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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. Bring that skin template up for editing. At the very end, add {debug} and save. When next viewing that page, there will be a popup. (Your browser may complain about the page wanting to open a popup. Let it happen. The popup may show the whole page. If that happens, have the browser reload the page.) Remove the added {debug} and re-save the template. You only want that feature happening for as long as it takes to get the popup list of variables. The popup will show a list of all the variables assigned to the template rendering engine (Smarty). Scroll to find $GATEWAY. Determine if PayPal is present.
  2. The "has KEY expecting UNIQUE KEY" note is of no consequence with respect to databasing orders made. Are there a large amount of orders Pending - on the theory that shopping baskets were abandoned because of no PayPal method to make payment? Did PayPal still show as an option on checkout? On the admin Dashboard, does the sales chart show a noticeable drop after September?
  3. "Is there a way to have options show or not based on other options? For instance, if somebody chooses powder coat as a finish, then show a list of powder colors. Or, if instead, they choose anodize as a finish, show a list of anodize colors?" This is called "sequential selection" or "linear selection". This technique is commonly used to get to the end leaf from choosing a path across a tree of branches. CubeCart offers a feature whereby selecting among the product's options, an Option Matrix table is created. The problem here is that the customer is only advised that a particular option combo is out of stock after the item's "Add to Basket" button is clicked. So, from an option group of all the finishes, and from an option group of all possible colors, select all those attributes to add to the matrix, then in the matrix, set to zero stock those where there is no available finish and color combo. There is a plugin that shows a list from that Option Matrix table. As you guessed, the more options added to the matrix expands that list exponentially. Still, take a look at: https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/absolute-matrix-option-prices-price-list-hide-out-of-stock-matrix-options
  4. "no we can't clone options" Not directly, independently, like one can with cloning a whole product. But by making appropriate sets of options, a set can be applied quickly to product. The only thing to do after that is to set the price and weight differentials. "if we can have options based on other options is also no" That will require a plugin. There was such a plugin available - demonstrated by finding the right part for a car based on Year/Make/Model. "any way to reorder the option groups" In admin, Product Options, Option Groups tab, the table of Option Groups has, in it's first column, a black and blue double-headed arrow icon. You can sort the list by a mouse click-drag to place that row before or after any other row. Then Save and have CubeCart clear its internal cache.
  5. The description say this product comes in pairs. Is this two panels having the exact same characteristics? Or can each of the two panels of the pair have unique characteristics (one of the pair is clear and the other of the pair is black)? I see that there is a list of attributes for the Back face (an option group), a list of attributes for the Door face (another option group), and a list of attributes for the Sides face (another option group), where 'none' is a valid choice (thus satisfying the Required parameter) - indicating that for this a la carte product, those faces are not to be included. I believe the same can be accomplished by making an option group Face with attributes of Back, Door, and Sides. For a DOOEQT8M22 (base price $22.00), the customer chooses: Face: Door Material: Black Acrylic Size: 250mm and adds that to the cart. For a second DOOEQT8M22 (base price $22.00), the customer chooses: Face: Sides Material: ACM Black (+3.00) Size: 250mm and adds that to the cart. So, now there is a customer shopping basket of two panels, each panel having the distinct desired characteristics, and not including a Back panel, in the shopping basket. Total for the two DOOEQT8M22 items in the shopping basket (each having different options, which CubeCart can detect): $47.00.
  6. If the item is any one panel (that is, that one panel is the product), then that product has an option of size, and an option of material. But then, from the first post, it seems you are wanting the product to encompass all six panels as an option. See if this works for you: Create a Size option group that has size attributes. Create a Material option group that has material attributes. Create a Panel option group that has face attributes (i.e., left, right, back, top, bottom, door) What else am I missing? "I got frustrated typing all the materials in for each side over and over." I don't understand what is happening that is causing this frustration. Maybe if this next step is the solution you are looking for: In admin, Product Options, "Option Sets" tab, create a new Set. Call the Set "FaceMat". Save. Back on that tab, select "FaceMat" from the drop down. You will also see a complete list of all the option attributes segregated by option group. This is a multi-select list - meaning that CTRL-clicking on an item in the list adds it to the chosen selection, selecting as many items in the list as desired. So, for the "FaceMat" option set, CTRL-click on all faces, and all materials. Save. Now, in admin, Add/Edit Product, Options tab, select "FaceMat" from the Option Sets dropdown and click Add. Save & Reload. Manually add the three sizes as New Options. You could probably have included the three size attributes in the set, which then the set would likely be named "SizeFaceMat".
  7. I will need to analyze your specific requirements, but do you think one of these options could be split across categories? For example (I am not saying that size will be one of your actual options): Category: Widgets SubCategories: Small, Medium, Large There was a plugin that offered "sequential selection", but it is no longer available.
  8. "I don't want to lose any info in the new store." What info in the new store would be in danger of being lost? During setup, one can specify a distinct table prefix. All the existing tables used by the shuttered store would not be disturbed. The data in the existing set of tables used by the shuttered store would not be available to the new store: because of different table prefixes.
  9. A quick solution is to simply point the new store to use the existing database. If the new store hosting account cannot reach the existing database, then have either CubeCart or phpMyAdmin make a backup of the database, copy the file over to the new store, and restore from there. phpMyAdmin can also export database tables to CSV files. Only if there is a need to formulate new data from the existing data would you need an Export module for CubeCart.
  10. Please visit your PayPal Merchants Account Settings Console at PayPal, and determine if there is a Notice/Errors section. If so, check to see if PayPal has been attempting to connect to your store, in order to announce that the transaction was successful, but failed to connect. (I do not know if PayPal Commerce does this "Instant Payment Notification" (IPN) procedure, as did other, earlier PayPal modules.) Did this problem all of a sudden start happening? That is, has PayPal Commerce ever worked for you? Or is all this new to you?
  11. What I was thinking was that there may be a setting in your PayPal Merchant's Account Control Console regarding the enabling of PayPal calculating the shipping charges, and sending that info back to your store. (PayPal can do this for the customer's delivery address and phone number, overwriting whatever was originally provided by the customer at checkout - if the customer even logged in.) So, the last four orders?? Did the last four orders all use the Free Shipping coupon?
  12. Looking at the screen grab of the database table details, I see that the 'total' is 264.00 (which is a correct calculation from 240.00 + 24.00 tax). So, there is no issue to be found when showing the Order Summary for that order. The values shown is taken directly from the database record. I am leaning toward thinking that the PayPal module, which allows for accepting data being sent back from PayPal, updated the database record with data determined by PayPal, including some sort of shipping estimate (and the shipping provider ???).
  13. "As a regular customer, using Paypal I assume he put in the free shipping code (without clicking apply) and clicked secure checkout PayPal." Not knowing what exactly happens (sequence of calling the next page and code execution) when one clicks the PayPal Checkout button, it is entirely plausible that the customer failed to click "Apply" nor "Update Basket". So, maybe the customer did actually pay for shipping as calculated by "Aust Post"? But then, what is controlling the listing of the order's details in admin? (Shipping is listed but not summed.) Looking into that.
  14. When viewing an order summary, Overview tab, there is a table listing the Items. Below that is a table listing Contact Details. Below that is a table showing Shipping Information. In Shipping Information, my experiment shows: Shipping Method: Free Coupon Shipping Shipping Product: Free Shipping from Promotional Code Gateway: XXXXXXX In CubeCart_order_summary, the shipping value, does it include the dollar sign? Can you determine where the 15.15 value came from? That is, what shipping module was used to get this shipping cost?
  15. I am not able to replicate or confirm your experience. However, I need to know some more details. You are viewing an order that (at the time you posted the image above) is at Processing? What does the Shipping Information box show? Using an external database utility, what are the contents related to shipping for this order in CubeCart_order_summary? Are there any notes on the Notes tab? Do you have any better idea of the steps the customer took to make the purchase? For example: 1) the customer entered the Free Shipping coupon code before actually accepting the default selected/calculated shipping charges, or 2) accepted/changed the default selected/calculated shipping charges and then entered the Free Shipping coupon code? Was this actually a Free Shipping coupon (as indicated in admin, Promotional Codes, editing a Free Shipping coupon, with the "Free shipping" checkbox selected)?
  16. This appears to be the summary view of the order in admin, correct? If so, I agree that the summary should indicate both what the shipping would otherwise have been, but that has been reduced because of some other function. (That function should be mentioned in the Notes tab.) I think this is not directly related: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/2998 Let me see what I can find.
  17. Please look in the file /includes/global.inc.php. It may be the last line of the file. If so, the problem could be that there is a closing PHP tag, followed by that line. Like as follows: $glob['safe_mode'] = false; // Set to true to disable hooks and code snippets, 'hooks' to disable code hooks and 'snippets' to disable code snippets ?> $glob['install_source'] = 'softaculous'; ?> This is not correct. There must be only one closing PHP tag (which is the two characters ?>) and it must be the very last thing in this file. Also, this file may be 'read-only', so in order to fix it, you will need to unset the 'read only' flag, remove the ?> that is not at the end of the file, and save it.
  18. Please keep in mind that we continue to find bugs, and the CubeCart programmers continue to fix them. That is to say, you may come across some things that act strange.
  19. Well, it seems the screen being shown to you is a "less than ideal" example of good UX design. This screen is wanting you to "Click on the action you wish to perform." It simply is not obvious that the entire "Upgrade to CubeCart 6.4.9" box of information is a huge submit button. So, click on the colorful icon (little box -> big box) to begin the (database) upgrade process.
  20. The database warnings could be solved by running setup - which only creates/updates the database. I do not know what the pink banner is wanting to show.
  21. Have a conversation with your hosting company. If this is a Mod Security issue, there will a log entry they can use to determine what may be tripping it.
  22. The files that should be admin /sources/ are (all will end in .inc.php): categories.index, customers.email., customers.gdpr, customers.index, customers.subscribers, dashboard.index, documents.contact, documents.email, documents.index, documents.invoice, element.navigation, filemanager.index, maintenance.index, maintenance.sql, marketplace.index, orders.index, orders.transactions, phpinfo.index, plugins.index, products.assign, products.coupons, products.export, products.import, products.index, products.manufacturers, products.options, products.optionsets, products.reviews, reports.index, settings.admins, settings.currency, settings.errorlog, settings.geo, settings.giftcertificates, settings.hooks, settings.index, settings.language, settings.logs, settings.redirects, settings.requestlog, settings.tax, statistics.emaillog, statistics.index
  23. If this file does not exist: /admin_xxx/sources/maintenance.index.inc.php then there is code that assumes what CubeCart is working with is akin to how CC3 and CC4 organized its administrative function files. Thus, a very misleading error message. In /sources/, there should be 43 files, all having the suffix ".inc.php".
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