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PayPal Commerce declined payments


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I switched from Braintree/PayPal Standard to PayPal Commerce and have noticed a huge increase in declined payments.  In Braintree you can see a decline code so I can then let the customer know what the issue is.  Is there a way to see this in PayPal Commerce?  I'm getting slammed with messages "my card works fine with other merchants" and I do not know what to tell them or why this is happening.  On the transaction log, this is what I see.  

DECLINED PayPal Commerce2 Jan 2024, 15:45Seller Protection: NOT_ELIGIBLE
Settlement Mode: Capture
Payment Method: Card
liabilityShifted: true
authenticationStatus: YES
authenticationReason: ERROR

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authenticationReason: ERROR is the clue.

This means your customer has failed the security challenge set by their bank (not PayPal) and your PayPal Commerce settings are set to reject this scenario. 

Check your 3D Secure Scenarios in the module extension config page. In particular "Buyer may have failed the challenge or the device was not verified."

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  • 2 weeks later...

@lyndsiesal - Did this work for you?  I have had many declined payments as well, and they seem to be clustered.  Everything will work fine for a few days, then nothing works - even for returning customers.  Then it starts working again.

I had a customer tell me that she tried 3 different cards today and they all were declined.


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