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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. Please examine carefully this directive in the .htaccess file: RewriteRule ^(.*)?$ index.php?seo_path=$1 [L,QSA] It is just right above: </IfModule> This directive does not have .html as part of it. Please examine the database table Cubecart_seo_urls. If the values in the 'path' column have .html as a suffix, that suffix must be removed. The easiest way to do that is in admin, Maintenance, Rebuild tab, the "Clear all custom defined SEO URL's" and "Clear all auto generated SEO URL's" checkboxes to be checked, then click Submit.
  2. After running setup, there will be (should be) a new file named admin_hAsHeD.php and a new folder named admin_rAnDoM, where the last part of the names are random letters. Use this new .php file to access the admin.
  3. Download the CC651 package to your workstation. Unzip. FTP the files and folders (and their contents) to your site. Run /setup/index.php, choosing to upgrade (NOT a fresh install). Are you running PHP8.1?
  4. I did a "Mobile-Friendly" test on your site (via Google) and the test did use the Mobile skin. The result (Homepage) had no complaints. https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly/result?id=UY8TR9Yy8ZtmqvwF1FA4vA
  5. That is an option. What version of CubeCart are you running now (admin, Dashboard, Store Overview), and if CubeCart 6.5.1, are you running PHP8.1?
  6. The links 'search.html', 'login.html', and 'register.html' work. What does the database table CubeCart_seo_urls look like?
  7. Here are the complete, relevant directives in .htaccess: ### Rewrite rules for SEO functionality ### <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / ##### START v4 SEO URL BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY ##### RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule cat_([0-9]+)(\.[a-z]{3,4})?(.*)$ index.php?_a=category&cat_id=$1&%1 [NC] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule prod_([0-9]+)(\.[a-z]{3,4})?$ index.php?_a=product&product_id=$1&%1 [NC] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule info_([0-9]+)(\.[a-z]{3,4})?$ index.php?_a=document&doc_id=$1&%1 [NC] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule tell_([0-9]+)(\.[a-z]{3,4})?$ index.php?_a=product&product_id=$1&%1 [NC] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule _saleItems(\.[a-z]+)?(\?.*)?$ index.php?_a=saleitems&%1 [NC,L] ##### END v4 SEO URL BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY ##### RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico RewriteRule ^(.*)?$ index.php?seo_path=$1 [L,QSA] </IfModule> ### Default store 404 page ### ErrorDocument 404 /index.php ## Override default 404 error document for missing page resources ## <FilesMatch "\.(gif|jpe?g|png|ico|css|js|svg)$"> ErrorDocument 404 "<html></html> </FilesMatch> ##### END CubeCart .htaccess ##### You say you had to add the previously mentioned four lines. Now I have to ask that you verify that all the above lines are present. If there is still the hard 404 direct from the web server ( as opposed to CubeCart showing a Kurouto page with a 404 advisory), then please investigate if the web server is recognizing the mod_rewrite module. I would have to say it is, because otherwise, /switching-power-supply.html would not work at all.
  8. But now I see that using, for example: https://volteq.com/plating-rectifiers results in a hard 404. That suggests that the web server has incorrect or missing rewrite URL directives. Traffic analysis says you are using the Apache web server. So, make sure the directives in the .htaccess file in CubeCart's root folder include the following: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico RewriteRule ^(.*)?$ index.php?seo_path=$1 [L,QSA]
  9. In admin, Store Settings, Search Engines tab, "SEO URL Extensions", verify that the setting chosen is .html. The Shop By Category is constructed and cached. If, CubeCart's settings then say to not use any document suffix (that is: https://volteq.com/custom-rectifiers without the .html suffix), CubeCart will not find that category. The solution is to either: 1. Have CubeCart clear its internal cache, causing CubeCart to rebuild the Shop By Category listing using the current SEO suffix, or 2. Configure CubeCart to expect to see, and furthermore use, an .html suffix.
  10. We have to ask, upgrading from what version? And please verify that you are running PHP7.4+, strongly preferable to run PHP8.1. And what part of the database seems to be missing?
  11. CubeCart does auto-detect a visitor's "User-Agent String", and if that string satisfies a regular expression (used to find key sequences that indicate a mobile device), then CubeCart will automatically use the designated Mobile skin. From visiting your site, having my browser in "Responsive Design Mode" using a User-Agent String of: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; SAMSUNG SM-G973U) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/14.2 Chrome/87.0.4280.141 Mobile Safari/537.36 everything is working as expected.
  12. Hopefully, your hosting provider's technical support can determine why the SSL Certificate mismatch is happening. The message comes from the file /classes/ajax.class.php, near line 449: return " <div class=\"mail_modal\"> <h3>Testing ".$method_name."</h3> <p>It isn't possible to get a definitive test result for the &quot;PHP mail() Function&quot; method.</p> <p>We have attempted to send a test email to &quot;".$GLOBALS['RAW']['POST']['email_address']."&quot; with the subject of &quot;".$subject."&quot; Please note that it can take ten minutes or even longer for a busy mail server to deliver email. Don't forget to check your spam folder!</p> <p>This method can fail if the server hasn't been configured properly and may refuse to send mail from &quot;untrusted&quot; sources such as Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL etc&hellip;. We recommend using an email address from a domain hosted on this server such as sales@".parse_url(CC_STORE_URL, PHP_URL_HOST)." for example and this may need to be setup form within your web hosting account.</p> </div> "; The test result message uses the website's FQDN (which is held in the constant CC_STORE_URL) as part of the example email address. (It's a bit misleading, for sure.) Did you say you have other apps that use GMail's server's? Hopefully, your host allows for the use of external SMTP servers. This conversation may of interest: https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/57861-paid-help-required-please-gmail-setup/
  13. If you can access the admin section, look in the admin Error Log, System Error Log for any entries labeled Exception. The link I provided earlier gives a suggestion of what to code for if the "null coalescing assignment" operator doesn't work, that is, if getting up to PHP7.4 is not immediately do-able.
  14. Even though CC651 says it will run under PHP7.1+ (that statement is a bug), we very much recommend running PHP7.4, and highly recommend PHP8.1. That "unexpected =" error is from the new (as of PHP7.4) 'null coalescing assignment' operator. https://www.php.net/manual/en/migration74.new-features.php#migration74.new-features.core.null-coalescing-assignment-operator
  15. A CubeCart upgrade is a "whole-cloth" replacement of the core code and the Foundation skin. Whatever is in the database stays (more or less) untouched. The thing is, the exact cause of the problem is not known. If there is a polluted file, the upgrade will replace it. If there are foreign files, they will remain, but since it is unknown how these files might be interfering, there is no answer as to whether they will continue to interfere - if they do exist. CC6.5.1 will certainly work better with PHP 7.4 as opposed to CC6.0.12 -- if that's the fatal issue. There hasn't been any error log entry found to explain the situation. Is it possible that the hosting environment, now at PHP 7.4, was at a version of PHP older than PHP 7.4 - perhaps 7.1 - when CubeCart last produced a storefront page? What extensions are installed and enabled?
  16. The change made to the store setting regarding the "Default RSS URL for Admin Dashboard" is needed, but there is another edit to make: In the admin folder /sources/dashboard.index.inc.php, lines 270-273: From: $request->cache(true); $request->skiplog(true); $request->setMethod('post'); $request->setData('Null'); To: $request->setSSL(); $request->cache(true); $request->skiplog(true); $request->setMethod('get'); $request->setData('Null'); This is because the source of the data this request is making has changed how it is accessed between CC6012 and now. I installed CC6012 under PHP 7.4.3 and other than many messages of things being deprecated, nothing crashed. To confirm, there are no code snippets that look suspicious?
  17. Most of these error messages were generated while in admin. One specific error that needs correcting is this: Admin, Store Settings, Layout tab, "Default RSS URL for Admin Dashboard", should be: https://forums.cubecart.com/forum/1-news-announcements.xml Another edit to make is: /public_html/classes/seo.class.php on line 592 Remove the 'e' modifier See: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/commit/b54b241d2445d927c24682feb35aa7375e01c1a7 but disregard that the line numbers are different. Neither of these edits should fix the problem. Please state the exact version of CubeCart that is experiencing the problem of no storefront being shown.
  18. If there is no obvious log entry (other than Deprecated) in System Error Log, then we should try to look at PHP's error_log file. https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/51550-how-to-create-the-error-log/ Also, in admin, Manage Hooks, Code Snippets tab, examine the list of snippets to determine if any seem unfamiliar to you - especially if any are missing a description. Please save the docx to a pdf if possible.
  19. Your copy of index.php seems to be of a version earlier than CC6410. But I recognize that your version is correct for those earlier versions. It is only the bzwnhkbski.php file and biennvenidosloadsanta folder that needs investigating. (The others you mentioned above, I added more insights to my earlier post. You will need to reload this forum page to see them.)
  20. Yeah, you have some work ahead of you. The snapshot of the System Error Log has harmless 'Deprecated' messages. But this pic shows only one specific point in time. We need to find a message that could have been logged at the time you tried accessing the homepage. But first, make sure the file index.php has no differences to a stock file that you can compare at: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/blob/v6.4.10/index.php This: sucuriquarantine, seems to be your web security program - sucuri.net. Sucuri says, "During our cleanup, a 'quarantine' folder is created and that is where all infected files are kept. They are encrypted and will not harm your site in any way." This: _wildcard_.champcoclothing.com.au, might be legit, depending if it contains any data regarding SSL certificates. This: bzwnhkbski.php, would be interested to know what this file contains (do not post the whole file!).
  21. What are the latest messages (just for today and yesterday)? Do any say 'Exception'? "there seems to be programs in the site that I have never seen before" Such as?
  22. In admin, Error Logs, System Error Log tab, are there any current log entries?
  23. The latest version(s) of CubeCart uses the date/time placeholders of PHP's date() function. PHP 8.1 has deprecated the function strftime() and its placeholders. In admin, Store Settings, Advanced tab, Time & Date section, change the formats to: Fuzzy Time Format: H:i Date & Time Format: d M Y, H:i Dispatch Date Format: M d Y See: https://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.format.php You may wish to view PHP's documentation on the %-style of placeholders, and compare them to the equivalent placeholder codes for the non-%-style.
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