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bobdonkey last won the day on June 17 2016

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    Brighton, UK.

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  1. Agree that this feature is really needed. Maybe submit a feature request?
  2. Sure https://www.barebonesuk.com/computing/barebones.html
  3. Just to close this off, I have now resized all of my images, and memory usage has gone down significantly, pretty much halved. So all sorted, thanks.
  4. OK well I dont know what is going on then..I use foundation from 6.1.4 and it doesn't show, earlier versions do show up. This is on 2 different servers, same issue.
  5. Is you skin based on the foundation version from 6.1.4?
  6. It is mostly my fault however since I have some large images. I am writing some code to resize the whole lot which will avoid this problem and speed up the site. Thanks
  7. So when you have lots of products in a category and get the More link at the bottom to show more products, this should show Loading... whilst it loads in more products. This does not show up in Foundation (uncustomised) therefore this looks like a bug.
  8. So my web host helped me fix this. He said that CC was limiting the memory usage somewhere. He added ini_set('memory_limit', '256M') to ini.inc.php and this has resolved it. So where and why is Cubecart restricing memory usage? Thanks
  9. Yes that is what is happening. So I need a hosting account with larger memory. What does Haven offer?
  10. The problem is that I scrape all my images automatically from elsewhere. I could resize them on the fly I suppose.
  11. OK contacted by host, it seems I have 512MB physical memory allocated and I am hitting that limit. Site is hosted with Pac web hosting https://www.pacwebhosting.co.uk and they are using cpanel. This is what they said: The value -1 means that there is no limit for PHP . But when I have checked your site I can see the problem is not in the virtual memory but the physical memory which is limited on our side and you have indeed reached the limit. Do you think I need another host? 512MB doesnt seem like much to me!
  12. OK so the memory_limit is -1 in phpinfo! I dont think that is right. Should say 128M or something right? I'll contact my host.
  13. Hi Thanks for that. Yes I figured out this was the problem as well, I deleted every image from all products and got the site back.I do have several thousand products, and all of them have several images. I also have my own scripts that upload them which is why I can go over 350kb, but they generally aren't over 1mb. I added 100 product images back and it fell over again. It puts some images in cache and then stops. 14680064 bytes is only 14mb, this doesnt seem like much. Is there any way to increase it? Or is there a problem with my host? I appreciate by images are a little over sized but I can't resize thousands of images manually. [05-Feb-2017 07:37:17 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 14680064 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2400 bytes) in /home/ngnkyuwv/public_html/barebonesuk.com/classes/gd.class.php on line 146 [05-Feb-2017 07:41:54 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 14680064 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 600 bytes) in /home/ngnkyuwv/public_html/barebonesuk.com/classes/gd.class.php on line 146 [05-Feb-2017 07:43:45 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 14680064 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4000 bytes) in /home/ngnkyuwv/public_html/barebonesuk.com/classes/gd.class.php on line 101 [05-Feb-2017 07:43:49 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 14680064 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 800 bytes) in /home/ngnkyuwv/public_html/barebonesuk.com/classes/gd.class.php on line 146 [05-Feb-2017 07:46:00 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 14680064 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4000 bytes) in /home/ngnkyuwv/public_html/barebonesuk.com/classes/gd.class.php on line 101 [05-Feb-2017 07:47:18 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 14680064 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4000 bytes) in /home/ngnkyuwv/public_html/barebonesuk.com/classes/gd.class.php on line 101 [05-Feb-2017 07:47:34 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 28311552 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2400 bytes) in /home/ngnkyuwv/public_html/barebonesuk.com/classes/gd.class.php on line 101 [05-Feb-2017 07:50:27 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 28311552 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 9600 bytes) in /home/ngnkyuwv/public_html/barebonesuk.com/classes/gd.class.php on line 101 [05-Feb-2017 07:51:36 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 28311552 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 9600 bytes) in /home/ngnkyuwv/public_html/barebonesuk.com/classes/gd.class.php on line 101 [05-Feb-2017 07:51:46 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 11534336 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2360 bytes) in /home/ngnkyuwv/public_html/barebonesuk.com/classes/gd.class.php on line 101 [05-Feb-2017 07:52:54 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 11534336 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2360 bytes) in /home/ngnkyuwv/public_html/barebonesuk.com/classes/gd.class.php on line 101
  14. OK I just found that the error_log file was in fact huge, and there are loads of errors like this: [04-Feb-2017 23:45:47 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 14680064 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 200 bytes) in /home/ngnkyuwv/public_html/barebonesuk.com/classes/gd.class.php on line 146 [04-Feb-2017 23:46:48 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 94371840 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20000 bytes) in /home/ngnkyuwv/public_html/barebonesuk.com/classes/gd.class.php on line 101 No idea why this has started happening, anyone seen this before?
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