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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. "the database table" ==> Good, seems to be no problem here. "the language file" ==> I have version 1.0.0 - will need to check version 2.0.0. "other files" ==> Good. I expect to see the email file. But no sub-file for that language. When CubeCart sends an email, does the content of that email appear in either de-DE or fr-FR, or do they, as well, appear in English? Does the admin section appear in English as well?
  2. So, this is from the skin "savonnerieNeptune" - which is based on Basix, and has had no customizations made to it. Then, we need to find why the Smarty variable $LANG has arrays that are not correct. Please use an external database utility to directly view the table CubeCart_lang_strings. (Your hosted account's control panel should have phpMyAdmin to do this.) How many rows of data are there, and if there are any, do the phrases in the 'value' column not match the language code in the 'language' column? Please examine the file in /language/ folder named 'de-DE.xml'. Please post the first 40 lines into a code window. Is there any other file in the /language/ folder that has de-DE in the filename?
  3. CubeCart should load the language strings from definitions.xml (which are UK-based), then overload that array with strings found in the chosen language pack. (Note that the "en-US.xml" file has only five strings for common US terms.) The language packs are not kept up to par as new strings are added to definitions.xml (for new features). But more than 99% of the language strings are common all the way back to CC5 - so, very nearly all of present-version CubeCart should show the correct language strings. One would need to do a deep dive into the CubeCart code to see if/where the problem lies. I see that your skin (savonnerieNeptune) is derived from Basix. Please post the contents of the skin's template "box.search.php" (use a code window - the <> tool on this editor will show a code editing box).
  4. Normal emails? If the admin, Store Settings, Advanced tab, Email section, "Sending Method" is set to PHP mail() function, but the server, where CubeCart is installed, does not have an email program installed (SendMail, QMail, etc), then PHP may not have the means to properly inform the script that sends the commands to that email program that the mail() command was executed, but nothing was available to respond to that command. Thus, CubeCart assumes all went well. But if the "Sending Method" is SMTP, and you have the proper credentials to use that external SMTP server, then failures would be reported properly.
  5. Verify that the live server is running a web server that understands the .htaccess file. Apache, of course, and I think there is one other (but not Nginx). Even if the web server understands the .htaccess file, the web server needs to be configured to allow the directives in it to "override" any similar or default settings in the web server's main configuration file -- usually the main configuration file is not accessible by anyone other than the server admin. The main configuration file will have a directive similar to "Allow Overrides" - check with your hosting provider. Then, even if that is good, the .htaccess file must have appropriate directives for URL rewrites, and the web server must have the "mod_rewrite" extension installed. If, when copying the files from local to live, the "hidden" file .htaccess (because it has a leading period) may not have transferred. Even so, When getting into the admin side of the installation, a check is made for the existence of the .htaccess file, and if missing, will write one out.
  6. You said, "english, french and german are in the json string". I do not see the list of enabled languages as part of the general configuration setting string. In admin, Languages, confirm the Status setting of all installed languages.
  7. Developing on a Windows box provides for the loosening of upper/lower-case lettering constrictions. Windows considers a database table name of cubecart_config the same name as CubeCart_Config. Same for filenames. Not so for any other operating system. So, from a screenshot posted above, $glob['dbprefix'] is an empty string, meaning the names of database tables that are stock to CubeCart must be, for example: CubeCart_access_log. That is, the table name has no prefix, then has CubeCart (with only the two letters 'C' being capitalized), then an underscore, then the rest of the table name is all lowercase. This is the upper/lower-case format that CubeCart will use to construct the query, and any operating system other than Windows will use that exact upper/lower-case format. Using the database utility that your hosting provider has in the hosted account's control panels, manually check and rename all the stock table names as needed.
  8. The screen capture, as you say, seems to show a page request from 'localhost'. So, are we sure that this log entry was databased from the 'live' store? Any entry in PHP's error_log in CubeCart's main folder (as configured in ini-custom.inc.php)?
  9. In the file /includes/global.inc.php: This file may be set as 'read-only'. If so, you will need to clear that setting so that it can be edited. Find the last line: ?> Above that, add this: $glob['safe_mode'] = true; // Set to true to disable hooks and code snippets This error: "Undefined index: DISABLE_BOX_NEWSLETTER" also shows the URL being requested -- an image file: https://localhost/champcotesting/images/source/bisley_workwear_by_pip_logo.jpg Does this image file actually exist? And if not, look in the .htaccess file to determine if there is a rule that is supposed to show the index page if any request results in a 404 Not Found.
  10. If you have the file /includes/global.inc.php-dist, it should have this statement, and others, as an example to use in the actual file /includes/global.inc.php: $glob['safe_mode'] = false; // Set to true to disable hooks and code snippets, 'hooks' to disable code hooks and 'snippets' to disable code snippets I would suggest not providing screen shots, but rather, in phpMyAdmin, click the Copy link of a row, and then paste what was copied into the forum's code edit window (use the <> toolbar button). Do that for several rows.
  11. I am not finding handleError() in CubeCart's code. As for the screenshot, please make the columns wider so that we can see the entire contents. The contents in the 'backtrace' column may need to be shown in a viewer of some sort, as the contents may be lengthy. If you have any plugins, you may need to inhibit those until you can determine if any have a problem with PHP 8.1. Instructions on how to do that are in the file /includes/global.inc.php.
  12. I see. You are still not able to save Store Settings. Please try this: Using the file explorer (a common tool found in the hosted account's control panel of your site), find /includes/global.inc.php. You will need to clear the read-only state of that file. Open that file for editing. At the bottom of the file: Find: ?> Above that, add: $glob['debug'] = true; $glob['debug_ip_addresses = ""; where "" is the IP address of your local Internet connection (www.showmyip.com). This forces CubeCart to use it's debug mode. For every page load, CubeCart will add details that can be used to analyze certain aspects of CubeCart's operations. This debug data will be shown in a browser popup window. Your browser may ask for permission to show this popup. Allow it. (If the popup shows the page content, reload the page. And if using Firefox, you may need to close each popup window as they get displayed before fetching the next page. That's because of an unfortunate feature of Firefox.) So, having done that, have CubeCart show the Store Settings page. Take a quick read through the debug data shown in the popup. Close that popup. On the Advanced tab, make a small change - such as in the Log Retention section, changing the number days to keep for the Admin Activity Log from 30 to 60 days. Save. There should be a new popup showing debug data. There will be two sections: the first is what happened when receiving and processing the saved data, the second when fetching all data to populate the page to be displayed. What is hoped to be seen is how much POST data is being received, and what is being updated in the database. Do not post that debug data in a forum reply as it contains personal info. Instead, send me a PM with the plain text contents of that popup.
  13. Please look in CubeCart's System Error Log for any entries that might pertain to the sending of emails. You may have set CubeCart to use the mail() function in admin, Store Settings, Advanced tab. "Could not instantiate mail function." comes from the PHPMailer library, when it wants to use whatever email service that PHP is told is available on the server - Exim, Sendmail, Qmail, whatever - but that this service has reported it cannot be used. This may be because the amount of emails has hit a limit according to the settings of that email service: quantity per batch, quantity per hour, quantity per day, whatever. CubeCart (from what I can tell) will send a batch of 20 emails pausing 2000 milliseconds between each batch until done (or until something goes wrong.) Please consult with your hosting provider to determine if there are email sending limits being enforced. I do not know of a way to restrict the second sending of a newsletter to only those who it was not successfully sent to.
  14. Yet, it is just a matter of copying the folder from the CC651 package.
  15. No, nothing new here. Again, one of the errors in the above post suggests that you do not have a complete /classes/PHPMailer/ folder.
  16. Again, make sure that the three middle lines all start at column one - no leading spaces.
  17. Ok, nothing wrong in that line. However... In the file class.gui.head_js.php, lines 15-19, there is this: if($module_config['applepay']=='1') { $head_js[] = <<<EOT <script src="https://applepay.cdn-apple.com/jsapi/v1/apple-pay-sdk.js"></script> EOT; } The <<<EOT is called 'Heredoc' text syntax. There are rules for how Heredoc is written: Since you are running PHP 7.2, these lines 15-19 must be written as follows: if($module_config['applepay']=='1') { $head_js[] = <<<EOT <script src="https://applepay.cdn-apple.com/jsapi/v1/apple-pay-sdk.js"></script> EOT; } So, determine if your text viewer is also an editor and if so, make the changes to the above code.
  18. If your site is hosted, your hosting provider should provide a way for you to manage your site - many times with Cpanel. Cpanel has a file viewer tool. Use it to find and view the file /modules/plugins/paypal_commerce/hooks/class.gui.head_js.php. The viewer should show line numbers, so copy the statement at line 20 and paste it in your reply to this forum conversation.
  19. Please let us know the version of the PayPal Commerce plugin. That can be determined by using a text viewer to look at the plugin file config.xml. There will be a statement near line 20 that reads something like: <version>1.8.5</version> Then, look at the plugin file /hooks/class.gui.head_js.php, and let us know what line 20 looks like. Also, let us know the exact version of PHP that is running your site.
  20. Something is throwing an "exception", and maybe CC651 is not getting it logged into the database. Please make this edit in /classes/debug.class.php: Near line 500, find: public function exceptionHandler($e) { $message = "[<strong>Exception</strong>] \t".$e->getFile().":".$e->getLine()." - ".$e->getMessage(); $this->_errors[] = $message; $this->_writeErrorLog($message, 'Exception'); } Change to: public function exceptionHandler($e) { $message = "[<strong>Exception</strong>] \t".$e->getFile().":".$e->getLine()." - ".$e->getMessage(); trigger_error($message,E_USER_ERROR); // $this->_errors[] = $message; // $this->_writeErrorLog($message, 'Exception'); } Near line 480, find: $this->_errors[] = $error; Change to: $error = (stristr($error_string, "[<strong>Exception</strong>]")) ?: $error; $this->_errors[] = $error; When you get the blank screen, maybe now there will be the reason for it in the System Error Log. Also, one of the errors in the above post suggests that you do not have a complete /classes/PHPMailer/ folder. Also, please consider using PHP 8.1 when running CC651.
  21. You said, "When I tried the second fix I noticed that the line numbers were different, however I still applied the fixes." Note that the second mentioned issue in the Github (#2566) had already been applied in CC640. Your screen grab above shows you are running CC651 - so that edit was not applicable. If those "fixes" you made are still in this installation, at the wrong line numbers, you will need to remove them.
  22. The 'errorlog order display" file shows only that a code snippet caused PHP to complain about a "token" that probably was not provided, which somehow triggered a need to log in to admin. Please remind us the exact version of PHP and CubeCart this installation is running (regardless that your "tag line" says CC614).
  23. Could you please read these issues in the Github and determine if anything might apply? Bad tax calculation with absolute option price and tax inc https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/3301 Applied to CC652 (not yet released) Product Options - Bugs with mixture of absolute / non absolute option value https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/2566 Applied to CC640-b1
  24. In admin, Store Settings, Advanced tab, enable Debug Mode and enter your local IP address in the next field (www.showmyip.com). When fetching pages, the browser will want to show a popup window. Allow it to do so. This window will show certain debug info, including the cookie that CubeCart used to verify the logged-in state of the user. (On page loads, except for Firefox, new debug data is appended to the end of the current debug data in the popup.) Compare the debug info between a successful login on Chrome versus an apparent failed login on Edge.
  25. Please try logging out (no guarantees). http://www.mystore.com/admin.php?_g=logout using the appropriate name for your store and using the appropriate name for the admin script. This might clear out some cookies. Otherwise, try deleting cookies for your domain, or try a different browser/computer, or try a "private" browser tab (gets fresh cookies).
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