIENT: 421 Too many concurrent SMTP connections; please try again later.<br> CLIENT -&gt; SERVER: EHLO www.greenpatchseeds.com.au<br> SERVER -&gt; CLIENT: <br> SMTP ERROR: EHLO command failed: <br> SMTP NOTICE: EOF caught while checking if connected<br> SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.<br> SMTP connect() failed. https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/wiki/Troubleshooting Maybe cubecart doesn't log when using the email set up as PHP?
  4. Yes CubeCart_email_log exists in the database and there were logs for customers up until 20th June 2017 mostly order updates and some password recovery. In classes/mailer.class.php is the below code $log_days = $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'r_email'); if(ctype_digit((string)$log_days) && $log_days > 0) { $GLOBALS['db']->insert('CubeCart_email_log', $email_data); $GLOBALS['db']->delete('CubeCart_email_log', 'date < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL '.$log_days.' DAY)'); } elseif(empty($log_days) || !$log_days) { $GLOBALS['db']->insert('CubeCart_email_log', $email_data);
  5. Done exactly as you said.. Test newsletter sent to a personal hotmail address. The email was sent and showed up in my inbox. Not showing up in the log though.
  6. It has 30 entered in all of the log retention fields...
  7. There have been no emails logged since 11th of July which is when I was playing around with email settings and used the test email option. New orders come in every day and we have been getting emails to our admin email as I said but there is nothing in the log about them either. I updated to 6.1.8 today with no change. Stami
  8. Good Morning. (Morning in Australia anyway) Since upgrading to 6.1.7 customers have not received email updates in regard to their orders. We have still been getting order notifications to our admin email and the settings are correct in Settings>store settings>Advanced It is currently set up as PHP.. Previously it SMTP with SSL but it was the same with only admin getting emails. Any ideas where to start looking? Cheers Stami
  9. Ok so I had a closer look at the license key in the configuration plugin and it wasn't right so I put the correct key in and that has fixed it. Unsure why without this plugin the logo doesn't show up.. For now though it seems ok.
  10. I am using the same logo which was used on v 1.4 retail therapy. Under the logo tab the correct logos are assigned to where they should appear. I just checked the skin configuration plugin and the "Hide Store Logo" box has not been ticked so it shouldn't be causing it.
  11. I noticed my website logo is not showing up now that I upgraded to the latest version. I done a manual upgrade and was coming from version 6.1.5. I have looked in my error log file and this is the re-occurring error: [16-May-2017 08:33:22 Australia/Sydney] PHP Notice: No image mode set in /home/augreenpatchseed/public_html/classes/catalogue.class.php on line 1403 Any idea on how to resolve this? Thanks I should also point out that I upgraded my skin the same afternoon to retail therapy 1.5. If I change my skin to foundation then the logo appears again.. so perhaps it is a skin issue?
  12. I Have also got the same error in my store error log. With a bit over 300 errors since upgrading to the latest version in November. File: [catalogue.class.php] Line: [1715] "SELECT I.* FROM ccmo_CubeCart_inventory AS I LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id, MAX(price) as price, MAX(sale_price) as sale_price FROM ccmo_CubeCart_pricing_group WHERE group_id = 0 GROUP BY product_id) as G ON G.product_id = I.product_id WHERE I.product_id IN (SELECT product_id FROM `ccmo_CubeCart_category_index` as CI INNER JOIN ccmo_CubeCart_category as C where CI.cat_id = C.cat_id AND C.status = 1) AND I.status = 1 AND (I.name fulltext '%dry%' OR I.description fulltext '%dry%' OR I.product_code fulltext '%dry%') LIMIT 30 OFFSET 0 " - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'fulltext '%dry%' OR I.description fulltext '%dry%' OR I.product_code fulltext '%' at line 1
  13. Hi, I am trying to link my SQL Database to Microsoft Excel. Excel already has the function to do this link but it asks for the "Server Name". Where can this be located and is there any tricks to creating this link between the online database and Excel? Cheers! Stami
  14. Awesome! Thanks bsmither.. xmlwriter and xmlreader were missing so I just enabled them in cpanel which solved the problem! This must have happened last time I upgraded cubecart because I had to upgrade the php version as well for cubecart to run. Thanks again! Stami
  15. Ok so I understand what you were trying to achieve bsmither and there was already a file there named error_log so i had a look at what the last error was and it is as follows: [21-Jul-2016 14:44:53 Australia/Sydney] PHP Fatal error: Class 'XMLWriter' not found in /home/augreenpatchseed/public_html/classes/xml.class.php on line 21 [21-Jul-2016 04:44:57 UTC] PHP Warning: Invalid Security Token in /home/augreenpatchseed/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 112 The error_log file has been recording errors but they are not being shown in the store admin area... It just appears empty without any errors. Line 21-30 of that file is as follows: class XML extends XMLWriter { ############################################## public function __construct($xml_header = true, $indent_string = ' ') { $this->openMemory(); $this->setIndent(true); $this->setIndentString($indent_string); if ($xml_header) { $this->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
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