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[Resolved] Edits Addressbook template


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In my skins/contents/addressbook.php

1.  I have the label set at large-4 and the textbox at large-8 which makes a total of 12.  Why isn't the textbox going across the entire page?

2.  In the dropdown for the countries instead of it showing the lowest number iso code, in my case America Samoa since I don't normally ship wordwide, can I have it say something like "please select"?

3.  How do I get my default address up next to the checkbox associated with it like the billing address?

4.  How can I get the reset button on the same line as the other buttons?

Here's a link to the page


Thanks in advance for all help


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1. I see the label at large-2 and the text fields at large-8.

2. When CubeCart creates the list of countries, it uses the store's country as a first guess. If the Store Settings does not have a country chosen, there should be no preselected value. I will have to double-check the code.

3. You have a space between the close angle of the input tag and the opening angle of the label tag.

...id="addr_default" name="default"> <label for="addr_default">Default...

4. I see it as being inline already.

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I figured most of it out.

1.  I had put the form in a <div class=left> "container" trying to get the form left aligned.  It smooched everything. This fixed nmber 4, too.

2. For some reason the code I had added started working.

<div class="row">
 <div class="small-12 columns">
 <div class="row">
        <div class="large-2 columns">
            <label for="country-list" class="text right inline show-for-medium-up">{$LANG.address.country}</label></div>
           <div class="small-12 large-8 left columns">
 <select name="country" id="country-list">
            <option value="">{$LANG.form.please_select}</option>
            {foreach from=$COUNTRIES item=country}
            <option value="{$country.numcode}" {$country.selected}>{$country.name}</option>

3.I put the code on its own line and it worked.  Sometimes that "wrap" gets me.

I would like to know how I can get the entire form to float left without smooching  everything and keeping the label and textbox as is.

Thanks so much


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I want the form aligned to the left - even with the title of the page.  Left sidebar stays where it is.  I know this can be done if I float the label left, but then the label wouldn't be next to the textbox. That's why I tried the div left - but it didn't work.  I got the code to put the label next to the textbox, instead of above it, from the Zurb Foundation website.

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Even with the title of the page -- "Add Address"?

The row with "Add Address" is not in a column span -- just a row. So its left gap is going to be different than anything in a column span.

What would each label/field look like if the label were to float left, yet remain next to the text field?


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Or do you mean you want the label to be aligned left within its 2 column span, and also on the same row as its text field, and the text field to be aligned left within its 8 column span as well?

If so, remove the right from the class attributes of the label tag.

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