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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. There is a form validator that could be enhanced to make sure any one selection is not the same as any other selection. There is also the idea of making that option as a set of checkboxes (there would need to be a custom layout) where any five can be checked. But CubeCart is not yet fully coded to show checkboxes. There is also the idea of a single text field where the numbers can be entered, separated by a space, comma, or dash (there would need to be a custom verification), where the label says "Enter five different numbers between 1 and 70". (I think this is the easiest.)
  2. There is a choice to make when using CBurst: Keep all the assigned images (Main_images_1 through Main_images_7), and not use the 'image per option' feature, or Assign only Main_image_1 (gold star), allowing to use the 'image per option' feature. After changing which images are assigned to the product, click CubeCart's Clear Cache button.
  3. Is this still the problem of showing the designated image that is assigned to a specific product option? This is a recent feature of CubeCart's core code, where probably only the Foundation skin has been enhanced to display this feature. Please post a web address where we can see the problem.
  4. "All skins"? It looks like Foundation is working. The "Girl Engine Grey" selection shows an image of a figure that looks grey, and the "Girl Engine Blue" selection shows an image of a figure that looks blue. "unable to update the corresponding product images" I see that the product above still have secondary images assigned. If you un-associated all the secondary images and saved the changes, please be sure to have CubeCart clear its internal cache.
  5. From what I see, the CBurst "View Product" page will show a "Swipe Gallery" if there are more than one image assigned to the product. (This is not where images can be assigned to options.) If there is only one main image assigned to the product, there is no gallery. (The images posted above suggest there is more than one image assigned to that product.) Try assigning only one image to this product. Then there will be no gallery. Then selecting an option should show the image assigned to that option.
  6. There used to be a plugin that gave the admin a link placed at various locations around admin that would bring up an email editor to compose an ad hoc message and send it off. Unfortunately, the plugin author is no longer listed in the Marketplace. Since there was a plugin, this is not a stock CubeCart feature, and it has not been implemented as such.
  7. If I read the original post correctly, what was wanted is a very recent feature where a specific image gets displayed when a corresponding option is chosen.
  8. Due to security measures implemented on these forums, I cannot post the code changes needed. Please send a Private Message with your email address and I will attach a text file with the code edits. Also, you might be interested in the "Magic" series of plugins shown in the CubeCart Marketplace.
  9. From what I see, the CBurst "View Product" page will show a "Swipe Gallery" if there are more than one image assigned to the product. (This is not images assigned to options.) If there is only one main image assigned to the product, there is no gallery. (The images posted above suggest there is more than one image assigned to that product.) So, there are edits that need to be made to the skin so that "Images Assigned to Options" feature will work. But not on a Gallery. I will post what those edits are soon. (There also seems to be a problem with some CSS code bleeding over into the Short Description area.)
  10. The stock code shows there should be four closing </div> tags, but three makes the structure work. Which means, in addition to the extra </div> mentioned above, there might be a missing opening <div> tag somewhere.
  11. I see that you have taken the Search bar out of the code. However, it seems there is a closing </div> tag that didn't get removed. So, compare with the saved original versions of the main.php and box.search.php templates to determine where a </div> did not get deleted. Also, check the main.php template. Near the bottom, there should be: {include file='templates/ccpower.php'} </div> </div> {include file='templates/element.markup.json-ld.php'} Either the two </div> tags are missing in this template, or they are missing in the ccpower.php template. And something is still off.
  12. Please become familiar with the File Explorer in your CPanel control panel. There will be a folder named 'public_html' (or maybe 'doc_root'). That should be where the CubeCart code is at. Take note if there are more than one folder that starts with admin, and/or more than one script file that starts with admin.
  13. The web server responds with indications that the web server is Apache, and PHP is 7.4.33. Please visit your site's control panel (Cpanel?) and use its File Explorer to view the files and folders of your site, and also the contents of ".htaccess". There are some statements that must be present concerning the rewrite engine. Then, you need to have your hosting provider make sure that the virtual host file for your site has enabled the mod_rewrite module, and that there is a statement that gives permission for directives in ".htaccess" to overrule directives in the virtual host file.
  14. Having a problem replying. Having upgraded to CC653, there may be more than one script file that starts with admin. Please verify.
  15. Ok, that's all good. Coming from CC5, you may be used to using /admin/index.php. This is no longer valid. You say you get the admin login screen, so you must be using /admin_aBcDeF.php. The hash is random characters. May we have a web address to explore?
  16. Please verify the actual version of PHP your site is using. CubeCart 6.5.3 must run under PHP 7.4 or later - preferably PHP 8.2. If PHP 7.3 or less, CubeCart should halt immediately and issue a notice about the PHP version.
  17. Pulling from supplers' inventory feeds, or accepting push feeds, I don't think has been developed. Although the latest versions of CubeCart have implemented a cron-based API to (currently) pull currency exchange rates, clear CubeCart's internal cache, and a means for plugins to have their hooks triggered. The task here is to get the specifics of what product details and in what format the pull or push file needs to be. Sending order details (by email) to suppliers for dropshipping has been done. (However, there are features not developed that would make this plugin more comprehensive, such as push notifications back to CubeCart that the dropship has been shipped.)
  18. This module hasn't been updated for PHP 7.4+. Using a programmer's text editor, make the following change: In the module's file ccss.class.php, at line 186, find: $ccss_count = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_ccss_integrity'); $count = count($ccss_count); if ($count > $per_page) { Change to: if ((($ccss_count = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_ccss_integrity')) !== false) && (count($ccss_count) > $per_page) ) { A bug report will be posted.
  19. This is the email sent to the admin for a new order? Bring up that template for editing. If you are using CC648 or later, you will be using a code editor. Earlier than CC648, you will be using a WYSIWYG editor that must be switched to Source mode. At about the 24th line: Find: {/if}{$SHIPPING.line1|capitalize}<br> Change to: {/if}<span style="{if $SHIPPING.line1 != $BILLING.line1}color:red;font-weight:bold;{/if}">{$SHIPPING.line1|capitalize}</span><br> Save and make a new order to see what the result is.
  20. The CKEditor is still included with CubeCart (so far). It is used when designing Newsletters, composing the Offline and Copyright content in Store Settings, and composing the product, category, and document descriptions. So, if one really wants to use CKEditor for editing email templates, a simple edit to an admin skin template would do that.
  21. With CC648, the email template editor was switched from the CKEditor4 to the ACE editor. There are various reasons for this, and significantly is that CKEditor4 has presented various problems dealing with Smarty syntax. Moving to CKEditor5 would probably not solve those issues. The Plain Text Content tab does not use an editor. Here, a simple textarea accepts content that respects line endings and spaces. On the HTML Content tab is a Test button that gives you a look at what the HTML content looks like when rendered in a browser (or email reader), except, of course, the Smarty syntax and macros makes it look a bit weird. The unfortunate consequence is that you will need to know HTML coding. Or find and use a third-party WYSIWYG web page builder. With respect to claimed "HTML5-compliant" editors, when Smarty syntax gets involved, the level of compliance goes down the drain.
  22. "and all come up but this one." So, it is not that the product isn't getting added, it is that the product isn't showing up in the list of suggestions. The code that returns suggested products limits the query to 15 records. I suggest that if you know what the target product is, use its exact product code. If that code has dashes in it, the result might be empty. If so, try again. If it still fails, try using a backslash to 'escape' it. For example (if necessary): Product Code: WAN-DER Search for: WAN\-DER
  23. It's a bug. The "uri" column needs to be, and is, UNIQUE (Github issue #3383), but the comparative listing in the PHP script 'maintenance.index.inc.php' still has it as KEY. I will post a bug report. You can ignore this.
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