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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. "and upon returning to the store is informed" Do you have an idea how the customer returned from PayPal? Which is to ask, did the customer click the "Back" button on their browser, or was there a link on the payment page, that when clicked, returned them to a specific page on your store? A 'proper' return to your store should have the customer shown a 'Thank you' page with the Shopping Basket having been emptied. Please know that I have no idea how PayPal works. I've examined all the changes to CubeCart from CC645 to present and no issues have been fixed related to this situation. The Request Log entries (thank you for supplying them) do not have anything that makes me suspicious of a problem.
  2. I am still not clear on what are the exact conditions (I will try them all to try an replicate your observations on CC651) your customers find themselves in: logged in or not, the skin being used (some skins have a separate page to choose the payment gateway - or maybe that was CC5), removing the suspect item or removing any other item causes the suspect item to be reported as out of stock, etc. And the way you describe the situation is not identical to how I read your customer's description of their experiences.
  3. Please let us know the exact version of CubeCart you are using (admin, Dashboard, Store Overview).
  4. "Only started over the last week" Please review if there were any changes made to your store from a week ago - upgraded CubeCart, upgraded the payment gateway extension, etc. Your forum sig says you are using CC645. There has been a fix for when an admin deletes a Pending order (or maybe also when a customer empties their basket), the inventory was not restored. That fix was implemented in CC648.
  5. Let's review: In admin, Store Settings, Features tab, Sales section, "Number of sale items to display" is 6 (as I count them on the homepage), but there are many more items on sale. On the Layout tab, Popular and Latest Products section, "Number of popular products to display" is set to 1, and "Source data for popular products" might be Product Sales. In admin, editing a product, General tab, Basic Information section, "Include in featured products" checkbox is regularly checked. From what I see in the code, the items in the Sale Items box are from what the database sends back in its standard unsorted order - that is, the first six records found in the database table that satisfies the WHERE clause (status = 1, the item has an actual or calculated sale price, and customer group pricing does not remove it from being on sale). The query sent to the database does not include any randomization function. The item in the Best Sellers box, because the selection parameter does not change, will always be the same item until some other product acquires more sales or more views (depending on the admin setting). In admin, Maintenance, Catalogue section, "Reset all all product view counts" can be used to try to get more randomness. The item in the Featured box is a random selection among all those items where status=1 and featured=1. However, for each product randomly chosen from this group, a test is made to make sure the item is assigned to a category that is enabled, to a maximum of 15 tries. So, arguably, with a sufficient number of products that have "Include in featured products" setting checked, it should change.
  6. Took me a while to get past a "Checking the security of your connection" splash page. Some kind of anti-bot measure?
  7. Did you make the edit to the module code as detailed above, and also enabled CubeCart's debug mode?
  8. There is something in: /skins/csrockets/js/vendor/modernizr.min.js that I really do not like. Yup. Your site has been hacked. Replace modernizer.min.js with a known clean copy.
  9. It's not in your source code. So it must be coming from javascript. I have disallowed all javascript except any that is sourced from csrocketry. The only javascript from csrocketry are the files in Foundation, plus the one from: /modules/plugins/CraftyClicksGlobal/js/cc_c2a_cubecart.js But I don't see the code that is getting generated.
  10. That doesn't look like Authorize's pay panel, so I assume it must be Paypal's? Doesn't look like Paypal's either -- no branding.
  11. According to https://php.watch/versions/8.2/mysqli-libmysql-no-longer-supported Last section... Two other named extensions enabled, when combined, equates to 'mysqli'.
  12. Interesting, to be sure. But I have no knowledgeable answer as regards cPanel.
  13. PHP 7+ no longer supports the MySQL extension (without the 'i'). The cPanel situation may just call any appropriate extension as being for communication with a MySQL database server. (I have no knowledge of cPanel.)
  14. During the running of 'setup', CubeCart makes some tests: certain folders must exist and be writable, and key PHP extensions must be initialized. For CubeCart 6.5+, PHP 7.4+ (8.2 recommended but will probably be required for CC652+), the extensions include: MySQLi, GD Image library, Simple XML parser, cURL, ZipArchive, and the MultiByte String library. The test during setup is reported as a list of Pass/Fail line items on the second page shown. Setup will not proceed to the third page if any item shows as failed. CubeCart continuously checks to make sure the version of PHP is compatible, so should PHP change versions (7.4 downgrade to 7.3, for example), CubeCart will make complaints. However, CubeCart does not do continuous compliance checks for the presence of required extensions.
  15. Anything in the admin, Error Logs, System Error Log tab? Create PHP's error_log and review it after receiving reports. https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/51550-how-to-create-the-error-log/
  16. If you can live without Google Analytics for a month, try removing your GA code from Store Settings, Features tab, (at the bottom) Tracking ID. Then have CubeCart clear its internal cache. This will prevent the GA javascript from being part of the web pages sent out to your visitors.
  17. This is how I read it... If the visitor needs to have the browser make everything bigger (the browser's internal zoom feature), the image, being displayed at its 'natural' dimensions (16x16 or 24x24, or whatever), zooming in will only make the image blurry. (Browsers generally suck at enlarging images.) However, if the image is larger than what is required, 64x64 for example, but the screen real-estate (or the specific attributes in the <img> tag or CSS) only gives it 16x16 space to display it, then there is plenty of extra definition available to the browser when it needs to enlarge the image - keeping it nice and sharp.
  18. Volteq is using Foundation, which has its own set of vendor jQuery plugins in the skins' /js/ folder. Mastech is using Kurouto, which uses CubeCart's generally available set of vendor jQuery plugins in CubeCart's /js/ folder. The generally available javascript files in CubeCart's /js/ folder allows for all CC5 skins to use the same files and keeping those files updated is easier. CC6's skins can be radically so different that it makes no sense to fixate on one set of javascript files.
  19. What is the specific version of CubeCart 5? We strongly recommend CC5.2.17.
  20. It was mentioned earlier that all paths have had the .html suffix removed. Please go through the rows again, looking for paths that have the suffix .html and remove that suffix.
  21. As insane as it sounds, I still have to ask: are you looking at the correct database? In CubeCart_seo_urls, what is the value in the 'item_id' column for "switching-dc-power-supply"? What is the value in the 'redirect' column?
  22. The redirect feature was implemented to solve the case where "foobar" was changed to "barfoo", or some other different spelling, or even a now unneeded .html or now needed .html suffix -- where the older URL has been released out into the Internet. Redirects cannot be created while using the same, complete spelling of an existing 'path'.
  23. What is the value of 'item_id' for "switching-dc-power-supply"? What is the value in 'redirect'?
  24. Unfortunately, no. (Personally, I liked the ability to switch off seo-friendly URLs.) In CubeCart_seo_urls, find the row with type 'cat' and path 'switching-dc-power-supply'. Does it exist?
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