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  1. This is for CubeCart 5.2.2 -- the edits should be the same, but maybe with nearby line numbers, for other versions. When the store owner administratively creates an order for a customer, and a digital product is added to that order, CubeCart does not attempt to also enable the ability for that customer to download that product. After performing the following edits: * When the admin moves the order from Pending to Processing (then, if this is a digital-only order, Cubecart moves it to Complete), CubeCart will email this message: Your Purchased Downloads with a viable link to the digital product. * The link will also appear in the customer's Account page, Digital Downloads section. I have not tested various permutations, such as, when adding a second digital product to a Completed order. Will emails be sent? What might happen to the existing digital product record in the CC_downloads table? Note: If you find that downloads are expiring immediately or in the past, make sure you have the following settings: * Store Settings, Stock tab, "Download expiry time (in seconds)" is blank or a number. * Store Settings, Advanced tab, correctly chosen the timezone you want your business to be operating in. Also, you may not need to enter anything here, but the "UTC Offset" is the number of seconds between where the server hosting your site is located and the time where your business is located: earlier (positive) or later (negative) than you. To get a good idea of what you need to put in this field, immediately after you log-in as an admin, got to the Staff Access Log. Calculate the number of hours you need to add or subtract from the time shown to get the time desired and multiply that by 3600. In the file, admin/sources/orders.index.inc.php: Near line 67: $GLOBALS['db']->update('CubeCart_order_inventory', $data, array('cart_order_id' => $order_id, 'id' => (int)$data['id'])); Add AFTER: // Updating a download not necessary (I hope) Near line 61: unset($record); } } // Update Products Add BEFORE: // Also insert a download if(isset($record['digital']) && $record['digital']) { $record['customer_id'] = (isset($_POST['customer']['customer_id']) && !empty($_POST['customer']['customer_id'])) ? (int)$_POST['customer']['customer_id'] : 0; $record['accesskey'] = md5($order_id.(int)$data['product_id'].date('cZ@u').mt_rand()); $record['expire'] = ($GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'download_expire')>0) ? time() + $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'download_expire') : 0; $GLOBALS['db']->insert('CubeCart_downloads', $record); } Near line 60: $GLOBALS['db']->insert('CubeCart_order_inventory', $record); Change to: $record['order_inv_id'] = $GLOBALS['db']->insert('CubeCart_order_inventory', $record); // Capture inserted record id Near line 40: $GLOBALS['db']->delete('CubeCart_order_inventory', array('cart_order_id' => $order_id, 'id' => (int)$value)); Add AFTER: // Also remove from downloads $GLOBALS['db']->delete('CubeCart_downloads', array('cart_order_id' => $order_id, 'order_inv_id' => (int)$value));
  2. So, I've had this issue since CC3. And I want to fix it in 5. How can I add a couple of links to the admin orders overview screen? Basically, I want a link to PAYPAL and a link to my shipping carrier. What do I need to edit to get this to work? Here's my story on this. CC5 is great, but I still am stuck with Paypal and as I understand it, there is no way to fully integrate Paypal into CC. By that, I mean I can not have information from Paypal inserted automatically into the CC orders. For instance Tracking information when shipping through Paypal. Paypal is my only payment option, so when they pay I use their confirmed address in Paypal to ship. This creates a tracking number in Paypal that I need to manually copy over to the cubecart orders. From there, I used to be able to use Paypal to request carrier pickups, but that link in Paypal is broken so I do that manually now as well. I hate Paypal more and more everyday, but it seems to be the most readily acceptable payment form online. So some minor tweaks to put an admin at ease is great! Thanks!!
  3. In the admin area, when viewing the orders list and the products list, when you click on any page numbers you are bounced back to the overview/dashboard. I can't navigate to the second page of products to edit them, or view any orders after the first page. v4.3.4 php v5.3 Recently moved from a different server, that is when it broke. The old server was running an older version of php. Not sure what went wrong.
  4. Hi, I'm Using cubecart 5.2.1. When I go to admin section and click on sales reports under Advance in the left sidebar. It displays the content of orders page (admin.php?_g=orders), however the URL says (admin.php?_g=reports). Please help me find the file where I need to change/Modify code to fix this.
  5. There may times when the pagination sequence in the admin Orders Summary listing does not appear, or may have the incorrect number of links (1-2-3 instead of 1-2-...-29-30). The following series of edits should fix that. Unfortunately, while there is much in the Database Class to get the necessary info efficiently (that is, make one complex query instead of two), there is other database activity that gets in the way and pollutes that info. So, we must make two queries. (I really wanted to make all this function correctly using the tools in the class, but as I was working through it, it became evident I was building a very lengthy list of edits to make - more than I would reasonably ask anyone here to undertake.) In the file admin/sources/orders.index.inc.php, near line 563, find: $where = (isset($where) && !empty($where)) ? $where : false; Make it look like: if(isset($where) && !empty($where)) { $_GET['page'] = 'all'; } else { $where = false; } Don't do the above edit. Instead do this, near line 578, find: $page = (isset($_GET['page'])) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; On the same line, after the existing statement, add: if($where) $page = 'all'; This will get rid of the erroneous &page=all in the querystring that may appear after doing a search followed by editing one of the found orders. Near line 596, find a statement that begins with: $orders = $GLOBALS['db']->select(sprintf('`%1$sCubeCart_order_summary` On the same line, directly in front of that statement, add this statement: $orders_count = $GLOBALS['db']->count('CubeCart_order_summary', 'cart_order_id', $where); Near lines 622 and 623, find: $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('PAGINATION', $GLOBALS['db']->pagination(false, $per_page, $page, 9)); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('TOTAL_RESULTS', $GLOBALS['db']->getFoundRows()); Make them look like this: if (!$where) $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('PAGINATION', $GLOBALS['db']->pagination($orders_count, $per_page, $page, 9)); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('TOTAL_RESULTS', $orders_count); What this does is to drop pagination on results from a search. That is, if you have 600 orders over two years, and, for example, you search on dates from 1Jul2013 to 1Sep2013, all of only those results will be listed. So, don't be stupid. Keep your search parameters such that you can expect to get a tightly focused result. This also uses the count of a query that is not restricted, otherwise having limited the results to 20 at a time, for the pagination (if appropriate) and Total Count at the bottom of the table. Also, it should be noted that in the Orders Summary, Search Orders tab, you can search by Order Details, or by Order Date. But not both. (But I think that's an easy edit to fix.) (Edit: turns out the database class, where() function, is not written flexibly enough to do this.)
  6. Hi, I've been using cubecart for about a year and in mid december I stopped receiving emails from the system telling me I had orders. This, in turn also has shown that I can not send ANY newsletters out? Any idea how to resolve this? regards Andrew www.themoodybear.com
  7. Hello, I am new to this forum and to cubecart (we are using CC5) so please bear with me! Currently, we only supply digital download products and I am testing the system before we go live. Under "Orders-Create Order," I have have made an order but it doesn't deliver. I receive the Order Confirmation but no "Your purchased downloads" order with the links to the products. When ordering from the front end, I usually get 3 emails: Order confirmation, Thank you for Payment & Your purchased downloads. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. If you are having the occasional difficulty with a shipping or payment processor refusing to accept data submitted to it, the cause may be due to that data having other than the official two-letter USA state abbreviation. For example, the data submitted may have Illinois, but the processor requires IL. To find the proper abbreviation from the database Geo Zones table, the Addressbook must have the state ID number. Having updated the database from CubeCart3/4's Customer table, which held whatever the customer entered for a state name, the CC5 Addressbook now has those phrases. Also, due to a bug, CC5 may have recorded into the Addressbook, the full state name, or allowed the customer to manually enter something that looked like a state name, from a form during checkout. Instructions are provided on how to repair the contents of the Addressbook table at: http://www.cubecartforums.org/index.php?showtopic=18320
  9. Hi, I am new to this forum so any help would be much apreciated. I have made a site for someone and it has never been running right from the start. Every time i put a test order through it goes through fine, as soon as a customer puts an order through, is shows on the oder list but there is no order confirmation email and the paypal account is not credited. The only difference I can see between my orders and the really customer is the fact that I have not registered and a customer and for some reason, when I process an order it goes through as Paypal Express, but customers orders are coming through as Paypal_Pro_Mark. I have not used cubecart before and really have no idea what is happening. Any help on this would be amazing!!! The website is www.rachel-george.biz
  10. I need to export about 20 orders from a v3 site to a v5 site. How can I do that? I have tried to export cc_CubeCart_order_sum from phpmyadmin and rename it everywhere to cc_CubeCart_order_summary and import it to the new site, but that don't work. If it's possible to do this either in the store admin or in phpmyadmin it would be great.
  11. Guest

    Order Alert email

    Have the lite version of Cubecart, ver 3...recently emails normally received alerting us to orders placed have not been coming in. I fail to see a setting to restore this feature. Any ideas? I understand ver 3 no longer has support, however some insight would be appreciated. Thanks
  12. Guest

    Printing Orders

    We are having trouble printing orders off the admin site. The files are there when I check the /files/print.order#.php . But in the admin site it is saying there is an "Internal Server Error". Has anyone encountered this problem? If so how did you fix it? thanks
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