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6.4.1 Upgrade not progressing further than 20%


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It now says the database is out of date, but it won't let me continue the upgrade.

error log:


File: [seo.class.php] Line: [989] "SELECT C.cat_id, C.cat_name, C.cat_parent_id, S.path FROM `CubeCart_category` as C LEFT JOIN `CubeCart_seo_urls` as S ON S.item_id=C.cat_id WHERE S.type='cat' AND S.redirect='0' ORDER BY C.cat_id DESC " - Unknown column 'S.redirect' in 'where clause'


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What you need to do is use the file restore facility on your hosting to recover an earlier date of your public_html folder and all of its contents. Also the index page I think its was .html but may have been php.

Once you have that restore file ready to go, simply delete the whole public_folder and copy or move the reported earlier version into place. Your site will work again right away but as I found one or two pictures needed re uploading and setting up with the products but the disruption is minimal and it takes less and than 20 minutes to complete.

I had exactly the same problem. I think and it is only a guess, Al may help us if hes feeling kind, but I think its to do with data base permissions and us being misers and not paying for full on control panel and support hostings.

Good luck

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1 minute ago, 1pdeals.co.uk said:

What you need to do is use the file restore facility on your hosting to recover an earlier date of your public_html folder and all of its contents. Also the index page I think its was .html but may have been php.

I would 100% NOT recommend that as a solution and is likely to cause more problems.  You need to find out why the database upgrade script is not running and that is a question for your hosting company.  This is 99.9% certainly not a CubeCart issue


3 minutes ago, 1pdeals.co.uk said:

but I think its to do with data base permissions and us being misers and not paying for full on control panel and support hostings.

That is entirely possible but without more information and a detailed examination of what is happening, then even that is conjecture

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7 minutes ago, havenswift-hosting said:

I would 100% NOT recommend that as a solution and is likely to cause more problems.  You need to find out why the database upgrade script is not running and that is a question for your hosting company.  This is 99.9% certainly not a CubeCart issue


That is entirely possible but without more information and a detailed examination of what is happening, then even that is conjecture

Then instead, say how this person will get their project or business up and running now. 

I agree its not a lasting way forward but it gets it working right? My shop went down over the update so the business closes until we have learned the reason why the update failed? I don't think so. 

The whole purpose of the cart is to use for business and it simply cannot be allowed to go down.

Restoring his public folder is just about the fastest way to get that back up and running and the safest. It then gives the person time to figure the fix. If not say why.

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3 minutes ago, 1pdeals.co.uk said:

Restoring his public folder is just about the fastest way to get that back up and running and the safest. It then gives the person time to figure the fix

Because it simply isnt the quickest or safest way to do it - the simplest and th ebest way is to find out what is causing the database upgrade script to not run.  A good hosting company would be able to tell you that in minutes


5 minutes ago, 1pdeals.co.uk said:

The whole purpose of the cart is to use for business and it simply cannot be allowed to go down

In an ideal world I agree although nothing is 100% foolproof.  Also, if a site is mission critical (or even important) and a money earner why choose hosting companies that are cheap, have terrible support and know nothing (and care even less) about CubeCart.

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1 hour ago, havenswift-hosting said:

I would 100% NOT recommend that as a solution and is likely to cause more problems.  You need to find out why the database upgrade script is not running and that is a question for your hosting company.  This is 99.9% certainly not a CubeCart issue


That is entirely possible but without more information and a detailed examination of what is happening, then even that is conjecture

Then instead, say how this person will get their project or business up and running now. 

I agree its not a lasting way forward but it gets it working right? My shop went down over the update so the business closes until we have learned the reason why the update failed? I don't think so. 

The whole purpose of the cart is to use for business and it simply cannot be allowed to go down.

Restoring his public fold is just about the fastest way to get that back up and running and the safest. It then gives the person time to figure the fix. If not say why.

I made an error when I set my cart up by installing it to the root folder. Being inexperienced enoguh not to realise the issues it could cause further down the line.

I have just moved it and will finish testing everything later but I am now wondering if this is the cause of the data base failing to upgrade. I wondered if the other chap with the same problem has his cube cart installed to his root folder?

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1 hour ago, 1pdeals.co.uk said:

Then instead, say how this person will get their project or business up and running now. 

As I have said multiple times already, any half decent hosting company would have been able to tell you within seconds or minutes what the problem was 

1 hour ago, 1pdeals.co.uk said:

My shop went down over the update so the business closes until we have learned the reason why the update failed? I don't think so. 

See above answer

1 hour ago, 1pdeals.co.uk said:

The whole purpose of the cart is to use for business and it simply cannot be allowed to go down.

Then you better be prepared to spend many thousands of pounds on high availability or fault tolerant hosting - no hosting will be without issues.  After saying that, most issues with inexperienced store owners are down to mistakes that they make themselves.

Also, if your business website is that important, dont go with a cheap hosting plan with a company that knows nothing about CubeCart.  Also pay somebody to provide full support and do upgrades for you - that way you can concentrate on running your business. We offer fully managed CubeCart hosting plans as does Al@CubeCart  

2 hours ago, 1pdeals.co.uk said:

Restoring his public fold is just about the fastest way to get that back up and running and the safest. It then gives the person time to figure the fix. If not say why.

See first answer yet again !  You can keep saying the same thing but that doesnt make it right or the best course of action

2 hours ago, 1pdeals.co.uk said:

I made an error when I set my cart up by installing it to the root folder. Being inexperienced enoguh not to realise the issues it could cause further down the line.

That is NOT an error and is how most stores are installed and wont cause any issues down the line. You can install CubeCart into root folder or any sub-directory and in combination with other applications as well.

2 hours ago, 1pdeals.co.uk said:

I am now wondering if this is the cause of the data base failing to upgrade.

No that would not cause problems with the database

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Eeeek! I've upgraded about 20 sites now and not seen this problem. 

Maybe roll back and heck the error logs (PHP, CubeCart system error log table).

3 hours ago, 1pdeals.co.uk said:

The whole purpose of the cart is to use for business and it simply cannot be allowed to go down.

Agreed this is important. It was in beta for a few weeks. CubeCart is free software with limited resources and developed with very best of intent. We are dependant on the community to test and report issues. 

Saying this I have a lot of merchants running 6.4.1 flawlessly already.

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6 hours ago, Al Brookbanks said:

Eeeek! I've upgraded about 20 sites now and not seen this problem. 

Maybe roll back and heck the error logs (PHP, CubeCart system error log table).

Agreed this is important. It was in beta for a few weeks. CubeCart is free software with limited resources and developed with very best of intent. We are dependant on the community to test and report issues. 

Saying this I have a lot of merchants running 6.4.1 flawlessly already.

Didn't meant to offend anyone I love the software it's great really stable. Unfortunately it wont upgrade my data base, the settings all appear to be correct. Temporary Tables are allowed. I do suspect its to do with permissions but I just don't have the time to learn it all right now so im sticking with 6.2.9 until the next update when I will try again. Thanks

6 hours ago, Al Brookbanks said:

Eeeek! I've upgraded about 20 sites now and not seen this problem. 

Maybe roll back and heck the error logs (PHP, CubeCart system error log table).

Agreed this is important. It was in beta for a few weeks. CubeCart is free software with limited resources and developed with very best of intent. We are dependant on the community to test and report issues. 

Saying this I have a lot of merchants running 6.4.1 flawlessly already.

I think its an issue with the host. Its no big deal to me here, I like the learning bit anyway and besides I will be beginning a new project soon meaning a fresh instal. This will involve digital downloads and if all goes well its going to be run using Cube.

If you wanted to look at my data base setting inside my host plan Im happy to give you the credentials privately of course for your own information and so you can see if changes need to made to the build to accommodate this.

There is at least one other person who has the same problem. Not asking you to do my work but if you wanted to look its fine by me.


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