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  1. Hi bsmither, One of my clients is still running with a V5 skin (although the site itself is V6.1.14) so I would be very interested to read your instructions. Can you let me know how to get them? Thanks!
  2. This is all great info and I think I've got the hang of product options. However, I can't see the options matrix table. I have selected status and options matrix checkboxes and then clicked on 'save and reload' but the matrix just doesn't come up. I've tried several different configurations and it still doesn't show up. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Sorry for hijacking this thread btw but I thought the info would be useful here. Mod please delete if you disagree. T
  3. Hi, I have looked all over and can't seem to find a solution for this in Version 6. What I need is a way to automatically sort the product options in admin so that they are displayed alphabetically. I know we can use the 'grab handle' and move them up and down etc, but this can get complicated when there are a hundred attributes. Is there a way to have them ordered alphabetically by default?
  4. That's a shame because I like CubeCart. I guess I'll have to look elsewhere :-( Thanks!
  5. Hi, I have done some searching and can't find a suitable answer to the question of whether CubeCart can handle recurring payments. I know that Paypal has the facility so wondered whether this could be integrated? Or would another payment gateway be more suitable? The business is UK based. My client wants customers to be able to create a customised gift hamper, similar to http://www.mycavebox.com/ in concept but with different products etc. The idea is that they could sign up for a regular delivery of their chosen items. Any help or advice will be much appreciated. T
  6. Thanks for the reply. It looks like the issue has been fixed in V6.0.4 :-)
  7. Hi, Cubecart V6.0.2 There appears to be a bug in the product display price (id="ptp") when using negative values for product options. The final price is calculated correctly at the cart but the option value is added to the display price rather than subtracted. For example; if I have a product with a price of £10 and I then create a dropdown list of size options with the smallest sizes having a product option value of negative £2 and the largest sizes having a product option value of £2, BOTH will be displayed as £12 rather than £8 when selecting the smaller option and £12 for the large. I hope I've explained it clearly enough. Any help or advice would be much appreciated. T
  8. Hi, I have been searching all over but can't seem to find a suitable mod for this. Basically, I would like to password protect a category so that only people with the required password can view the products within that category - it will become a sort of 'members area'. All other categories will be viewable by anybody as normal. Does anybody know if this can be done or if there is already a mod available? Any help or advice will be most appreciated. T
  9. I know we are up to V5 now and there is little interest in V3, but I would love to solve this one :-) Ok, I have found the file that needs editing, it is admin/products/index.php and the lines that need attention are: <?php for ($i=0; $i<count($categoryArray); $i++){ ?> <option value="<?php echo $categoryArray[$i]['cat_id']; ?>" <?php if(isset($results[0]['cat_id']) && $categoryArray[$i]['cat_id']==$results[0]['cat_id']) { echo "selected='selected'"; } ?>><?php echo getCatDir($categoryArray[$i]['cat_name'],$categoryArray[$i]['cat_father_id'], $categoryArray[$i]['cat_id']); ?></option> <?php } ?> Unfortunately I have little experience with PHP so I'm stuck for now :-( If I work it out I'll post the solution here, but in the meantime if any kind soul knows could you give us a clue? T
  10. Was there ever an answer to this one? If I just knew which file to edit it would be a start :)
  11. I recently updated Hoylake Golf Store from CC3 to CC4 and gave it a new lick of paint. Starting with the KitaBlue skin, I changed to a fixed width and moved a few things around. The process was a very useful learning experience and I now have a more solid understanding of CubeCart skins. Check it out at www.hoylakegolfstore.co.uk T
  12. Wow! I love your re-design. It looks very contemporary and I wouldn't have guessed it was based on the CubeCart platform. T
  13. Thanks for the link Mike T - it's something that could be worth considering.
  14. So, to sum up: Provided the client can take responsibility for checking email order notifications CC4 could be suitable? T
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