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[Resolved] Free Shipping, Paypal, and display questions


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Good Morning,

I have a few issues I am working on.  Any help is sincerely appreciated.  

1. I only 1 paypal plug-in installed (paypal express).  On checkout page, why is there 2 radio buttons: Paypal radio button and (visa, MC, AM, Discover images radio button)?  Also, on the right hand side, there are 2 buttons: Checkout, Checkout with PayPal?  Is there a way to get rid off all except Checkout with Paypal button?  We only accept paypal for now.

2. Is there anyway to set up Free shipping if order is at certain $ or more?  

3.  Lastly, on the first document (Welcome page), there's a image slider; my images are not as wide as the demo images.  Is there to center them?  I center them on the document, but when CC display them, they left justify.

Thank you



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2 hours ago, Lemontree said:

3.  Lastly, on the first document (Welcome page), there's a image slider; my images are not as wide as the demo images.  Is there to center them?  I center them on the document, but when CC display them, they left justify.


In the file css/jquery.bxslider.css towards the top of the document remove the  display: block;  line from

.bx-wrapper img {
  max-width: 100%;
  display: block;

so it becomes

.bx-wrapper img {
  max-width: 100%;

add the line text-align: center; to

ul.bxslider {
  list-style: none;

so it becomes

ul.bxslider {
  list-style: none;
text-align: center;


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Making the edits to the file /css/jquery.bxslider.css should have worked.

However, the thing about browsers is that they will use internally cached copies of page resources (css, javascript, images) unless you force the browser to reload them.

This is typically done with CTRL-F5, but your browser may use something else specific to it.

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I must had reload the browser at least 5 times.  Finally, last result, reboot.  That seems to do the trick.  Do you have any suggestion on #1?

Thanks again.  You safe me from losing anymore hair from pulling them out.



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As for #1, I have very little knowledge about the PayPal modules. I do know there is a simple "gateway" module, and a more complex "plugin" module.

The "plugin" module offers at least two methods to have customers use PayPal, and the "gateway" module has one method.

So, if using the "plugin" (see in admin, Manage Plugins, the right-side column will show what the module type is: Plugins or Gateway), there should be options to enable each of the various methods this module provides.

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Thank you for all your help.

I am using the plug-in.  I'm going to switch it to the gateway (standard version) for now.  I notice the standard version does not have paypal and credit cards images.  Is there anyway to add images?  

Sorry for all the questions.  This is my first site.  

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There are many images available, but I like this one: paypal.jpg  dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/images/source/paypal.jpg

I found it on the PayPal site somewhere I think, or maybe I googled for PayPal images - not sure. You are welcome to use it if you want to.

Save the image to YOUR images and then use YOUR url for the image in the Description box in the Standard plugin.

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