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Everything posted by keat

  1. Just occasionally, the admin panel seems to chuck me back to the login. I can be working on something, then choose another option like 'store settings' and i'm prompted to login again. Is there any sort of timeout ??
  2. NIce feature.. Any ideas where the cookie compliance message might be, ? Found it.
  3. I think this is the now only thing holding me up from conducting some real life dummy orders etc, before I hand this over. I want to duplicate (manually) about 50 orders taken from our live V3 site, so I can capture all sorts of different scenarios, taxes, shipping, products, product options etc. The best way for me to do this, would be to log in to my V6 as the actual customer whom I'm copying, and see that everything on the V6 works out the same as the V3. However, finding the customers is proving to be a challenge. If CC won't do this out of the box, then I'm open to suggestions for plugins.
  4. My V3 is 3.18 I believe. This is what's inside my index.php. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | index.php | ======================================== | Admin Homepage +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ include("../includes/ini.inc.php"); include_once("../includes/global.inc.php"); include_once("../classes/db.inc.php"); $db = new db(); include_once("../includes/functions.inc.php"); $config = fetchDbConfig("config"); include_once("../language/".$config['defaultLang']."/lang.inc.php"); $enableSSl = 1; include_once("../includes/sslSwitch.inc.php"); include_once("includes/auth.inc.php"); include_once("includes/header.inc.php");
  5. Sorry, but xxxxx is no longer available and has been removed form your basket. I looked in language.inc.php but can't find this, I assume the language file changed with V6 ?
  6. As my site already had the V3 contact form, i felt no need to create another one. Since ctreating the new V6 contact form, I now see the re-capture and all makes perfect sense.
  7. Did the customer change his order at any point. We found a bug on our V3 site where a customer could get to around stage 3 or 4 of the checkout, if at this point he went back to the cart, any changes would not be reflected at the checkout. Although, I've just tried to recreate this on V6 and it wasn't apparent.
  8. My site imported all the contact and info pages from the V3 upgrade, so I havn't used the built in V6 contact form. I may have a look, however, I'm guessing it wont do what we want. We have a few contact forms, eg, one where the customer would fill out a form to obtain a catalogue download. And another, where a customer could recommend a friend or product. I have a home made capture on these pages, but it's pretty poor.
  9. I'd guessed that the array $where = isset($_GET['q']) && !empty($_GET['q']) ? array('~'.(string)trim($_GET['q']) => array('email', "CONCAT(first_name ,' ',last_name)", "CONCAT(last_name ,' ',first_name)")) : false; contained first_name & last_name same as addressbook, so I might at least be able to search on a name, but alas no results.
  10. As a starting point, I thought i'd be clever and modify the select query so it was searching Cubecart_addressbook, afterall this table still contains columns indicated in the array. So I never touched the array. But now it finds nothing at all. I think this might be too complicated for my uneducated head. Also the customer data is split accross two tables, addressbook holds address info, while customer holds email and company name details.
  11. I've done a fair bit of testing today, and it seems that this code is working. Well I've not seen any errors yet.
  12. Is this something I could do with guidance. ? I did consider that it might be looking up database table in common.search.php, but there's nothing obvious jumping out at me.
  13. Have you tried a different shipping plugin. Store Collection Mod allows for free shipping, also you can change the display on the checkout page to say "Free Delivery", so it's not just limited to collect
  14. Search customer only appears to search the customer table and not the address book. Is there anything that will search both.
  15. If there is no simple way to apply recapture to site documents or contact forms, then what is the purpose of the recapture facility in the store settings. I'm a liitle confused.
  16. On some of my contact forms, I'm using a very primitive capture method (don't ask its manual) I spotted re-capture in store settings, so created a re-capture account and site key etc. However, the google instructions mention dropping the code inside the <head> tags, which the documents editor doesn't show. Is there an easy way to use this ?
  17. We only use stock level on the cart when an item is actually out of stock, we take more telephone orders than web orders All items are generally marked as zero stock, with the 'use stock level' checkbox unchecked. When an item goes out of stock, we will mark it accordingly, when it comes back in again, it's handy to find it, rather than having to go look. Also, we can see at a glance if something is marked out of stock on the web when it shouldn't be.
  18. This is what I came up with. My own code snippet based on Al's Minimum Order Quantity. It seems to work OK, only no doubt there will be some schoolboy error in there. And I don't really have a clue what the execution order should be, so I'd apprecaite some feedback. min_order_value.xml
  19. I couldn't log in until I figured } ?> might be missing
  20. I've replaced split with explode and see what happens.
  21. Stock moves very quickly here, sometimes it can be out and back in the same day, so being able to locate an out of sock item easily is a must. I'm more than happy with Stock Warnings
  22. I never spotted 'Stock Warnings' This will suffice.
  23. ccss.class.php I found the version number and it is 1.06 Right at the end of the file. private function _ipCIDRCheck ($IP, $CIDR) { list ($net, $mask) = split ("/", $CIDR); // $mask is empty if not in CIDR notation $ip_net = ip2long ($net); $mask = (!empty($mask)) ? $mask : 32; // force CIDR /32 if empty $mask $ip_mask = ~((1 << (32 - $mask)) - 1); $ip_ip = ip2long ($IP); $ip_ip_net = $ip_ip & $ip_mask; return ($ip_ip_net == $ip_net); } } ?>
  24. I don't appear to have a sort arrow on the stock column. I'm assuming the 'Handy Wipes' are only at the top of the list as I modified today.
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