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Everything posted by keat

  1. The thing is, I don't want anybody to purchase it, as it's for information only. https://www.cabletiesonline.co.uk/trade-cable-ties.html If I mark it out of stock or unavailable, I get the feeling that no one would open it and read its contents. in the short term, I modified the phrase 'Unavailable" to a period, but i'm not sure what else uses the phrase.
  2. It seems the first one works if I take out the slashes eg: RewriteRule ^cable-ties-b-w.html$ "https\:\/\/www\.mydomain\.co\.uk\/nylon-cable-ties.html" [R=301,L] annoyingly, it was cpanel that added the slashes. I'll never understand this stuff.
  3. I'm struggling to get a redirect to work. I changed the custom url of a category to something more meaningfull from cable-ties-b-w.html to nylon-cable-ties.html Actually, the SEO mod puts the dashes in not me. but my redirect doesn't work, I suspect the dashes has something to do with it ?? RewriteRule ^cable\-ties\-b\-w\.html$ "https\:\/\/www\.mydomain\.co\.uk\/nylon\-cable\-ties\.html" [R=301,L] can anyone spot the issue ? If I use this Redirect 301 /cable-ties-b-w.html https://www.mydomain.co.uk/nylon-cable-ties.html it redirects me to https://www.mydomain.co.uk/nylon-cable-ties.html?seo_path=cable-ties-b-w whats putting ?seo_path=cable-ties-b-w on the end
  4. maybe something for another day then.
  5. Is it possible to add more years to the dashbourd sales stats, and in defferent colours. Maybe 3 or 4 years instead of last year and current
  6. Other than products, is there anywhere else in the cart which utilises the Unavailable string Common - Phrases used in multiple places As an SEO excercise, I've created a new product which is an informational product, so there's nothing to purchase. I don't wish to mark it out of stock, and I don't want it to show unavailable either.
  7. It was on my own server, so It will have been me who applied it. Looking in my backups, it was apparent going back to at least two weeks.
  8. That makes sense, it must have been like this for a while. Strange how no one has mentioned it until today and then I get two phone calls in the space of 20 minutes.
  9. I found an issue where my basket fails to update when adding additional items. Removing a few cache lines from .htaccess and the fault seems to go away. ## EXPIRES CACHING ## <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType image/jpg "access 1 day" ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access 1 day" ExpiresByType image/gif "access 1 year" ExpiresByType image/png "access 1 year" ExpiresByType text/css "access 1 month" ExpiresByType text/html "access 1 day" ExpiresByType application/pdf "access 1 day" ExpiresByType text/x-javascript "access 1 month" ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash "access 1 month" ExpiresByType image/x-icon "access 1 year" ExpiresDefault "access 1 month" </IfModule> ## EXPIRES CACHING ## Any ideas which line would cause this.
  10. I'm happy with PayPal, and Pay360 in general, however Pay360 technical support is rubbish. I logged a false positive ModSec issue over a month ago and have had little in the way of help from them. I since found Worldpay fees were far too high.
  11. In the end, I created a single item for the full value of the original invoice, added this to a new cart (in the users name), and asked the cutomer to pay this instead. It was a messy way around but worked.
  12. Customer made an order and chose POF as his payment gateway, but wants to pay via Credit Card. Is it possible to somehow re-issue the order so he can now pay via a gateway.
  13. Using MXtoolBox, it seems that your IP is listed on at least 3 RBL's, Lashback being one of them, and is truly an awful RBL. As Ian says, you probably share your IP with many other users, if any one of those other users have been sending spam or been compromised and is sending spam unknowingly, then the whole server will get blacklisted. You'll need to contact your hosts and get them to do the leg work. For these exact reasons, I bought my own dedicated server.
  14. How odd. I moved the period from after the 'u' to after the 's' as suggested and the search stopped finding 2.5mm, so I moved it back and it still won't find 2.5mm. Despite clearing the cache and my browser. Three or four attempts later, delete the file, ftp it back up, clear browser, clear cache and it works again.
  15. I'm not exactly sure where to add it, so I added it directly after the u, it now seems to find 2.5mm items Thanks.
  16. I have my own server and a not so important hosted plan. I've fired a support ticket over to the hosted plan to see if they have any ideas.
  17. The issue I have is that some of my customers will use the cart as a live ordering system, keep coming back to it throughout the day and adding items as and when they sell them, not committing to order until the end of the day. This is OK if they close their browser as CubeCart should save the cart contents. However, leave the window open and this garbage clean up takes effect, deletes the session, which results in an empty cart, I guess CubeCart then saves the empty cart. I had one customer two weeks ago lose a cart with about 100 items, he's not been back since. I beleive CPanel have said that this is a feature of Cpanel version 64, however version 64 isn't new and I've been having the above issue for well over a year. Only last week did we discover what the cause was. Unless your host only performed the update in June (unlikely) It might not be a bad idea to go back to your host and ask if they've updated anything in the last 6 weeks, as any additional info we can find may help. Also, they may have a trick up thier sleeve to fix this, maybe explain to them you beleive sessions.gc_maxlifetime is using a server wide setting of 1440 seconds, can they do anything to resolve this. Cubecart is asking for 604800 seconds (7 days), but the server is ignoring this. I know that Al is looking in to this, but it may be beyond his control being a server setting, I wonder how many other carts and the like are affected. Something I might have a tinker with tomorrow. Incidentally, it's also gone beyond my ability.
  18. Trying to search for something which might be 2.5mm and nothing shows. It will show me all items which are 25mm, but nothing which is 2.5mm. Any thoughts ?
  19. The reply from Cpanel indicates that this may require further config changes at server level. Thank you for the additional information. The behavior you noticed is by design. The "/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/clean_user_php_sessions" script will only recognize the global "session.gc_maxlifetime" PHP configuration value configured for each version of PHP. If a custom value for "session.gc_maxlifetime" is preferred for an individual account, then the workaround is to also configure a custom "session.save_path" value for the account. This will allow PHP to handle the session cleanup, as opposed to the "/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/clean_user_php_sessions" script. In other words, the server by default will probably have sessions.gc_maxlifetime configured for 1440 seconds as it's master value. The cleanup script looks at this mater value for it's basis of when to perform the job. Changing the master value on your domain will have no effect, as it's still looking at the master value on the server. As my server is our own, I can change this master value server wide.
  20. Further update, which is now pointing more towards a PHP issue, (I'm not sure if this is just Cpanel.) It appears that local garbage collection settings via PHP ini_set are ignored and the script runs listening to the master value only. The "/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/clean_user_php_sessions" script will only recognize the global "session.gc_maxlifetime" PHP configuration value configured for each version of PHP. If a custom value for "session.gc_maxlifetime" is preferred for an individual account, then the workaround is to also configure a custom "session.save_path" value for the account. This will allow PHP to handle the session cleanup, as opposed to the "/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/clean_user_php_sessions" script.
  21. keat

    PayPal Issues

    I updated to 1.0.8 the other day also. I'm not seeing any issues, I note your post was 19 hours old, so I checked back to yesterday and don't see any issues their either.
  22. Both Al and myself are now wondering if a script on another domain could affect this. eg, sessions are stored on the server in a central location, possibly along with other sessions from other domains (as is the case for certain on my server). What happens if a script triggers the garbage clean, how would it identify which sessions to clean and which to remove. So changing the setting on your domain, may not have any impact if your sessions are stored along with everyone elses. something else on the server could send the instruction to perform a clean up. I have my own server, so changing the setting was a global server wide setting for me, which could explain why mine now works. I'm certainly no expert in this area, so it might be worth watching the Cpanel thread (posted above) and see what they have to say. see Als comments regarding domain x and Y Hopefully we'll have an answer in a few days.
  23. I found this in debug. curl_exec() has been disabled for security reasons - Unable to reach reCAPCHA server I tested disabling some PHP functions early this morning, and then re-enabled them, I suspect something has been left behind. although i've no idea why it still works on the test site, maybe inheritance of php
  24. I'm using V1 of recapture, but it appears to have stopped working. I see a message saying 'The verification codes were incorrect. Please verify that you are human.' I know recapture works, as I have it running on a test site, but for some reason it's not working on my main site. any ideas ?
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