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Al Brookbanks

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Everything posted by Al Brookbanks

  1. Anything unusual about how you manage stock or anything. We had about 10 stores reporting this problem but they are all resolved since the updates. This is now the only known case. Something different must be happening.
  2. I don't think you'll find a free one. I've looked myself and failed to find one.
  3. The best way to secure your site is to upgrade it to the latest version. If you delete everything apart from the files and folders in the upgrade instructions and malicious content should be removed. Sorry that you've been having to deal with this.
  4. Sorry about this one. It's fixed in 6.5.5.
  5. Hi Dave, so long as you can get us the validation file we can do that for you via support. More info here: https://www.cubecart.com/technical-support I hope we can work with you.
  6. Hi Dave, What part of the ApplePay setup are you struggling with? You have extra steps to verify the domain.
  7. This release of CubeCart not only resolves a number of stability issues found in the previous version but patches a minor security vulnerability. We are grateful and thankful to Julio Araujo for reporting this so clearly and responsibly. The security patch (GitHub issue #3570) prevents malicious .phar type files from being uploaded via the back office of the store. Please note that a bad actor would need to have successfully authenticated into the back office in order to take advantage of this vulnerability. On those grounds we do not consider this to be a significant threat. To patch this vulnerability please either upgrade to CubeCart 6.5.5 or amend the code in the security patch linked above. Download: CubeCart-6.5.5.zip
  8. Did you see this? https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/3557 There is a code fix there. This release has been quite a dog. I'll have to get a new release out soon but I'm having to wait on something...
  9. I don't know which scenario matters for this to be complete honest. There's no reason why a customer shouldn't be able to complete 3DS. I think your choices look sensible.
  10. Sorry Frank. The release is new and I've been tied up on support all day. Restoring a backup is a good plan for now. I haven't come across any stores with this problem yet using the files I've linked to in this thread.
  11. No other changes in this version would affect the calculation.
  12. Can you check your extension configuration? If 3D secure isn't required then they can do this and the payment will still be taken. If it is required the payment won't be taken and the order will not be updated to processing.
  13. Frank I'm sorry that you've had problems. Can you switch the green line out for the red one: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/commit/83387f9b35f2e60cca0a4e8b33a66814388caa58
  14. Can you replace this file: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/blob/v6.5-master/classes%2Fcart.class.php
  15. I've seen this issue on one other store so far. Please can you replace this file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cubecart/v6/v6.5-master/classes/db/database.class.php
  16. Ok in that case try 1.9.7 (just released): https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/paypal-commerce
  17. This issue will be resolved with an upgrade to the latest version. I'd recommend using the latest build: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/archive/refs/heads/v6.5-master.zip
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